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About this mod

An partial answer to 'what if REL but Script Extender?'
Now you can customize your own looting adventure: the likelihood, the rarity, the type
Featuring an optional anti-savescumming setting, in-game luck-based insurance policy, P2W gacha, shitty loot trade-in, etc.

Permissions and credits
  • Spanish
Quick answer:
What's the difference between REL and REL_SE ?
Assuming you use the generator with REL:
+ BG3 doesn't have a unique detection system to go along with its treasure tables. This means mods utilising REL and generator is limited in that should an already looted unique item gets called to spawn by the game, it will instead turn up empty. This applies to loots in chests, traders and quest rewards.
+ Loots in a region are generated upon first entering that region, so if the above happens, you don't know which item was drawn twice, thus which container is empty. So even if you reload back before entering the new area, there's no way to tell if the system sucessfully distributed all items to their containers. This is why with a small pool of items, REL users will notices at the end of ACT 2, during ACT 3, that chests, traders , quest rewards and bosses became more likely to not give anything.
+ To add modded items into the game the vanilla style, you must create a new treasure table entry, or call an already existing one, then add those items in while tagging your entry with CanMerge 1 so your table can merge with a table with the same name. There's 2 problems with that: It is hand-picked = user-dependent =/= random, and to make it random neccessitates REL overwriting all records of integrated mods and replace them with those from REL. This is hell for game updates and mod compatibilities, I'll let Paramonov explain further, this is the limit of my understanding regarding REL and vanilla loot system.
Multiplayer viability ?
Read carefully:
I think i found the reason for crashes when you include REL_SE into the load order for MP, as well as temporary solutions, either:
+ uninstall REL_SE, fastest
+ 1 dude runs the generator, then go to BG3 mod folder and find REL.pak to send it to the rest of the MP players
+ Set distribution ratio between REL_SE and REL to be either 100% REL or 100% REL_SE
Permanent fix requires some time
As for the reason, you and your friends do not have identical REL.pak, since the generator split the items between REL and REL_SE randomly. So you force identical REL.pak by either giving all or nothing to REL, or having only 1 person use the generator.

+ If you use Savage Enemy Doubler / Enemy Cloning, boss clones will also trigger REL_SE and items will be injected into them, but somehow you can't loot them. I'm trying to marry the 2 mods or make REL_SE ignore the clones. For now your solutions are:
- Disable cloning on bosses
- Disable Auto Loot while fighting boss clones (if you use Auto Injection Aura)
- Only manually loot the original boss and other mobs+ their clones
+ Works, but in limited capacity with Preemtively Label Containers , REL_SE recognises different containers by their vanilla handle IDs, PLC changes those records -> failure to trigger.  Disabled features: Wardrobe, consumable containers, Chest-specific drop rate, maybe more, but I don't use PLC
I suggest Improved World Tooltips as an alternative.

REL_SE uses an external system to dynamically track items the generator gives to it and generate loot on the spot. The keyword is "items the generator gives to it", because so far there's no way to interfere with or read the vanilla loot generation process.
The tracking is effective across multiple save-load sessions: If you acquire a unique item A from REL_SE, you can still possibly acquire item A using any saves before that point, but not at any point after that. 
-0 chance of duplicates or empty container coming from REL_SE, unless that item is cosmetic (optional).
- Highly customizable setings, allowing the player to adjust how the mod works to fit their playstyle
- REL-compatible mods - compatible, and beyond : As long as the item exists, meant to be used in-game, it can be spawn by REL_SE, regardless of whether the mod it originates from has a treasure table. Like REL.
-The only applicable items are the ones assigned to REL_SE. Built-in items from REL are exclusive to REL and thus are subjected to BG3 limits
- Only affects looting and trading, quest rewards currently cannot be manipulated
- Currently limited to equipments of uncommon rarity and above, in theory it can take common equipment, potions, scrolls, etc, but that requires more robust scripting and changes made to the generator to allow that choice.
- What item REL cannot remove from integrated mod treasure table but gets handled by REL_SE will also gets spawned by REL_SE, once. 
- REL_SE is a little too good at spawning any items, including the ones not meant to be looted by players. Care should be employed when using the generator to limit these occurences by spotting strange items that don't have proper names, or even those that don't but have legit effects.
By installing and using this mod, you (the end-user) hereby consent (non-bindingly) to absolve me (the mod maker) of any liability arising from personal injury or property damage resulting from your voluntary decision to discontinue gameplay (rage-quitting) due to repeated unsuccessful attempts to acquire an item as a direct consequence of  intentionally reducing drop rates to values resembling those commonly found in gacha games. /s /jk

The generator makes REL_SE_Config.txt upon done generating treasure tables. This file is located in AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\Script Extender. Tweak the numbers to your liking.
For MCM -version users, the config file isn't necessary since REL_SE has its own menu with the in-game MCM menu, font size is a bit small though.

Read the article for more information
The default drop rates are arbitraily put, I can only evaluate if they're balanced after a full playthrough, and i have not had one since release of BG3.

Load order: anywhere, this is 99% scripts
Expect bugs, because, you know, ver 1.00, and so far only 2 people has ever test-run it.


How do I know if the mod works properly ?
I'm assuming the total of you tier drop rates (uncommon + ver rare + rare+ legendary) < 100, because otherwise you'd get loot left and right from chest. In that case, check the script extender console, whenever you open a chest and the script triggers, it will tell you the loot name, type and ratity, or it will writes "better luck next time", depending on whether or not the script decides you get an item
Does REL_SE change any vanilla item or mod item placement ?
No, that's 100% a REL feature. REL_SE does not mofify REL or any other mod's treasure table.
This leads to a situation where duplicates occur because the integrated mod adds to a treasure table REL doesn't cover, and REL_SE only make sure items it gives out are unique.
So pick your mods carefully (REL-compatible mods shouldn't have this situation)
Why do authors credit each other ?
Because it'll create a snowball effect where users who know 1 author will be curious about the works of others authors they collaborate with, and with enough momentum we'll have the monopoly on the gaming community of 1 game based on the good works we do as a collective, and then the next, and then the next. From ordinary modders to influential giants.

Actually no, or at least i don't, because it's a pain in my behind. I credit people because I learn from and collabrate with them, and want to thank them for it. 

Thanks to: Rilissimo for generator - REL_SE integration 
Paramonov95 for explanations of REL inner working.
<propaganda begins>

Everybody loves chests (the mod covers more than chests but ok).
Picture, if you would, your party encountering a chest, pristine, untouched by mortal hands. Even if cherished,  its content is all but known even to the least experienced metagamer (assuming you bother to remember which item is in which chest from guides or previous playthroughs). Familiarity breeds boredom, and excitement wanes as predictability reigns supreme. Why bother concocting new strategies when the outcome is etched in stone?
No longer.
The Digital Script Extender Messiah has returned, and He tore the fabric of predictability asunder:
"And lo, I declare unto thee, thou shalt no longer possess the foresight of treasures concealed within chests, the spoils from vanquished bosses, nor the offerings of traders. Rejoice, for I have banished Constancy, that uncertainty may reign supreme."

Loots in these objects and people the Messiah has mention now exist in a state of quantum uncertainty (no Faerun does not have ties with CERN). Even Improved World Tooltips cannot grasp what reward would await you (Oh it can see alright, but what it sees may not entirely be what you get).There could be nothing. Or there could be something, perhaps Uncommon, or even Legendary. The only way to collapse this quantum state is to pry open the chest itself.

But beware.
"Yet, heed this warning: though thou mayst wield my gift to manipulate time as thou wilt, thy actions shall draw the ire of others, for such deeds may find no favor in the annals of gaming."

You are capable of opening a chest for the first time for multiple times (I wonder how). It is a privilege, not a right. There is a cost for overturning the wheel of Time just to throw the loot back into the sea of Chaos and jiggle up something else. To do so is to gamble with Fate, where the outcome may yield a better loot or naught but disappointment. Regardless of the final result, Withers (unofficially and uncannonically) has invited Labelas Enoreth to oversee the boon the Digital Messiah has granted to you. You, of course, have the full right to deny the elven deity scrutiny, for both gods and mortals deem privacy most sacred. Shall you embrace the chaos, or yearn for the familiar embrace of predictability? The choice, like the uncoveted chest, lies before you, ripe with possibilities. Others have also taken interest, but so far only Waukeen has actually shown up. She proposes a covenant: your fortune potential for her favour. In order to benefit from the bargain, you must get nothing from a chest while having at least 80% odd of getting nothing. 
*Due to the Absolute's inteference, the deities are either unwilling or unable to forecast what blessing or punishment would befall you. Please gamble responsibly ( Or not, it's a free world).
*Ao has deemed Waukeen's insurance "payout"s are too much of a wild card for mortals to figure out their mechanics. As such,  they are extinguished every long rest, and will not return to the beneficiary once they are spent, even if time-reversal is involved. He will, of course, not intefere should you go back and try to trigger the insurance policy again, for it is random. (bruh i can't just tell the script extender to read your save file)

Ere departing for the Astral Plane, the Digital Script Extender Messiah imparted His last words:
"Thou art granted the freedom to dictate the likelihood of a treasure's descent, even specifying its illustrious form. But beware the siren song of ease, for shouldst thou tire of the game's newfound simplicity, lament not unto me." 

You can modify the rarity of each tier and of each type to your liking. (assuming you have read the instructions provided)
<propaganda ends>