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About this mod

Borderlands 2.5 is a fresh experience for Borderlands 2, providing character overhauls, gear overhauls, reworked enemies and much more!

Permissions and credits

What is Borderlands 2.5?

Borderlands 2.5 is a mod, created to give Borderlands 2 a fresh experience, finding new loot all over again, fighting reworked boss fights and having completely overhauled characters.

Borderlands 2.5 is by no means complete yet, and there's still a bunch of changes to come! If you want to keep updated with Borderlands 2.5, talk, send feedback or just talk, be sure to join our discord server!

There is no changelog for 2.5! This is intended, we want people to play it like it was Borderlands on release again, figure everything out on their own, what do the weapons do? What loot does said boss drop? and much more! However, we do have sheets, here's some sheets you can take a look at (which does include changes)

Class Mods
Gun Parts
Skills / Skill Trees

What can I expect from Borderlands 2.5?
  • Difficulty rework
  • Character overhauls
  • Reworked bosses
  • Reworked gear
  • New Loot and Reworked Loot
  • Quality of Life changes
       And ofcourse, many more other changes!


Lead Designers/Modders: B33PB00PJOE, MikeyRay, Umnei
Modders: Battle Bee, Sheep, Orudeon, Aaron0000
Playtesters: A Duck, Paul, Ytiev, Hydrattler, Gibus, Oxyopidae, IceMagma, Vibrii, Arc666, Gunmoku, Shadowevil

UCP Team: 55tumbl, Aaron0000, Adudney, AngrierPat, apocalyptech, B33PB00PJOE, Dave Rabbit, empireScum,
                          Ethel, FromDarkHell, Hydrattler, Jim Raven, Kazy, Kumakobi, laxlife, LightChaosman, MegaCyber,
                          MikeyRay, mopioid, Orudeon, Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell, SentySent, SirUmnei, Freya, the_Nocturni

FromDarkHell: Cutscene Disabler, Gunless Gunzerk
Kumakobi (Koby): Allowing us to use the Loot Pools from Reborn
Tumbl55: Hyperius / Vorac health fix
LightChaosman: Offhand Amp Fix

Known issues

    1. Maya & Krieg have weird interactions with their built-in effects not working (Phaselock going to other enemies, Bloodlust), this seems to be only the case when you just unlock your action skill. The only known fix is save quitting - we're looking into this!

How to install
If you already have BL2 mods installed, all you have to do is put Borderlands 2.5 in your Binaries folder. If not, read below.

Currently, the Hex-Editing of BLCMM is broken, please watch this video to know how to hex-edit after the UHD patch: (Video to fix hex-editing after UHD)
Hex-Multi Tool: Nexus Page (this is required to hex-edit)
BLCMM: Video about BLCMM (this is required for anything else, such as configuring mods)

Incompatibility List

Quality of Life mods work, the rest wont. However do note that there's no "hard" compatibility, everything can be made compatable but this mod is supposed to be played standalone. By adding extra mods you can expect unintended behavior or even instabilities.




  • Fixed some things not being categorized in the file properly
  • Removed Extra Spawns due to issues introduced because of the new DLC.

Vault Hunters:

  •  Fixed an issue that made it so Gemini didn't boost the Turret's duration

  • Life Tap nerfed from 0.8% per point to 0.3% per point
  • Ward Shield Recharge Delay from -10% per point to -8% per point
  • Scourge Damage Nerfed

  •  Fistful of Hurt from 10x Damage to 6x

  •  Bloody Blade from 0.8% Lifesteal to 0.3%
  •  Light the Fuse Damage Nerf
  •  Shredded Swiftness 10% Movement Speed to 6% Movement Speed per point

  • Changed Charged Shot's new particle effect to actually unload unused Emitters completely, this is done to hopefully fix an issue with BL2 that's already in the base game that makes Interspersed Outburst (Charged Shot) crash your game.
  • Special Ingredients Electrical Burn Chance from 7% to 6%
  • Special Ingredients Incendiary Burn now deals 80% damage instead of 120%
  • Supercharged Circuits from 0.2% per point to 0.1% per point
  • All of Supercharged Mags' stats from 6% to 5%

Gear/Loot Changes:

Because of a massive update to gear, the loot changes for this patch will be tied together so things will be more clear and less confusing.
The goal of this update is that we felt like missions weren't as rewarding due to the fact that you got no special items anymore - which is addressed this update. All mission rewards will be part locked (so you don't have bad rolls) and they will no longer be Legendary rarity. Furthermore, you will no longer have to pick from one or the other reward. If a quest involves 2 people, only 1 of them will have a unique reward.

  • Fixed matching bonuses still existing on some grips.
  • Agni damage nerfed by 78% (this includes the M90 Hybrid)
  • M90 damage nerfed by 35%
  • Talona now consumes 6 ammo per shot
  • Talona 200% Status Effect Damage Nerf
  • Talona 100% Status Effect Chance Nerf
  • Party Popper bullet split time changes. (.4, .6, .8, 1.0 to .4, .8, 1.2, 1.6)
  • Party Popper 120% Damage Nerf
  • Demonic Janus 100% Damage Buff
  • Wrath of Zeus has been removed for now
  • Super Shocker has been reworked due to inconsistensy reasons
  • The Impaler replacement has been named instead of "Placeholder"

The Angelic version of the Janus has been underperforming, so with these changes we'd like to make it a universally better weapon but still the best paired with melee stats/characters.

  • Angelic Janus now costs 3 ammo per shot
  • Angelic Janus damage increased by 200%
  • Angelic Janus from 150 splash radius to 300
  • The splash of the Angelic Janus no longer knocks you or enemies back/around
  • Angelic Janus' bullet is no longer stationary, instead it now slightly moves forward (Speed 1 > 150)
  • Thunderstruck 20% Weapon Damage Buff
  • Thunderstruck 10% Fire Rate Buff
  • Thunderstruck bullets are now slightly faster
  • Thunderstruck is now a Mission Reward from Moxxi in "Safe and Sound"
  • Savage Lee now drops the Dash.
  • Wildcat now properly shows the crit increase on the card
  • Wildcat has been reworked to be more of a Bandit/Maliwan SMG
  • Wildcat is now a Mission Reward from A Real Boy: Human
  • Arguk the Butcher no longer drops the Wildcat
  • Pocket Rocket is now a Mission Reward from Claptrap's "Best Minion Ever"
  • Pocket Rocket 25% Weapon Damage Buff
  • Greed is now a Mission Reward from Clan War: End of the Rainbow
  • Greed Monetary Value Reduced

Unfortunately, shields can't be part locked as easily due to limitations of amount of parts, so shields can't be part locked for mission rewards.

  •  Love Thumper replaced to the Civilian
  •  Civilian is a Mission Reward from Wildlife Preservation

  • Mister Boney Pants Guy can no longer drop the Bunny

In the upcoming updates, we want to make Pearls more accessible from Raid Bosses to reward you. Starting with these changes, every Raid will get dedicated pearls that drop from them in the future.

  •  Boss Loot now drops more loot on the bosses they're assigned to (all main story bosses)
  •  Voracidious now drops the Fleshripper instead of the Mike's Hawk Eye


  • Wilhelm's health reduced by 150%
  • Wilhelm's health increased by 150% in UVHM
  • Jack's Health reduced from 180 > 100 in NVHM
  • Jack's Health reduced from 200 > 150 in TVHM+



  • Might of the Seraphs replaced
  • Big Boom Blaster replaced
  • Order replaced
  • Impaler replaced
  • Nasty Surprise replaced
  • Kiss of Death replaced
  • Supply's description is now properly worded
  • Demoman's skin has gotten some slight adjustments
  • Turbo's Damage buffed by 100%
  • Shield of Sacrifice now properly uses the Legendary Rarity instead of the Signature Rarity
  • Cracked Sash now properly displays the name of the actual shield


We've heard your complaints about the Cult of the Dead and we've been listening! We just want to clear up that they are not corrosive resistant regardless of their "Resist!" text, this is due to limitations. The Cult of the Dead was overperforming in the early game due to no corrosion at the level you encountered them at - with this change, we're aiming to make the Cult of the Dead less annoying in the early game.

  • Nerfed the Cult of the Dead resistances that we're previously 90% to 50%

As we all know, Knuckle Dragger is a joke of a boss and in reality has no point to be farmed since they only give whites and sometimes a legendary. With this change we're aiming to make Knuckle Dragger a more useful boss and also a little bit harder in the later playthroughs.

  • Knuckle Dragger now drops "Boss Loot" in TVHM+
  • Knuckle Dragger now has increased health in TVHM+



There was some confusion about Axton's skills saying "Turret Damage Reduction", so with this change we wanna clear that up.

  • Renamed all of the "Turret Damage Reduction" to "Turret Damage Resistance"


Removed the Solo dropping from the Snowman Head in Tundra Express, it now drops a blue gun.

Bosses feel unsatisfying when killing them due to the lack of loot (in our opinion), with this, we're just updating a bunch of main story Boss Fights (Base Game only for now) to include "Boss Loot". Also, we have added Boss Loot to Son of Mothrakk because Bloodwing is a 1 time kill

  • Boss Loot now has a higher chance to drop more gear.
  • Son of Mothrakk now drops "Boss Loot" instead of Badass Loot
  • Bad Maw now drops "Boss Loot" instead of Super Badass Loot
  • W4R-D3N now drops "Boss Loot" instead of Badass Loot
  • Bewm now drops "Boss Loot" instead of Badass Loot (Boom was excluded due to weird interactions.)



  • Scourge has been altered to no longer "stack". Proccing Scourge now applies an acid cloud that reduces elemental resists by 40% (down from 50%) while it is maintained.
  • The Acid Cloud's stats have been altered to more easily spread in a crowd, as well as scale with other DoT boosts.
  • The stacking noise from the cloud has been toned way down.

  • Removed Aim Steadiness from Expertise due to it causing a crash on character creation / joining a game.



  • FFYL now has its proper sounds again
  • FFYL now has its proper black & grey screen again

  • Jakobs Shotgun Rework - They no longer shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger, their damage got nerfed but their mag size got buffed
  • Because of the Jakobs Shotgun rework, the following Jakobs legendaries have been adjusted:
  • Flintlock Magazine Size Nerfed
  • Jakobs Musket Damage Decreased by 10%
  • Jakobs Musket Magazine Size Nerfed
  • Jakobs Musket now properly shows how much ammo it consumes

  • Bone of the Ancients replaced
  • Skin of the Ancients replaced
  • Blood of the Anciencts replaced
  • Hybrid Percentages Altered, they're now 4% instead of 2% on guns that do not drop guaranteed
  • Coup de Grace can no longer spawn without an element
  • Sanguine Damage Nerfed by 650%
  • Fixed Sanguine not spawning transfusions after a certain distance
  • Added a Curse Text to the Sanguine
  • Added a Curse Text to the Mike's Hawk Eye
  • Nighthawk can now only spawn with a Jakobs Barrel due to a bug occuring where it wouldn't fire anything
  • Dominator can no longer spawn with a Torgue Barrel
  • Dominator Damage Nerfed by 100%
  • Janus reworked, instead of dealing Melee Damage, it will deal the Base Melee Damage of the player except 3 times as strong
  • Guns that use the Railgun Firing Mode can now crit certain enemies it couldn't crit before (they can't bypass shields anymore, but Railguns are getting a rework in the next update)
  • 76 can no longer spawn with the VGrip accessory
  • 76 now works as intended. Previously it only worked with VGrip.
  • Overdrive Cooldown Nerfed
  • Axton's Raid Slayer now properly boosts your Magazine Size
  • Hyperion Snipers got a slight rework/buff. Their mag size was buffed, fire rate was buffed and they now reach their max accuracy much quicker, this applies for all Hyperion Snipers
  • Field Medic now uses percentage based healing
  • Field Medic typo fixed in it's red text
  • Artifacts with healing will now heal you passively instead of when you're out of combat
  • Storm Bolter now properly shows how much ammo it consumes


  • Adjusted Shred values to have a soft-cap of 100 stacks, -2% lowered resistances per stack up from -1%
  • The delay has been adjusted along with the duration to allow many weapons to build and maintain shred.

  • Phaselock should now much more accurately home in on nearby targets instead of getting stuck and dissapearing.
  • The search radius and timer for homing in have been decreased however due to much higher accuracy.
  • Scourge now stacks much more rapidly, applying its special DoT faster.
  • Adjusted Scourge's UI to better reflect the stacking property, similar to Shred.
  • Eridium Burst's Slag Proc now applies properly accross all elements. It only worked on Shock before due to a bug.
  • Combustion also applies to all elements properly due to the same bug.
  • Fixed bugs with Momentum and Energize that granted much more power than intended.
  • Cloud Kill's Particle is now more transparent

  • Increased Troublemaker's Ammo Regen from 2% -> 10% per min

  • Increased Bloodsplosion radius by 25%
  • Fixed issue where Thrill of the Kill would only activate at 100 stacks

  • Fixed bug where blue skills would alter stats beyond normal if 6/5 points or more
  • Enven0m has been altered to apply on Zer0 as a nova. This triggers every time he strikes with melee in Decepti0n.
  • Killer: Gun Damage replaced with Swap Speed
  • F0ll0wthr0ugh: Added Swap Speed, reduced Melee and Gun Damage bonuses

  • Enemies now only have a 10% chance to spawn with a Nova Shield
  • Removed Purple Nova Shields from Enemies

  • Wilhelm's Health Increased
  • Wilhelm's Shield Increased
  • Wilhelm's Melee Attack (Spin) Damage increased
  • Wilhelm's Melee Attack (Spin) Knockback reduced
  • Wilhelm now has a higher chance to drop his legendaries.
  • Killing Wilhelm now gives you greatly increased XP.
  • Assigned "Boss Loot" to Wilhelm. Boss Loot is regular loot, but in greater
    quantities. Overtime we will add this to more bosses in 2.5

  • Jack's Health Value in TVHM+ has been decreased
  • Jack's Wrist Beam Damage has been decreased
  • Jack's Shock Melee Damage has been decreased

  • Assigned Boss Loot

  • World Drop Odds reworked
  • Hyperius can no longer drop the Supernova
  • Vermi now drops a Pearlescent guaranteed
  • The Bulwark now drops the Nasty Surprise
  • H3RL-E now drops the Sanguine
  • Thermitage now drops the Melta Gun
  • Bulstoss now drops the Chaos
  • Der Monstrositat now drops the Impaler
  • The Warrior no longer drops the Chaos or Impaler



  • Piranha Damage nerfed by 100%
  • Increased Super Shocker's Ammo Cost by 1
  • Decreased Super Shocker's Damage by 30%
  • Increased Mamba's Damage by 200%
  • Increased Dragon's Ires Damage by 150%
  • J4k085 has gotten a slight rework, instead of ricocheting it now shoots a Railgun Bullet to the side of your main pellet
  • Increased M90's Ammo Consumption by 1
  • Decreased M90's Damage by 20%
  • Increased Storm Bolter's Ammo Consumption by 2
  • Decreased J4k085's Damage by 15%
  • Increased New Hope's Damage by 20%
  • Increased Wildcat's Damage Over Time damage by 33%
  • Increased Wildcat's Damage by 50%
  • Increased Drago's Damage by 50%
  • Fixed Lynel's Explosion dealing Melee Damage
  • Wildcat will now properly spawn with all the elements



  • C0unter-Strike had an unintended effect where it gave you +100% Gun Damage every point above 5/5, this has been removed
  • Predat0r UI Issues Fixed

  • Removed Cult of the Dead from Southpaw
  • Fixed B33PB00PJ0E's hitbox being wonky with projectiles
  • Buffed B33PB00PJ0E's spawn rates
  • Nova Shields are now less common on enemies

  • Removed Legendary Reward from Talon of God as it may be the cause to crashing
  • Prospector Zeke now drops the Bloodwing instead of the Graviton



  • OP level resistances have been adjusted.
         - Before this patch, enemies would have the equivalent of 58% damage resist at lvl 90
         - After this patch, they have the equivalent of 40%. This adjustment scales with all enemies and OP levels to make it not as obnoxious.
  • Nerfed Vladof Movement speed bonuses due to stacking with other unique items.
  • Nerfed Adventurer Com Movement speed bonuses due to stacking with other unique items.
  • Boosted Axton's Grenadier Com Grenade Damage boost slightly
  • Corrected Steady on coms to Rugged
  • Corrected Auxiliary Power on coms to Auxiliary Aegis
  • The Mamba pistol now has a red text
  • The Scavenger Sniper now has a red text
  • The Torpedo AR now has a red text
  • The Cracked Sash has a proper name and red text. Look out for it!
  • Nighthawk no longer spawns with a Hyperion Barrel due to it making it shoot zero pellets
  • All Loyalist UI issues have been taken care of. This includes the fact that COMs did not display what allegiance they boosted (despite it being in the name) and that people like Krieg showed "Turret" boosts.
  • Reverted Big Pharma's Transfusions to the previous version

  • Fixed crashing happening because of the Butcher & Avenger unloading
  • Moved the Gravitation, Wrath of Zeus and Big Pharma over to the Pearlescent pool instead of the Legendary pool



  • Increased base Sabre Turret health by 50%
  • Increased Shred timer from 14 sec to 15 sec
         - Shred can now proc off of Bullets, Grenades, and Rockets
         - Decreased the delay for getting shred stacks substantially. This allows for fast fire rate guns, and AoEs within Groups to stack very quickly!
  • Crisis Management and Pressure now give a 20% stat passively, and with Lower HP they can scale to 60% values.
  • Advanced Deployment now allows you to throw Grenades in FFYL instead of Against the Odds
  • Against the Odds has been redesigned to work while shields are full instead of when they are down!
         - Movement penalties, as well as sprinting turning off the skill have been removed.
         - Damage, Fire Rate, and Damage Reduction have been boosted to 40% while active.
  • Scorpio's Ammo regen has been boosted from 15%/min to 60%/min to accomodate the uptime.
  • Removed Booster stats from Dahlmination. The Damage and Reload stats have been boosted from 25% to 50%
  • Expertise now grants 75% Aim Speed and Aim Steadiness, 50% movement speed, and 25% accuracy bonuses. No longer grants Crit bonuses.
  • Removed shield cap from Tactical Armor. The values on the special stats have been doubled to 40%
  • Fixed the text on Forbearance and Double Up's skill cards
  • Raid Slayer now properly shows all skills boosted

  • Removed a hidden Crit Bonus on Predat0r. The skill already boosts all damage sources outside of criticals.
  • Lowered OSOK's bonus from 60% to 50%
  • Lowered L0cked 0n's bonus from 50% to 40% (100% / 80% in Decepti0n)
  • F0cus has been reworked to passively stack while you are in Decepti0n and not firing your weapon
         - at 5 stacks, F0cus boosts Gun Damage, Accuracy and Recoil Reduction by 150%
         - F0cus is spent when you shoot while in Decepti0n, but not shooting at all can store stacks for your next Decepti0n
  • Envenom now activates whenever you damage an enemy in Decepti0n, stats adjusted to accomodate for multiple activations

  • Delinquency Stacks now boost DT duration by 0.3 seconds, up from 0.2 seconds.
  • Charged Shot now applies a critical hit debuff behind the scenes to normalize the damage critical charged shots deal after testing.
         - At max charge, a crit will deal 1.25x more damage instead of 2x the base damage. Instead of 20x damage on a CS crit, you now deal 12.5x.
  • Nihlistic Bullets duration readjusted to allow you to react to it.

  • Gunzerking Ammo Regen reduced to 10% / minute
  • Gamechanger Ammo Regen reduced to 1% / minute

  • Fixed Combustion not scaling with certain elements.


  • Fixed Bagman immediately spotting you


  • Included the BL2.5 version in the "Running BL2.5" text in the BAR menu

  • Nerfed Storm Bolter Damage by 110%
  • Fixed Shield Recharge Delay showing +-
  • Fixed Rawhide Rarity being off
  • Fixed Rawhide not selling for the correct amount of money

  • Added Pinball to Mobley instead of a Pearlescent (Oversight)
  • Removed Talon of God rewards as it made everyone give a legendary when you talk to them
  • Pearls can no longer drop under Level 51
  • Signature Weapons can no longer world drop
  • World Drop Legendaries/Pearlescents are less common
  • Rock, Paper, Genocide no longer provides a blue

  • Fixed Ain't Got Time To Bleed (Salvador)
  • All instances of "WeaponBurst" stats in Fire Rate skills have been removed due to weapon interactions. Normal Fire Rate boosts should apply to burst fire guns now.

  • Fixed Kumakobi's and 55tumbl's name in the credits
  • Added extra credits (Oversight, easy to forget)
  • Added a Message to make sure you know that the mod is activated
  • Added an Explosive Emissive (Glow) to Shrapnel Guns
  • Added Lime Money to Optionals, instead of having it enabled by default
  • Fixed Grounded Capacitors having a typo (has 2 dots instead of 1 at the end of the sentence)
  • Fixed a typo with Blood Soaked on COMs (Thanks Shane for the report!)
  • Fixed a typo with Bloody Presence saying Blood Presence on COMs (Thanks Checometer for the report!)
  • Fixed Axton COMs saying it boosts "Tooth and Nail" instead of "Laser Sight" (Thanks Checometer for the report!)
  • Respec is now free
  • Boosted Characters now provide different items
  • Introducing the "Signature" Rarity! This rarity will show players that this gun is a weapon used by a boss in the game. Signature weapons can NOT world drop and can only be obtained from killing said boss with the gun. Signature weapons are a guaranteed drop and by introducing this rarity we aim to make the loot system more like BL1, were guns that certain bosses used can now be obtained by killing them! Also a big thank you to Ytiev and Jerry on the BL2.5 Discord Server for helping me out with the rarity color.


  • Nerfed the Shrapnel Gun (Jakobs Torgue Barreled ARs) by 1 projectile
  • Increased Morita's Damage by 15%
  • Decreased Talona's Damage by 20%
  • Decreased Talona's Damage Over Time by 200%
  • Decreased Talona's Fire Rate by 50%
  • Talona no longer spawns with "Miss Moxxi's" prefix
  • Spark Mouse no longer spawns with "Miss Moxxi's" prefix
  • Decreased Solo's Damage by 40%
  • Solo no longer spawns with "Flynt's" prefix
  • Solo no longer shows that it consumes 1 ammo on the card
  • Edited Bloodwing's Emissive Layer (Element Glow) to no longer have it look like it's Explosive when you have a Non-Elemental version
  • Fixed an issue with the Solo spawning Slag more than intended
  • Solo now has equal percentages for every single element
  • Fixed an unintended typo that makes the Shrapnel have a really high zoom
  • Decreased Tazer's Damage by 120%
  • Decreased Shattered Cannon's damage by 50%
  • Decreased Shattered Cannon's crit by 50%
  • Decreased Pinball's Fire Rate by 30%
  • Decreased Pinball's Damage by 60%
  • Fixed Geras' part weighting not properly working
  • Increased Mike's Hawk Eye's damage by 10%
  • Nerfed Blue Blurr's Movement Speed from 150% to 50%
  • Fixed Gaige's, Salvador's and Zer0's Raid Slayer COMs not boosting 6 skills
  • Fixed all Raid Slayer COMs only boosting to +4
  • Thornlet will now always be at 0 capacity
  • Fixed Basher not spawning in every element
  • Fixed Adrenaline Rush not working for everyone due to an overriding hidden line of code
  • Fixed all Loyalist COM UI issues
  • Loyalist COMs should now all spawn in the manufacturer they represent
  • Fixed A.M.P. spawning in the wrong Legendary rarity
  • Fixed Adrenaline Rush spawning in the wrong Legendary rarity
  • Reworked Ectoblaster
  • Made Eastwood have twice the projectile speed it has
  • Increased Piranha's Fire Rate by 30%
  • Decreased Piranha's Damage by 100%
  • Fixed Trinity's Crit not displaying on the card
  • Gave Big Pharma different Transfusion Projectiles
  • Buffed Nighthawk's Projectile Count
  • Nerfed Nighthawk's Damage by 300%
  • Basher now shows that it consumes 2 ammo per shot on the card
  • Nerfed Basher's Damage by 150%
  • Fixed an issue with Morita's part weighting
  • Eastwood now consumes 3 ammo per shot instead of 1
  • Buffed Buzzsaw's damage by 50%
  • Buffed Buzzsaw's Projectile Count by 1

The following gear changes will delete your gun if you have them in your inventory, no I can't fix this and this is a one time thing:

  • Changed Cerberus' Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Tramp's Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Spark Mouse's Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Armageddon's Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Scrapper's Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Tazer's Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Super Shocker's Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Thunderstruck's Unique Part to the Element
  • Changed Talona's Unique Part to the Element



  • Innervate DoT Duration resistance has been boosted to 15% per point
  • Terr0r's enemy debuff formula has been adjusted to better match the stats on the card
  • Enven0m's radius has been increased by 12.5%, and the DoT damage by 40%
  • Removed the Sniper Critical Hit bonus on Critical Ascension due to a stacking bug. You still gain bonus Sniper Damage on top of the normal stack effect.
  • Fixed a typo in the "Many Must Fall" skill
  • Changed Predat0r to say "deal" instead of "gain" in the skill description
  • Changed L0cked 0n's description to be more clear about what it does
  • Changed Sc0ut to say "Team Critical Hit Damage" instead of "Team Crit Damage"
  • Changed L0cked 0n to say "Critical Hit Damage" instead of "Critical Bonus"
  • Changed the Backstab Particle to be less cluttering (it got really spammy with Kunai)
  • Fixed Raid Slayer not boosting 6 skills


  • Edited Shred's Skill Description to be more clear about what it does
  • Nerfed Expertise's Movement Speed from 14% to 10% per point
  • Nerfed Onslaught's Movement Speed from 12% to 8% per point
  • Fixed Tactical Armor not being boosted instead of Against All Odds
  • Fixed Gemini being boosted instead of Against All Odds

  • Gun Hax no longer says "Same-Type Attack Bonus" and has been reworded to "Damage Bonus"
  • Maximum Effort now properly displays the stats on the card
  • Nihlistic Bullets activation window has been drastically reduced to prevent multiple shots from firing
  • Fixed Raid Slayer not boosting 6 skills


  • Changed Agility to no longer change Burst Fire Rate which made Burst slower.
  • Fixed Time Suspension's Fire Rate Debuff affecting the player. (Thanks Cássio!)


  • Fixed Muchas Municiones removing all your ammo the skill grants you when you enter a vehicle.
  • Fixed Steady As She Goes UI not showing up highlighted
  • Fixed Raid Slayer not boosting 6 skills
  • Fixed Down not Out being bugged if you remove your shield. The skill will now not work at all if you do not equip one like other skills that scale on shields.
  • Fixed a bug with Aint Got Time to Bleed where it could stop giving regeneration (Thanks 6clicks!)
  • Yippe Ki Yay Damage per second reduced to 1%\
  • Fixed Sal's skills boosting incorrectly


  • Buffed Light the Fuse by 150%
  • Clarified that Fuel the Blood's HP Regen only works during Buzz Axe Rampage
  • Clarified that Release the Beast's HP Regen and Shield Recharge Delay only works during Buzz Axe Rampage
  • Fixed a typo in Release the Beast saying "Shield Rechard" instead of "Shield Recharge"
  • Fixed a typo causing Delusional Damage to work with all damage
  • Fixed a typo in Delusional Damage's skill description
  • Clarified that Delusional Damage adds fire damage and does not guarantee ignite (It can ignite, however.)


Reworked Quest Rewards to be more rewarding, the harder the quest, the better the reward. Things such as defeating Jack will now grant you a legendary and the further into the main story the better quality of loot you'll receive.

All loot pools for unique guns are now done, get hunting Vault Hunter!

Side Quests/Mission Rewards are NOT final
Vendors are NOT final


  • Nerfed Warrior's Chest Plates, you now need to deal less damage (still more than vanilla) to break his chest
  • Nerfed Warrior's Health
  • Nerfed B33PB00PJ0E's health
  • Nerfed B33PB00PJ0E's damage
  • B33PB00PJ0E can no longer spawn from a Loot Midget box (or atleast, shouldn't.)
  • B33PB00PJ0E can now world spawn
  • Psychos now only take 30% of the Critical Hit Damage (all psychos)
  • Nerfed Saturn the Ultimate's health
  • Made it so Saturn the Ultimate can take Shock, Slag and Corrosive Damage over Times
  • Introducing the Cult of the Dead - powerful enemies that are armored. They're weak against corrosive. They resist all other besides fire by 50%. They are 90% resistant against fire. Make sure to get yourself a corrosive gun in certain areas! (We will be expanding the enemies throughout the lifetime of 2.5)