Spiced up Tortilla Production Chain

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The other day I was thinking about spicing up the boring Tortilla Production chain to get some more difficulty in fullfiling the needs of your Obreros. What are your thoughts on it? For those wondering what Ash is doing in the recipe, I recomment reading this article:  Nixtamalization


  1. Dravidos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A very interesting chain, Taludas, also the article that you have recommended to us. Are you working on this mod? I love that you complicate the production lines and make them more realistic!
  2. Mavisleinia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    spices from embesa means people without that dlc cant have it, maybe add a new world building version.
    I do like it though more complex means its more fun usually.
    1. Taludas
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      Yes, the problem with the spices from Enbesa is noted. The fertility will be added to the NW on some ways. I know it is always kind of problematic to include DLC content into moded content because some people won't have the chance to use it. But on the other side the risk is, that you will end up with something like the arctis DLC with no connection to the other Worlds beyond one strategic resource... Complexity also comes through logistic tasks, needing some resources from another sessions for example.
    2. Elivenya
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Then the mod just needs to convert the spice farm for the new world. Or simply aceept that the mod is not usuable without the enbessa dlc. It actually bugs me that every new dlc that comes just exploits the new world only... just to spare the people who don't have a certain dlc. That is not realistic. That is not how global trade is working.