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This user's image description contains 7 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. deleted23328924
    • account closed
    • 48 kudos
    It's so good to see you here again, my beloved Kerriner!
    Your wardens are all so amazing and interesting! You have such a great skill in creating characters, I love all of them ( and their stories ) - especially the siblings and Calion!
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Awww, thank you so much, dear Barlet! I'm glad that you like my stories and characters! Because I enjoy very much your stories and characters as well <3
      It is good to back. I wasn't here much because of so many things going on, I was a bit here to endorse some pics, but I think I was away from DAI section, it's been such a long time since I played the game. But I guess I will have more time now to be here more.
  2. SassySera
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    These are the best characters I've ever seen! Kahlan is amazing and I think I have a crush on Aramis lol... I wish these were presets. Anyways, awesome job.
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Aw, thank you so much for your kind words!
      Kahlan was my first warden a long time ago. And when toolset was released and I started modding my game, I could improve her appearance a lot. I'm glad that you liked her. And Aramis is my first male Cousland.
      Well, it may sound selfish, but I don't know if I would feel well to share these characters, because they are from my story. I have this headcanon that sometimes I write about them. And because they don't look like that as preset. I created them on Toolset and depending on the options I used on the Toolset, it doesn't look the same in CC. I don't know why. It happens especially with my male characters. I used only their mor file. I may consider share some of my other characters, though. Since I love create characters. hehe But for now I'm playing only Mass Effect.
      Thank you again!
  3. deleted6317247
    • account closed
    • 39 kudos
    All of them are really beautiful. My favorite is of course your warrior queen.
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Thank you so much for the kind words, Nighty!
      I'm glad that you like them, especially of my warrior queen. Also, I need to continue her playthrough to have more pics and story of her and of the other characters as well.
  4. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 284 kudos
    Very nice Dani. Great shots of your characters.
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Thank you very much, Andy! It means a lot.
  5. Kajana
    • premium
    • 180 kudos
    Very nice!

    I am so jealous of people who can make beautiful morphs! Such an art to it.

    BTW, what hair does you Kahlan Amell have in the pic? It is lovely and it's different than what she had before.
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Thank you so much, Kajana! It means a lot
      Oh, but you can make art with your wonderful mods! I can't play my game without them anymore. Also, when I return to DAO again, I will try your new Alistair's romance mod.
      It is one of Risi's port and you can find here: http://mrs-risibisi.tumblr.com/post/148660877874/look-hair-hair-dumpmore-look-hair

    2. Kajana
      • premium
      • 180 kudos
      You're welcome!

      Well, thank you!

      And when you do get around to trying it, make sure to let me know what you think!

      Thanks for the info.I will go get that right now!
    3. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Oh, I will let you know! I can't wait to try it and I'm sure I will love it.
      You are welcome! Risi's ports are amazing
  6. makara5656
    • premium
    • 136 kudos
    Hmm, your works and styles are familiar. lol
    nah probably just my imagination.
    Nice images btw. You made them seems like in current gen graphic.
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      You probably saw them before, there was a time that I was posting here quite a lot. hehe
      But I will probably not be posting here as I used to.
      Thank you very much! Glad that you liked the pics. It is thanks to the Dragon Age - Lighting Enhanced, this mod is amazing!
    2. Nightwishmaria
      • account closed
      • 47 kudos
      Hey Ker, sorry, which version of Lighting Enhanced are you using?
      Cause I have it too but my pics do not look so bright and pretty.
    3. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Hey Maria. To be honest, I'm not sure which version I'm using, because I think I tried many versions of this mod and it's been a while since I played the game or even load the game. But I think it is the Dale Neutral Preset (Sweet FX Only), I think that was the last one that I tried and because I'm usin only the Sweet FX version, because the ENB version has some bugs in my game that annoys me, not something big, but still annoys me. I think the brightness in my pics it is because I edited it a bit, I didn't mentioned it because it is not a big deal, since I use Picasa or Photoscape to do it. hehe This time I used Picasa to increase brightness and then I used a bit of the Orton's style effect on Picasa too. Two clicks. hehe
      And I think your pics look so amazing!
    4. Nightwishmaria
      • account closed
      • 47 kudos
      Aw thank you <3
      Actually I've got an issue with my monitor which is that it's not Full HD
      (yeah, I know. Don't wanna talk about it ) and sometimes when
      I increase brightness, it might look nice to me but when I see it to another
      PC it looks too bright or not good, so I try to keep them a bit dark.
      That's why I asked, hoping it could help me. Anyway thanks for the reply.
      Your pics look wonderful
    5. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Oh, I understand. Well, I hope it can help or that you can find something to help you.
      But don't worry, your pics are amazing!
  7. Nightwishmaria
    • account closed
    • 47 kudos
    Oh! I've missed these guys and their beautiful stories!
    Such wonderful characters, all of them!
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Thank you very much, Maria! Glad that you like them and their stories too.
      Well, I missed them a lot too, it's been a while since I played or wrote about them. I will probably return to them soon. I miss DAO. hehe
  8. laurenamell
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Wonderful caharacters!
    1. Kerriner
      • member
      • 109 kudos
      Thank you so much! Glad that you like them.