Dishonored 2 vol 1

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This user's image description contains 19 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Karna5
    • premium
    • 304 kudos
    Yeah, Dishonored and its sequel are fantastic games. My girlfriend and I both compare other game to it from time to time. But your photography is phenomenal! These images are so beautiful and captivting! :)
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      Thanks a ton my dear friend!
      I am glad we share the same opinion about these games because they are really awesome!
  2. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    Wow, looks interesting and teasing ... if I would have mor time, I would give this game a try because it looks atmospheric
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      It is very atmospheric indeed!
      I suspect you would like this game!
      Thanks a lot dear Heike!
  3. lesjones
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    This looks like a very darkly intriguing game, Michael mate, and your images are fabulous. The graphics are fantastic old mate!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      As i said to Larys, it's an alternate dystopian past with many Victorian age vibes!
      Thank you so much for the kind words Les!
  4. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,118 kudos
    Looking fantastic Michael :))
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      I fully agree with you Izzy
    2. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      Thank you so much Izzy and Frank!
  5. blu377
    • supporter
    • 189 kudos
    I really enjoyed both of these games. Thank you for the nostalgia trip with your gorgeously atmospheric shots
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      And how could you not? I mean Dishonored series is really great!
      Happy to give you good memories Rob!
  6. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 130 kudos
    It's so nice seeing Corvo and Dunwall again and as always you showcased this fab game in such an amazing way
    This classic jam goes so nicely with these fantastic shots and ya gave me such good memories when ya started showing me pics of your adventures in this game.
    Really glad ya enjoyed it and this was another brilliant set from ya bro
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      Thank you so much for the kind words bro!
      Corvo sends his regards too although he was petrified for the most part!
      I realized that i somehow retraced your gaming steps, playing certain games lately!
  7. Krysos1962
    • member
    • 141 kudos
    I also played both parts and really devoured them, Michael! Great and clear recordings that bring back many memories for me.
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      I am glad to bring back good memories to you Juergen!
      It's really a very interesting game series!
      Thank you for the visit my friend!
  8. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    I played the game through -- both characters -- several times and enjoyed the challenges it presents very much. Great pix. I especially like the last one.

    Long time since I've heard that PF -- good selection.

    I thought I posted some pix here. I guess not. Well, here's one I liked.

    With a painterly filter.

    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      PF are not easily forgotten!
      I didn't play it with both chars but i plan to at some point.
      Thank you Laird! You can share your images in my posts' comments if you want. I plan to post a few more sets and i would love to see your works on this! Btw beautiful painterly filter in that one!
  9. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 480 kudos
    Awesome atmosphere in this set, bro! Love all those pics but this second in the description called my attention for more time. All the elements are very interesting, from the little light coming from the window and this painting in the right. Colors are also perfect in all of them!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      I am not sure if you would like the game as a whole but i think you would love the aesthetics of it!
      An alternate dystopian past with Victorian age vibes which would surely remind you of Penny Dreadful at some points!
      Thank you so much sis!
  10. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    I have this game in my library, bought it on Steam special a couple of years ago.
    I will have to install and play, as these screens look great bro!!
    1. Olympus2917
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      I advise you to do it at some point bro! 
      I think you will like the atmosphere and the gameplay!