Class Resources

Morph Sludge

  • A new class resource. Evolution features now use this instead of biofuel. Replenishes on Long Rest.

Prior to 3.0, Evolution Features uses Biofuel, the same resource required for consumables. The resource usage heavily favors consumables most of the time. This can't be solved by simple number tweaks as Evolution Features and consumables fundamentally serves different purposes. I decided to break up the competition and gave evolution features a new class resource.

  • Increased overall Biofuel capacity, and smoothed out its progression.

Biofuel capacity increase is a compensation for the reduction of item crafted per batch for lower tier items. Also, the progression of Biofuel capacity felt too spiky, so I smoothed them out.


  • Reduced the number consumables crafted per batch for basic and advanced fabrications. 

This is a long overdue change, as the number advantage of lower tier items is so enormous it essentially outclasses high tier items at any given time. With this change, lower tier items are not as spammable as before.

Uncanny Husk
  • Massively increased the radius of the toxic cloud.

Prior to 3.0, the toxic cloud left by the hatchlings had such a tiny radius (0.25m) that in order to damage an enemy, they essentially had to be standing in the exact same spot where the hatchlings died, which made this item's secondary function a rare occurrence. A massive bump in radius is added in this patch, and made it much easier to damage enemies (and allies) with the toxic cloud.

Canister of Atrophic Structure
  • Renamed to Atrophic Canister

As time goes by, I find "Canister of Atrophic Structure" becoming increasing tedious of a name, so a simple name change was made to tie things up a bit.

Eldritch Dynamite
  • Reduced fire ground duration to 1 turn.
  • New effect: now applies a weaker version of Fear on enemies within the blast radius for 1 turn, it will render affected entities inactive, but not disadvantageous.

I always wanted to make this item live up to its namesake. However, its effects aren't really matching its description. An explosive made out of an eldritch creature...that's right, it should reflect the eldritch horror it was made of. However, the default Fear effect kind of invalidates the effect of some other items, so I decided to give it a weaker version instead. Keep in mind it's still a crowd control effect over a massive radius, on top of its already huge damage.

Shell of Blast Furnace
  • Reduced fire and force damage, added piercing damage, total damage unchanged.
  • Removed push back and Prone, added Maimed effect which cripples an enemy.

Before 3.0, this was basically an arrow version of Eldritch Dynamite. They have so much overlap it almost felt redundant. By altering its damage type and adding a different effect, hopefully it can be its own thing.

Handheld Supernova
  • Replace fire ground with hellfire ground, reduced the duration of its surface effect to 1 turn.
  • Removed Infernal Burning effect.
  • Increased base damage.

Handheld Supernova is already strong as it is, but thematically I think it should have a different surface effect than ordinary fire ground. Hellfire ground is an incredibly potent surface effect that deals almost the equivalent of a fireball spell damage on each tick, which is why I reduced the duration to 1 turn. I think it's ok to let this item to be a bit more cracked for the power fantasy.

  • Reworked mutagen categories. Now every mutagen is split into three tiers: basic, complex and legendary.
Basic mutagen: Mutagen of Heightened Sense
Complex mutagen: Mutagen of Musclemass & Mutagen of Awakened Intellect
Legendary mutagen: Tonic of Perfect Body & Tonic of Perfect Mind

  • Mutagen from different tiers now can be stacked with each other.
  • They can also be stacked with alchemical elixirs you brewed or found in the world.

During pre 3.0 era, non-legendary mutagen could not be stacked, neither with themselves or elixirs. I wanted to create a fantasy of a mutated freak, and only one mutagen could be active at the same time sucked. 3.0 changed that, with basic, complex and legendary mutagen, as well as elixirs, you can now have up to 4 alchemical concoctions active in your body. Never stop evolving and mutating, fellow cultists!

Motion-assist Prosthesis
  • The bonus action granted by this ability is now available at level 6, down from level 10.

With the balance change to lower tier items, I think it's appropriate to let players enjoy this upgrade at an earlier level.

General Evolution Feature changes
  • Changed the cost of various evolution features
Elastic Myomere: cost 1 Morph Sludge
Chitin Exoskeleton: no longer cost any resources
Biological Dispersal: cost 1 Morph Sludge
Membrane Outgrowth: cost 1 Morph Sludge
Optical Melannophores: cost 2 Morph Sludge, duration increased to 30 turns.

Morph Sludge is the new class resource introduced in 3.0. By decoupling Evolution Feature's resource cost from Biofuel, hopefully people use these utility options more often.

Fabricate Scrounger's Field Manual
  • Renamed to Fabricate Scrounger's Backpack, changed its icon to reflect that.
  • This ability now grants the Scrounger's Field Manual (a book item added in 2.0), along with three new items.

New Items

After 2.0 released, I thought to myself, a field manual alone is too little. The cult should arm its members with more than a book. It should come with a full package. But since it's a basic issue, it can't be too crazy, so cantrips naturally fits the bill. I also wanted to avoid making it combat oriented, that's the job for consumables. With this in mind, three new items are added, they function as tools, but does not cost Structural Integrity.

Flesh Projector
  • An eyeball fused with an exotic, light-emitting crystal. A strange interaction between the two objects was discovered by accident, and batch production within the cult quickly followed afterwards.

This Flesh Projector can be used to project a hologram at a target location, causing npcs to investigate it. It essentially functions as a Minor Illusion spell, but reflavored to fit Scrounger's theme.

Clairvoyance Brew
  • A teapot shaped like a toad. Its refreshing brew makes one's mind clearer.

This item can be used to cast guidance, a very useful cantrip.

Rusty Crowbar
  • A rusty crowbar. This simple machine can be devastating in the hands of those versed in mechanics.

This is an outlier among new items. What it does is it essentially guaranteed to destroy objects with Sturdy and Medium Toughness attribute, and can potentially destroy objects with Greater Toughness attribute if you are lucky with dice rolls. This item can only be used on other items. Do note that if an item doesn't have a health bar (like some doors), then the crowbar will have no effect on them.

That wraps up 3.0 patch notes! Hope you have fun!

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