Medjai - Nexus Summer Special - Postcard Edition

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  1. clauDA
    • member
    • 240 kudos
    Medjai - Special Postcard Edition

    I finally have all 3 AC giants at 100%
    and have brought myself some elaborate travel postcards.

    Assassins Creed - Origins is the best of the 3 big AC open world games for me.
    I like Bayek of Siwa and his relentless courage. It's great.

    But it is also an Ubisoft. Which means:
    In terms of realistic gameplay and consistent quest design, they don't win a flower pot. This applies to all 3 parts.
    We are taken by the hand too often and things are made too easy for us.
    The game is unnecessarily stretched/extended.

    It's not enough for me to spend hours chasing after an arrow.
    The world is simply far too big and, like AC Odyssey, crammed with too many pointless quests.

    Considering the convincing graphics, the great characters and the good soundtrack, this is a great pity.
    At least you can switch off a few nonsensical things in this part.
    The part with Layla Hassan is, as always, irrelevant and useless. (I don't like her)

    Bayek of Siwa and Aya of Alexandria, on the other hand, are great.
    They are an enrichment and would have fitted into a smaller but more sophisticated story.

    Peace be with you.


  2. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    Wonderful work.

    Very lovely.

    I own it (base only) but I still haven't played it.
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,118 kudos
    Looking excellent dear :))
    Love that old postcard style .)
  4. Scofil1996
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Very good work, didn't played this one yet, Odyssey has a beautiful setting not the best story though, for me the best was Black Flag, have a nice day you!
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 240 kudos
      Oh, thank you very much. That's very kind of you.
  5. lesjones
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    I was abasolutely stunned when I first saw the images of Assassin's Creed Origins in a set captured by Heike, one I remember in particular showed an Egyptian ship on the Nile and it looked so utterly real to me, and I followed the rest of her images of the same game as well as starting to follow other poster's images of the subsequent AC games. I was just so overwhelmed by the images I saw I decided to buy Origins and start with that, but of ccourse I checked out the gameplay videos on YouTube first.

    And that ended it for me in a single stroke.

    It's my opinion that the whole beauty of the Assassin's Creed games is destroyed by a gameplay which I perceive as absolutely awful. Given the amazing quality of the graphics, I had expected something akin to a much-upgraded Skyrim gameplay, but no...what I saw was little figures running unrealistically around with lots of numbers flashing around them. No, not for me, I'm afraid.

    Your images in this set are so realistically gorgeous,  but the gameplay...well, as you have rightly said, doesn't win a flower pot!
    1. clauDA
      • member
      • 240 kudos
      That's very friendly. Rarely here.

      The graphics are second to none, the technical details are good and once you've played it, it's quite interesting.
      I know some of the employees and am familiar with the company's philosophy. You can switch off the signposts for stupid players and the flashing HUD anime elements. Horrible. You certainly can't compare it to Witcher 3, it lacks quality content.

      For comparison: the entire content of the AC story fits on an A5 writing pad, the entire W3 story comprises several novels and dozens of professional scripts. You can also see that in the awards. Since I write scripts and screenplays myself,
      I know the effort behind them or where they were stretched.

      The main story is ok, but not enough and the side stories are just decoration. Same old Ubisoft formula, but as I said, it has potential and is still fun. At some points it was quite well written and positively surprised me. so: still good and playable.

      A visually impressive game with great characters, a medium difficulty level and lots of fighting and sneaking fun.
      Unfortunately, no RPG qualities.

      As always. Thanks for the kind support and the nice chat we have from time to time.

      I wish you all the best.