Double-Decker Multi-Load Log Addons v1.0.2


Double-Decker Multi-Load Log Addons v1.0.2

– drive up to loading zone: use high-saddle truck for towing
– raise the second “hopper” deck using “LOG LIFT CONTROLS” => “RAISE”
– load logs from loading zone and “PACK CARGO”
– “UNPACK CARGO” and the logs will be loaded into the raised deck
– – ensure your “LOG LIFT CONTROLS” => “LOG SHUTE” is closed otherwise the unpacked logs will drop right down
– repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as you need
– lower the second level using “LOG LIFT CONTROLS” => “RAISE” and drive off
– once at your destination raise all the logs to the second level
– open the shute using “LOG LIFT CONTROLS” => “LOG SHUTE”
– wiggle the 3 logs by shaking the second level by quickly alternating “LOG LIFT CONTROLS” => “RAISE” up and down
– once 3 logs are down on the lower level, “PACK CARGO”, and deliver
– – if you accidentally drop more than 3 logs, and you need the extra log for a subsequent delivery, make sure to remove the log using a crane and place it back in the second level hopper
– – remember to close the “LOG LIFT CONTROLS” => “LOG SHUTE” as soon as you have 3 logs on the lower level

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