Randoms Part 2

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This user's image description contains 17 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    Great  collection,
    It seems, you really had fun to switch from game to game  
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thank you! Playing different games every night was a challenge at first, but it has one big advantage. If you get either bored, or frustrated with a lack of progress, you can move on to the next game!
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 331 kudos
      I know about those pleasure very well, because I do it in this way too
  2. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Some breath taking views, cmh!

    You think you are way behind ??..... LOL
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thanks, friend!

      I was going to say at least you have an excuse for being behind. But actually I do too, since getting our Dreamborne Isles addon mods published is what, in part, caused me to get so far behind. Ha! Well, those mods have been published since mid May. That excuse sounded better until I remembered it is now July!
  3. xrayy
    • premium
    • 384 kudos
    cmh,  this is beautiful! it reminds me playing ac odyssey. seem both to be games worth to play
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thanks, my friend! My Origins game has only 1 mod to get the game started faster, skipping any intro videos. Basically vanilla. I have AC Odyssey bought and waiting, but not installed yet. I may have to review SSD space before I install it, depending on how big Odyssey is. Not sure when I will play Odyssey, but I might delay it until after I play the lastest Zelda game on my Switch. Both to take a break between the AC games, but also so I can avoid the SSD issue for a while!
  4. lesjones
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    I think your captures are outstanding, my friend, and the quality of the game's graphics these scenes are fantastic, especially this one

    But when I looked up the actual gameplay in YouTube it turned me right off. My own opinion is that if they used a gameplay similar to Skyrim's then it would be an absolute winner, but as it is, no thanks.

    But...on the up-side, I'm glad you are getting some fun out of it
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thanks! This game looks great, and to be honest I am not sure if I have ANY mods at all applied. Okay, I just checked, and I have a "fast start" mod to skip intro stuff - I HATE waiting to play! Anyway, no environment mods, no outfit mods, no ENB and/or reshades - what you see from me is the vanilla game.

      Regarding gameplay, there are two things I can think of, and I am not sure what you mean. One would be combat, and the other would be quests and interactions. Keep in mind, I took a risk before deciding to go with this game, because I really REALLY prefer 1st person games.  But similar to The Witcher 3 (also 3rd person only), the story and the quests, both main and side quests, kept things interesting and totally made it worth playing to me. And I like just wandering around and finding things... like loot! Both games were a very pleasant surprise to me, considering the 3rd person issue.

      Now, if you are talking about combat - I can't really speak to that... because playing 3rd person is so different for me anyway, I can't compare it to Skyrim or Fallout 4 where I always play 1st person, unless I actually want to see "me" in the images. No need to explain, especially in detail, but I am curious what aspect of gameplay you are talking about. Everybody is different, and things that bother me might not bother you, and the reverse is true also, obviously. But I am very happy and satisfied with the game.

      Hmm... the only other thing I can think of, but I doubt this applies, is keyboard vs controller issues, meaning how the controls work. This game, like Witcher 3, did take some getting used to for me using my xbox controller. The Witcher 3 was more challenging, but might have made things a bit simpler for this game. Basically I use an xbox controller for every PC game except Skyrim, because it is more comfortable to me. Skyrim on PC I have always used keyboard and mouse... because before the past year my best PC was in my office, and I never added controller support to my office PC. But that also allows me to play 2 games at the same time. Currently I am playing 3, but for some reason I find switching from AC Origins and Fallout 4, both with controller and usually back to back in the evenings, much easier than I have in the past. Haha, the true test for me will be when I play the lastest Zelda game on my Switch, because the Nintendo Controller has the A and B buttons, and the X and Y buttons, reversed compared to the xbox controller! And that is another reason that I have kept playing Skyrim using keyboard and mouse, even though I have moved my Skyrim playing down to my family room with my best PC.

      Hahaha, you think keeping track of mods and tweaks is at times confusing, try doing all your modding changes on one PC (because text is easier to read on my office PC and monitor), testing them there, and then migrating the changes down to the PC you actually game on! Yeah, I know... I always seem to find ways to make life more... interesting! Side benefit, my Skryim game is backed up in multiple places!
  5. Vermi77
    • premium
    • 735 kudos
    A game that lets you pet the kitties?? I'm sold 😄
    The architecture looks very beautiful in it too. Hope you're enjoying it ^^
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      I like the game, it has some interesting stories, both large and in small side quests. In some ways it reminds me of The Witcher 3, with a larger story, but many small things to do and find just wandering around. But I am very glad I picked it up. Haha, it is me, so yeah... I waited until it was really on sale!

      Ya know, I was thinking about those cat images and wondering if I had manipulated them with positioning commands in the console... and then realized I would have absolutely no idea how to do that in AC Origins! Or if it even has a console, for that matter! So other than cameral position and angles, and the use of sneak mode, the images were not manipulated. But to be clear, no... you can't actually pet the kitties. I do wonder, and since this was 4 months ago I can't say... but it IS possible that I got close to the cat, and the cat actually bumped his/her head up against my hand - and I grabbed a lucky shot. In my experience... that is something a cat might do.