Double-Decker 2-Slot + 2-Slot “Pup” Trailer v1.0.5


Double-Decker 2-Slot + 2-Slot “Pup” Trailer v1.0.5

Bones may shift/reset when loging out and re-loging in… for best results:
leave bottom cargo “packed”
if second platform has cargo, extend it fully up (or fully down?)

Do not crash unpacked trucks/cargo when “toggling lift” down (packed is OK, won’t collide): failure to comply will result in a catastrophic crumpling of the truck.

Pretty much: don’t be drunk when operating the trailer “powered constraints”.

load cargo on flatbed
“pack” the cargo to align/even out
“unpack” cargo so it can be lifted with upper deck
“toggle lift”
“pack” lower platform of additional cargo
attach your support truck to the rear trailer and repeat steps 1-5
detach support truck and drive off with hauling truck

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