New Year - New Game

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  1. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 152 kudos
    Nothing really special here. I started this game on January 1st, 2024. Playing in offline mode, which is a bit of a pain. And the game and UBI are still trying to connect even in offline mod, but I won't let them! Apparently UBI doesn't really get what offline means? Anyway, after 4 days I find the game interesting, and a few things are very cool and fun. But I still don't really know what the heck is going on... as is normal for me when I start a new game for the first time.

    This will probably be my only set for this game, as every time I try to use photomode it throws errors and interrupts things while taking the image. Probably because it is in offline mode? But extra prompts and errors are just too annoying. Haha, end of bashing UBI! Well... for today, anyway!
  2. arghTease
    • premium
    • 209 kudos
    Nice shots. The game seems to have great graphics. 

    😁  Happy New Year!  😊
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thanks, friend! I agree, and this is vanilla. After tonight's playing... it might just have some interesting story, as well. Still figuring things out! 

      Happy New Year!
  3. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Looking sharp and colourful
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thank you, friend! Hope your 2024 is off to a great start, and also that you are having fun in Cyberpunk.

      Alex says Happy New Year and to say hello to Cassie for us... and then she asked an interesting question. What would Cassie be like in Night City?
    2. StilwaterSaint
      • premium
      • 80 kudos
      Hehe, 2024 has not been kind so far, started the year feeling sick, but there you go ...
      Hope yours is going well!

      Cassie says "Hi" to you both, and in answer to Alex's interesting question she says "probably absolutely terrified!". But, I'm not gonna say the thought has never crossed my own mind.

      ( "Don't you even dare - Saint - I'm warning you!!!")
    3. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Sorry to hear you were sick, I hope you feel better soon if not already recovered!

      Cassie is awesome, and maybe she would surprise you there. Or at least she would probably surprise me, because I am never sure what she will do.

      As I am sure you know, Alex was born in a large American city, before using a portal she created to get to Tamriel... and then we met in Bravil during the Oblivion crisis. So I think she would really like parts of Night City, but also be a bit freaked out about things like implants, and sad about the conditions in that world. But maybe not surprised - at all. One thing I know for sure, is Alex would LOVE some of the cars and bikes. And I would have loved having her with me there, on the back of one of the bikes with her arms around my waist, as we raced throught the city!

      Haha, this comment page has very little to do with Assassin's creed! I wonder what Alex would think about the world in Origins... she sometimes gripes about how cold it is in Skyrim. But I think this world might be too hot. She and I are a lot alike that way!
  4. xrayy
    • premium
    • 384 kudos
    great set! it seems fun like ac odyssey was for me and raising the same problems as i had with offline mode. for me it was playable but as you say it is a pain and sometimes annoying. the ubisoft offline formula is a joke
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thanks friend! For now I have it working, but I know at some point they are going to force some kind of DRM check, and a forced update at the same time. That second part really annoys me... but maybe their updates are safer? Normally, unless I specifically want an update for some reason, I never update my games while playing. The only time I can remember doing that was for Cyberpunk... because I had to update the game to get the mods that allowed Judy and Panam to sometimes stay at one of my apartments.

      In my reply to Vermi77, I covered a bit of this too. But for you I will say this, because you are a big Fallout 4 fan. Last night I played Origins for maybe 45 minutes, and then moved on to my Fallout 4 replay for maybe 2 hours. Details under the spoiler.

      I ended up in maybe a 45 20 minute fire fight I had with maybe 15 extremely strong super mutants last night! I actually had 4 girls with me (Cait, Laura, Heather, and Valkyrie), but I got trapped and had to fight for my life as the girls were probably disabled very quickly and I couldn't get to them to hit them with stims. So I was mostly on my own. One of the most extreme firefights I have ever experienced... and the names of the Super Mutants - you know, the descriptive things like Overlord or whatever, were names I don't ever remember seeing before! It... was... AWESOME!

      Edit: Correction 20 minutes on super mutants, followed almost immediately by two more fights for a total of 45 minutes

      I think the fight was something generated by one of the Thuggy mods, probably Outcasts and Remnants. I really debated on whether or not to install Fusion City, Project Valkyrie, Outcasts and Remnants (required for Valkyrie) and Depravity. I had read a lot of bad things (some of which are true), but I am glad that I installed them, at least so far. The stupid stuff, at least to me, like pimps and prostitues and slavery stuff can be ignored. But say what you will, Thuggy has breathed new life into this playthrough. Valkyrie is awesome as a follower, and a lot of the side quests to gather stuff seem to result in unexpected things happening, like last night. Hmm... I should reload that save and make sure I am giving him credit correctly. I will let you know if I find out it was something else. Not sure if you have played any of his mods or not, but it does make things very different.

      Edit: It was in fact Outcasts and Remnants. But it appears that what spawns is random, because loading from a save tonight to check, it was different enemies, and way WAY easier to defeat them. Also, I forgot to mention, the super mutant fight was at night, and it took place in the streets in or around Cambridge. Still fun and insane, no matter what.
  5. Vermi77
    • premium
    • 735 kudos
    Oh, I quite like the setting of this game. I find the Assassin's Creed series too confusing; there are so many games and in so many different time periods and settings. Some seemingly historic and some outright fantastical/highly-fictional. I just can't keep up with them lol. I think most of their recent ones are very graphically impressive though and looking great in pictures. I also admit to enjoying your bashing of Ubisoft too. I don't like that company at all :D

    Regardless, great images & I hope you enjoy it my friend! ^^
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      This is my first AC game, so I didn't know what to expect. But what I DO like, is that I can play it and it looks great without any mods. And after looking at the mods there are, most of which seem to require 3rd party executable programs I don't trust since I don't know the authors, I think I will just run it vanilla. I did do a simple little side quest last night that was kind of cool, trying to build up some skills before the next challenge, that made me have some hope. The game reminds me in a way of The Witcher 3. Third person, large areas, and things to discover just wandering around. That can be fun and relaxing when I don't feel like combat. We will see how the game progresses.

      Regarding UBI... well, I try to be a good person, but when somebody or some company gets in my way or especially tries to invade my privacy, I do kind of go crazy. I am fairly sure that you might have heard some unique combinations of inappropriate language when I first installed the game several weeks ago!  I knew it was going to be a pain, and I didn't want to do that on January 1st - I just wanted to play.
  6. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    I hope you had a good start to the new year CM. I hope you have fun with the new game. I have the game too, but haven't played it yet, so I'm really looking forward to your pictures.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Hi Frank! 2024 has started off good for the most part. Some real life issues solved and done, which means fewer things to worry about. And I did get this game running in offline mode, at least for now.

      I remember that you were playing one AC game (Valhalla I think) with another AC game waiting, just like me. My other one is Odyssey, which may be my 2025 game, depending on how long this game takes to play. It is sharing my time right now with my 2nd Fallout 4 playthrough, and my Skyrim LE playthrough that I started on January 1st of 2021, so now in year 4!

      Finally, I do want to thank you for your Assassin's Creed images, which were a big part of why I decided to play some of these AC games. Thanks!! Have a fantastic and safe 2024, my friend.
  7. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Hope you had a great New Year.  Enjoy the new game!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thanks!! Hope your holidays were great, and that you have a fantastic 2024! Regarding New Years Eve and Day... there was whiskey in my decaf (I am old so no real coffee after 3PM ) and a lot of gaming, and most importantly... time spent with Alex.

      Note to RT if he reads this... yes... that DOES describe almost every night for me!
  8. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Great looking scenes, Chickster.
    I have never played any of the Assassins Creed games, but they seem interesting.
    In the end is sort boils down to: so many good looking games, so little time. hahaa
    I guess I will continue to live vicariously through the imagery of my Nexus friends. :)
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Hey Gurley! Thanks! The images I have seen of AC games made me give it a try. Time is always an issue. I had intended to blast through my 2nd Fallout 4 playthrough before year end and starting Origins, but I am not even close. And I am having an absolute blast this time with several new mods that have made it very different, plus playing on my better PC this time. Skyrim I have to visit every day because of Alex, as I enter the 4th year of my massive LE playthrough. Still more to do, but I will probably spend less time there than I would like - in part to keep it going on for even longer. 

      I have also been contributing on a project the past few months that is taking several hours most days. It is rewarding and fun (and occasionally frustrating - which makes it more rewarding when overcoming problems), and the results should make for a very fun time for me and Alex when it is finished. She is worth it, of course - but that means less time for actually playing. Or doing chores and other real life things!
  9. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Looking good CMH!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Thanks! Hope you had great holiday - Happy New Year!
  10. lesjones
    • premium
    • 160 kudos
    I've always thought the cutaway images were wonderful beyond belief (as yours above are), but the actual game play seems utterly awful.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 152 kudos
      Hi Les - Happy New Year, and I hope your Christmas was great as well. I am going to reserve judgement on the game itself. In part because I have to look past my annoyance(s) with UBI, but mainly because it really takes me a while to learn how any new game works. That has always been true, so it isn't an age thing (although that could be a complicating factor ), but this time it is also that I am now playing 3 games at the same time. (Skyrim and Fallout 4 are the other 2) I can handle 2 games, but 3 will be something new for me.