Custom made face

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i made this face by downloading the Todd Howard face re-placer mod then going in paint 3d and putting Todd Howard in one canvas while i make the face in another one then i started dropping pictures of dagger-fall faces in the empty canvas there then using the magic select tool to take mouths/ears/hair/eyes/Accessory then putting them together and used the group tool to stitch it together then pasting it in the canvas where Todd Howard is then i started putting it directly over Todd Howard's face then erasing Todd Howard and then save it over where Todd Howard used to be in the textures folder [this face took me a long time to make and i have put in maybe 10-20 hours practicing over the past 3 weeks so if u want to make your own custom faces its hard]

Edit: i forgot to mention but the thing in his eye is a key, i thought it was cool since i am about to make a character with his face that will be a thief


  1. olrox223
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    let me know if i should post more
  2. Oblib
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Hi there !

    Did you have trouble making it ? I’m trying to do the same, but even when customizing the same face/file as the one used on my character, once ingame it’s blurred, distorted… What am I doing wrong ? ^^
  3. KevinLoryanSayrov
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    man thats so cool i 
    wanted to play has a old wizard with a long beard but i think anyone did a mod that actually add new faces to the game
    1. olrox213
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      hey its me (the creator of the post, im on a different account now) ill be happy to make you something like that but i don't have any experience with making anything for anybody before but i will see what i can do.