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DaggerFall in 2023 I have never played this before and I am hooked. Playing the free version of Daggerfall with Unity V.0.14.5 with hand selected Mods for upgraded retro style graphics. Khajiit Rouge/Thief build. Character creation, first dungeon and a trip to Gothaway Garden. I have tweaked my graphics and mods to give Daggerfall a darker more thrilling experience and well as add more content quests and immersion. I feel this is the best way to experience the classic gem. I have tried the D.R.E.A.M graphics overhaul and feel like it is better with just retro expanded textures.

Note: I called the personality main skill perception in this video my bad.

HUGE SHOUTOUT to the mod community for making this possible!!! 

If you use any of their mods and like them please leave them an endorsement on the Nexus!

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Mod List :
Arena-Style Flavor Text -by- Kab the Bird Ranger and Cliffworms
Banditry and Travelling Merchants -by- imsobadatnicknames
Basic Magic Regen -by- Kirk O
Basic Roads -by- Hazelnut
Bestiary -by- Shapur
Better Ambience -by- Joshua Steinhauer
Bloodfall -by- SquidKidKamer
Corrected Bow Textures -by- Reconsile
Convenient Clock -by- Uncanny Valley
Darker Dungeons -by- Ralzar
Daggerfall Expanded Textures -by- FireFlyness
Detailed City Walls -by- Cliffworms
Daggerfall music -by- Pieces of 8-bit
Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack 1 -by- JayH2971
Distant Terrain -by- NystulTheMagician
Diverse Weapons -by- realakp
Dungeon Loot -by- Ralzar
Dynamic Skies -by- carademono
Daggerfall Enemy Expansion -by- kaboissonneault
Enemy Health Bar -by- Neggyton
Finding my religion -by- Cliffworms
Fixed Desert Architecture -by- Cliffworms
Fixed Dungeon Exteriors -by- Cliffworms
Harvestable Crops -by- Lacus97
Hotkey Bar -by- Macadaynu
HUD Torch Indicator -by- AverniteDF
Improved Interior Lighting -by- ShortBeardDFU
theJF Quest Pack -by- Freyr99
Jobs of the Thieves Guild -by- Cliffworms
Lagless -by- JohnDoom
Leveling Inspiration -by- Cliffworms
Lively Cities -by- Cliffworms
Loading Screen -by- Lacus97
LowPolyTrees -by- SquidKidKamer
Mountains and Hills -by- Uncanny_Valley
Nine's Cathay -by- FireFlyness
Real Grass -by- Lacus97
Pixelated Grass for Real Grass -by- haloterm
Power Struggle -by- JohnDoom
Quest Offer Locations -by- Macadaynu
JayH's Random Little Quests -by- JayH2971
Readied Spellcasting Hands -by- jefetienne
Rest Warning If Unwell -by- Magicono43
SIGIL - Wilderness Encounters -by- AzimovYuri88
Skill Books -by- Ralzar
Skyrim's Adventures -by- Cliffworms
Sneak and Crouch Combined -by- jefetienne
Stealthy Thief Quests -by- imsobadatnicknames
Temples Cure Poison -by- Magicono43
Town Descriptions and Details -by- imsobadatnicknames
Town Graveyard Dungeons -by- Cecell
Town Greetings of the Illiac Bay -by- Cliffworms
Training Services Overhaul -by- Magicono43
Transparent Windows -by- Macadaynu
Travelling alchemists -by- imsobadatnicknames
Travel Options -by- ajrb
Unofficial Block Location and Model fixes -by- XJDHDR
Uncanny Interface -by- UncannyValleyX
Usable Starting Equipment -by- Ralzar
Vampiric Options -by- lonegamedev
Vanilla Enhanced -by- carademono
Vanilla Enhanced, Ninelan's No Nudity -by- carademono & Ninelan
Vanilla Enhanced, Terrain Options -by- carademono
Vanilla Normal Mapped - DFU -by- Shapur1234
Viewable Skill Progress -by- Magicono43
Wilderness Overhaul -by- Macadaynu
World of Daggerfall Project -by- kaboissonneault
World Tooltips -by- jefetienne

Those are all the mods included in this playthrough from nexus mods!

I had some graphical errors in this video inside a tavern and am looking to fix this issue and I believe I have found the issue since posting the video which included some loose files from when I had the D.R.E.A.M mod installed, and have corrected my mod list above. My next video will also include a few more mods that I've been interested in.

Future Mods for Daggerfall for my next video include:
Climates and Calories -by- Ralzar
Climates Travel Map -by- SamtheSalmon
Roleplay and Realism -by- ajrb
Roleplay and Realism - Items -by- ajrb
Taverns Redone -by- Uncanny_Valley

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