Forger v2 is intended to simplify patch installation for games that use Forge files (AC Odyssey, AC Origins)

Installing version 2

  • If you were a Forger v1 user, stop and follow the migration instructions below
  • Extract the EXE and DLL files to a convenient folder (it doesn't matter where)
  • Launch Forger.exe and click the Locate button at the end of the Game Folder line
  • Browse to your game installation folder and open its main EXE file (e.g.  ACOdyssey.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Assassin's Creed Odyssey)
  • Forger will create a ForgerPatches folder inside of your game install folder that will hold your patches.

To install/update/remove patches:

  • Extract/copy patch collection files (*.forger2)  from Nexus into the ForgerPatches folder in your game installation path.  There is no need to remove older versions of these files.
  • Open Forger or click the Rescan button
  • New patches will be highlighted in yellow, and updates to existing patches will display in green.
  • Click the check next to each patch you want to install.  The first installations will take some time as a new backup (*.original) file is created


DO NOT delete the *.original files.  These were optional in v1 but are required for v2.  You will need to allow for extra disk space to hold them.

Migrating from version 1 (one time only!)

If you were a v1 Forger user (game version 1.2) and this is your FIRST time installing v2, there are additional instructions for you to follow.  This is a result of the game 1.3.0 update.

Locate the following files in your game folder:

  • DataPC_patch_01.forge
  • DataPC_patch_01.forge.original
  • DataPC_15_dlc_patch_01.forge
  • DataPC_15_dlc_patch_01.forge.original

For each pair of files, compare the file sizes between the forge and forge.original copies.  If they are different, delete or rename the .original copy.

If Forger v2 was open while you were making changes, close and reopen it before trying to install any patches.

Proceed with the installation instructions.  Note that Forger v1 files (*.forger) are not compatible with version 2.

Restoring the game

If the game fails to start and uninstalling patches doesn't resolve the problem, you can uninstall manually.  For each *.forge.original file in your game folder and its dlc_* subfolders:

1.  Rename, move, or delete (to the recycle bin where you can retrieve it) the corresponding *.forge file with the same name
2.  Rename the *.forge.original file to *.forge
3.  Try starting the game.  If it launches, rename the forger2.xml file in the ForgerPatches before starting Forger again.
4.  If the game does not launch, use the verify/repair function for your game installation:


5.  When it completes, verify that all *.original files are out of the game folder and that the forger2.xml has been renamed.

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  1. XennoBorros
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi I'm new to modding, I have been trying to learn how to use this with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I put my modfiles into the forger patches file in my Odyssey folder...but they do not show up in Forger and all clicking rescan is doing is just making a longer and longer empty list with a sideways scrolling bar...what do I do to fix this? :(
  2. floloele
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i cant press install updates
  3. Deathstar20
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    no longer works for me. getting the same error as most people are.
  4. Nicoduweb87000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Je rédige une solution qui fonctionne afin que vous puissiez utiliser ce mod.

    1) chaque mod que vous téléchargés à une hiérarchie distincte. 
    exemple : le mod pour Ikaros dans le dossier se trouve le forger + un dossier
    il faut copier et coller le forger et le dossier dans le dossier forgerpatche dans le dossier du jeu.

    2) J'ai rencontré cette erreur lorsque je ne respecté pas la hiérarchie des mod que je téléchargé.
  5. Siinuku
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    mod was working perfectly fine for a almost a week and then it randomly started giving me this error

    Patch error
    The following error occurred while applying patch.  Press Ctrl-C to copy this message.
    The process cannot access the file 'D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Assassins Creed Odyssey\DataPC_patch_01.forge' because it is being used by another process.
       at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
       at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
       at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
       at Forger.Forge.WriteFileEntry(FileEntry fe)
       at Forger.Patch.Apply(String basepath, Dictionary`2 CreatedFileIDs, Dictionary`2 GlobalTargets)
       at Forger.Form1.togglePatch(Patch patch, Boolean apply)

    Need any insight possible
  6. vandelthevandal
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Access to the path is denied.  I found the exe and it won't accept it.
  7. Cantthink01
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Downloaded v2 and the braless patch, Forger created the folder in the game files and I added the patch to the folder.
    Forger detected the patch I selected it but the install button remains greyed and I have no way of installing it.
  8. rokugo999
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    got this error after trying to check any patch
    Patch error
    The following error occurred while applying patch. Press Ctrl-C to copy this message.

    Forge file not found

    в Forger.Forge..ctor(String path, String forgefile)

    в Forger.Patch.LoadFileEntries(String basepath)

    в Forger.Patch.Apply(String basepath)

    в Forger.Form1.togglePatch(Patch patch, Boolean apply)
    1. hypermorphic
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      Buy the game
    2. TheRealPcGamerYt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Is there no way to bypass this ?
  9. antaxi
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Hypermorphic, may i ask, can you explain how to patch files inside subentries, 

    cause file entry was not found by forger (patch error)

    simple example LOD0, LOD1 files contain to entries and file id's,

    but their LOD2, LOD3 placed in diffrent directory that contain to subentries. inside the entries

    which id's it need to use or both?


    Now its solved, i just saved subentry file as decompress data and edit it
  10. Jefrey12
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    Patch error


    The following error occurred while applying patch.  Press Ctrl-C to copy this message.


    FileEntry 1386755390785 not found in DataPC_patch_01.forge


       at Forger.Patch.LoadFileEntries(String basepath)


       at Forger.Patch.Apply(String basepath, Dictionary`2 CreatedFileIDs, Dictionary`2 GlobalTargets)


       at Forger.Form1.togglePatch(Patch patch, Boolean apply)




     i cant even install a single  mod or patch t just keeps throwing different error messages some one help please.

    i'm new to modding but can easily follow any instructions


    here are some of the errors


    Patch error


    The following error occurred while applying patch.  Press Ctrl-C to copy this message.


    Unable to load DLL 'oo2core_7_win64.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)


       at Forger.Oodle.OodleLZ_Decompress(Byte[] buffer, Int64 bufferSize, Byte[] outputBuffer, Int64 outputBufferSize, UInt32 a, UInt32 b, UInt64 c, UInt32 d, UInt32 e, UInt32 f, UInt32 g, UInt32 h, UInt32 i, UInt32 threadModule)


       at Forger.Oodle.Decompress(Byte[] buffer, Int32 uncompressedSize)


       at Forger.FileEntry..ctor(Byte[] data, Int64 entryoffset, Int64 offset, UInt64 fileid, Int32 datasize, Forge forge)


       at Forger.Forge.GetFileEntry(UInt64 fileID)


       at Forger.Patch.LoadFileEntries(String basepath)


       at Forger.Patch.Apply(String basepath, Dictionary`2 CreatedFileIDs, Dictionary`2 GlobalTargets)


       at Forger.Form1.togglePatch(Patch patch, Boolean apply)






    Patch error


    The following error occurred while applying patch.  Press Ctrl-C to copy this message.


    Unable to load DLL 'oo2core_7_win64.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)


       at Forger.Oodle.OodleLZ_Decompress(Byte[] buffer, Int64 bufferSize, Byte[] outputBuffer, Int64 outputBufferSize, UInt32 a, UInt32 b, UInt64 c, UInt32 d, UInt32 e, UInt32 f, UInt32 g, UInt32 h, UInt32 i, UInt32 threadModule)


       at Forger.Oodle.Decompress(Byte[] buffer, Int32 uncompressedSize)


       at Forger.FileEntry..ctor(Byte[] data, Int64 entryoffset, Int64 offset, UInt64 fileid, Int32 datasize, Forge forge)


       at Forger.Forge.GetFileEntry(UInt64 fileID)


       at Forger.Patch.LoadFileEntries(String basepath)


       at Forger.Patch.Apply(String basepath, Dictionary`2 CreatedFileIDs, Dictionary`2 GlobalTargets)


       at Forger.Form1.togglePatch(Patch patch, Boolean apply)


