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About this mod

New Class based Tactician_(5e_Class) homebrew class . I made some changes read description .

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EDIT: The class is now complete if you find a bug don't hesitate to let me know and don't forget to get the most recent update for the mod.

The class for now is coded up to level 12

Base Class:
*Level 1
Proficiency with light armor and shields , simple weapons and hand crossbows , Skill prficiency is same as wizard for now , intelligence is used for Mystic subclass as it is a somewhat half caster.
-Resource:Tactic , it is used for tactic spells every tactic costs 2 points 
-You get to choose 2 tactic spells and those are always prepared you will be able to change them on level up and will also get new ones
-You will also chooce your subclass. (see the sub class section for more info)
*Level 2
-Resource:Focus : this is used for commands spells commands have different cost most will cost 2 focus. ( sorcery costs 3 for example)
-You get all commands
-Steady aim feature : this is a passive sneak attack like feature so the condition for activation are the same (advantage or not disadvantage while have 1 ally 5ft near an enemy) this will deal 1 more weapon type damage . This will get empowered based on subclass chosen.
*Level 3
-You will get to choose from the Natural Explorer ranger passive list (because the feature intended to get at this level would be useless in bg3)
*Level 4
-Ability score improvement
*Level 5
-You will get a spell with one use per turn that lets you select an ally empowering them with commander's strike(the one battlemaster gets but without the superiority die damage added) to make an attack (i updated this so you can now choose ranged weapon attack melee weapon attack or unarmed attack) using their reaction on their turn.(note that this kind of effect lasts for only 1 turn so pay attention to your reaction usage)
*Level 6
-Jack of all trades : for now i gave the basic one to the class if you have any feedback on powerlevel feel free to let me know.
*Level 7
-Extra attack 
*Level 8
-Ability score improvement
*Level 9
-Inner Reserves : Basically this lets you target 2 allies (you can select yourself) and grant them the benefit of long rest.(maybe too strong? let me know)
*Level 10
-Enhanced Endurance :You add your Intelligence modifier to your Constitution checks and saving throws.
*Level 11
-Land's Stride: Difficult Terrain :Difficult Terrain no longer slows you down.
*Level 12
-Ability score improvement

Commander Subclass:
*Level 2
-Improved Steady Aim : it now applies a 3m(10ft.) slow for 1 turn (for now it is the same debuff from ray of frost)
*Level 3
-Follow my lead : if you hit one weapon attack (can be ranged weapon attack) you will get a spell that can be used once per turn that lets you target one ally to grant them the ability to make an  attack with their reaction(melee, unarmed or ranged).
*Level 7
-Follow my lead improvement : the target of Follow my lead will also get bless for 1 turn and +2 to the damage of the attack granted by the feature.
-Advanced Orders : From level 7 onwards you get to learn Advaned Commands in addition to the regual ones.
-Fron this level onwards you will also get more powerful but costly Commands (read the spells because they have the same icons but different names and descriptions)
*Level 11
-At 11th level, you can choose two allies, instead of one, to attack when using the Follow my Lead feature.

Veteran Subclass:
*Level 2
-Improved Steady Aim : it now deals 2 damage instead of 1.
*Level 3
-Proficiency with Medium armor and Martial weapons
-Once in each of your turns, if you hit a creature while benefiting from your Steady Aim feature, you can make a melee weapon attack as a bonus action.(you will get a temporary spell to do this)
*Level 7
-Evasive Strike : you will perform a no cost and no cooldown riposte (if they miss you with a melee attack you will attack them back every time no cd or cost); in addition to this you can use 1 focus point and your reaction to impose disadvantage on one attack (think like light domain cleric "Warding Flare")
(Feedback on this is appreciated if too strong at lvl 7)
*Level 11
-Veteran Reflexes : for now you get the rogue and monk passive "Evasion" same functionality as intended.

Mystic Subclass:
*Level 3
-Improved Steady Aim: You get a spell to make you weapon scale off of int , will need to cast 2 times swapping weapon if you want on both melee and ranged weapons (default key to swap is F)
-Mystical Aura : This lets you choose 1 aura from 5 has once per battle cd and lets allies (not yourself) in range deal 2 more damage on weapon attacks based on aura element chosen.
-Battle magic : you will get to chose 2 level 1 spells among cleric/paladin/sorcer list and 2 cantrips the spells will cost 2 focus to cast (I picked those i think are useful if you have feedback feel free to let me know).
*Level 7
-Misty escape passive from archfey warlock subclass (Feedback on this is much appreciated)
-You will get to chose more spells level 2 this time cost is 3 focus.
*Level 11
-Warmagic : same as eldritch knight , if you cast a cantrip you can make a weapon attack with your bonus action.
-You will get to choose level 3 spells those cost 5 focus to cast.

Tactics list:
-Mindsteeling: for 10 turns you get psychic resistance and advantage on wisdom,charisma and intelligence saving throws.
-Attention: Dark vision advantage on perception and can't be surprised until long rest.
-Countering Shield: lasts 10 turns , every time you get attacked hit or miss you will deal damage to the attacker based on your intelligence modifier +1d4.
-Bullseye:(need to have the benefit of steady aim) ranged weapon attack del damage and the target has to make a con save against you spell dc or be blinded for 2 turns.
-Aimvitals:(need to have the benefit of steady aim) ranged weapon attack on hit the target has -1d6 to saving throws.
-Twinhit:(need to have the benefit of steady aim) ranged weapon attack on hit deals 1d6 more damage.
-Honorable Duel:(need to have the benefit of steady aim) melee weapon attack on hit target makes a wisdom save 15 or gets the compelled duel debuff for 2 turns.
-Disarming Blow:(need to have the benefit of steady aim) melee weapon attack on hit target makes dex 15 save or is disarmed.
-Blinding Slash:melee version of Bullseye
-Twin Slash:melee version oh Twinhit
Commands list:
-Volley:As an action, you can spend 2 focus points to command 3 allied creatures to make a ranged weapon attack against one or more targets of your choice, using their reactions.
-Sorcery: as a bonus action you can spend 3 focus to make 1 allied creature to cast a spell using their reaction.(be careful it will cancel on spell cast)(i will need some feedback on this because it is a bit too strong maybe)
-DevastatingBlow: As an action, you can spend 2 focus to command one ally of your choice to make a powerful melee attack against an enemy within its reach as a reaction. The attack is made at advantage, and on a hit it add 2d6 to the damage.
-Overpower : As an action, you can spend 2 focus points command one allied creature to make a weapon attack against a creature within range. On a hit, the attack deals +2d6 damage and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw 15 or all attacks against it are made at advantage for 3 turns.
-Lightning Moves : as an action you can spend 2 focus to grant 1 allied creature the benefit of dash and disengage.
-Way of Faust : You can use your action and spend 2 focus point to allow one ally of your choice who can see or hear you to use its reaction to make an unarmed attack against a creature within reach. On a hit, the attack causes its normal effects +1d6 force damage, and the creature is shoved if it fails a Strenght check 15.
-Stereo Hit : You can spend 2 focus points as an action to allow one allied creature of your choice that can see or hear you within 30 feet to make a melee weapon attack against a creature within reach. On a hit, the attack causes its normal effects and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw 15, or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
-Shatter : You can spend 2 focus point as an action to allow one ally of your choice within 30 feet who can see or hear you to use its reaction to make a melee attack against a creature within reach, up to 5 feet. On a hit, the attack causes its normal effects and the target AC is reduced by 4 until the end of their next turn.
-Crippling  shot : You can use 2 focus to command an ally to use their reaction to make a ranged weapon attack, the target must make a constitution saving trow(15) or be crippled for 5 turns.

Advance commands (only available for commander subclass)
-Destroy(Devastating Blow+1): As an action, you can spend 5 focus to command one ally of your choice to make a powerful melee attack against an enemy within its reach as a reaction. The attack is made at advantage, and on a hit it add 4d6 to the damage.
-Overthrow(Overpower+1): As an action, you can spend 5 focus points command one allied creature to make a weapon attack against a creature within range. On a hit, the attack deals +3d6 damage and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw 15 or all attacks against it are made at advantage for 3 turns.
-Timewarping Step(Lightning Moves+1): You can spend 3 focus points to allow two allied creature within 60 feet to dash and disengage at the same time.

Credit for the idea goes to  https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Tactician_(5e_Class)