Angel in the Red Sky

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My mods for Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night(updated to version 1.31 of the game !):


  1. Estarc
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Wow, what a gorgeous screenshot! I didn't even realise there was such a cool glowing whip to go with your textures! In my defence though I prefer other weapons lol.
    1. ashtar01
      • premium
      • 91 kudos
      I also prefer. Especially the swords! I made this shader just to take screenshots with this whip. It is called Andromeda. The original model is not shiny. I made this shader for him. Here is another image of him:
    2. Estarc
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Yeah, I am a big fan of swords, great swords and katana. Rapiers too! Your version of the whip looks lovely! I feel better now knowing I didn't overlook it.