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About this image

I'm so proud of this one. It comes from the IRS-A mod, but actually comes at the end of one of the sex cut-scenes, where they're already dressed again. I just made sure they were already undressed when Rani approached Alistair, so this part would occur without clothes too.


  1. Samarra1510
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Beautiful shot, Rani looks very happy!
  2. kowalski99
    • premium
    • 263 kudos
    40000(!) views!
  3. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 283 kudos
    Hey, these muffins are your work, Qess!!
  4. Qessanea
    • premium
    • 130 kudos
    I'm populaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr! No, the Nexus has been doing very strange things for a while now, it seems. Keeps logging me out, avatars keep changing, unlikely numbers of views on images, the 'new recently' mod category seems to update only every week rather than every day.

    Thank-you everyone for your kind words and endorsements -- much appreciated

    And no-one ever accept a muffin with raisins from Risi!!!!!!
  5. WardenWade
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Oh, you should definitely be proud! This is a wonderful image you've captured, Qessanea! There is so much emotion here...Rani looks lovely!
  6. Naktis
    • account closed
    • 74 kudos
    Can I get some of those muffins with raisins? Pretty please. ^_^

    As for the image very nice work, Qess! I've been using this mod myself but never thought about removing their armors to get the best of these poses. xD *runs off to take some screens*
  7. aijase
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    beautiful intimate image!
  8. Risibisi
    • premium
    • 283 kudos
    Ah, I forgot to say: Of course, the bug is at one of Qess's pics!... Miss Lady Bug!
  9. zeroxee
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    OMG.... 29 412 views..... O_O

    @Kowalski: Do not trust Risi and Qess with the muffins!!!
  10. kowalski99
    • premium
    • 263 kudos
    Selfmade muffins with raisins?!Me too please....yummy...