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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    I see that xxray plays this game a lot also. I was just reading a review of it. Sounds interesting -- stealthy, sneaky assassin. Not sure why supernatural magic is needed though.
    1. Dazaster
      • premium
      • 414 kudos
      At the beginning of the game your character(playing as Emily) will be given a choice of whether or not to have magic. So you could play it as a pure sneaksie killsie, but then you'd be missing half the fun.
      I loved the first game, but, I'll be honest, I've had this second one for a long time, always got to a certain point and gave up. Started it up again this week purely to see how it looked with Gshade and.. something clicked and I enjoyed it, finally finished it, now starting a New Game +.

      New Game + is.. different than other games because of the magic. In D2, you can play as either Corvo or his daughter and they have differing powers, but in NG+, all the powers are available to whichever character.

      Also.. the magic is more about adding to stealth mode, and getting about. There are none of the usual fireballs/electrify/freeze spells.