Post news Report RSS World-Altering Editor: New map editor for TS and RA2/YR!

What once was the DTA Scenario Editor, has turned into the World-Altering Editor, with full support for Tiberian Sun and RA2 Yuri's Revenge! This news is not directly about Dawn of the Tiberium Age, but it is related to our efforts to empower second-generation classic C&C modding, hence we decided to post it here.

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The C&C World-Altering Editor (WAE) is a new modern open-source map editor for Tiberian Sun and RA2 Yuri's Revenge.

Developed over the past 3 years and heavily tested by community mappers, it has now reached the point where it can fully replace the old FinalSun and FinalAlert 2 editors. WAE provides various improvements over them and new tools to make mapping more efficient than before.


To mention some improvements over the old editors, WAE has

  • Smoother performance
  • Preview of map lighting
  • Wide range of zoom levels ranging from displaying the whole map at once to only a tiny piece of it
  • Auto-save function that periodically creates a backup of your map
  • More efficient user-interface with object previews, better categorization, better use of screen space, and search functions in all possible places
  • Hotkeys for various common operations, such as pressing Delete to delete an object under the cursor
  • Improved trigger scripting dialog that allows you to view and manipulate all data of a trigger at once, rather than needing to constantly switch between tabs and open drop-downs
  • Copy/paste of more than just terrain, including terrain objects, overlay, units and even buildings!
  • Preview showing what scripting elements reference a waypoint
  • Advanced automatic map scripting issue checking that helps you avoid making dumb mistakes
  • Many new tools, including a tool for checking the distance between two points, and a tool for calculating the amount of Tiberium in a specific area
  • Terrain generation!
  • ...and much more!

All this, while the editor has also been designed to be familiar to existing mappers, meaning it's easy to pick up!


You might not believe the feature list without some screenshots, right?

GDI1A1) The World-Altering Editor can accurately preview the lighting of your maps.

Zoom levels

2) WAE's closest zoom level allows you to view the game like you were in the DOS age, while the farthest zoom level shows basically the whole map.

Terrain Generation

3) Terrain generation can quickly generate details for an area.

WAE Sidebar Previews

4) The sidebar shows graphical previews of objects, making it easier to find what you are looking for.

WAE Trigger Editor

5) WAE's trigger editor makes scripting quick! You can also assign colors to triggers!

Waypoint previews

6) Can't remember what some waypoint was used for? With WAE, you can just hover over it to check!

WAE Map Error Checking

7) Even the most experienced mappers sometimes make mistakes. These issue checks have saved us from hours of tedious debugging work.

WAE with YR

8) The entire WAE user-interface, showing an opened Yuri's Revenge map.

There is also a short demonstrative YouTube video of WAE's capatibilities from 2 years ago in Dawn of the Tiberium Age, from back when WAE was known as the DTA Scenario Editor:

System Requirements

WAE is over 20 years newer than FinalSun and FA2, so it also requires a newer system. WAE requires the following:

  • .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime. You can download it from Microsoft
  • A 64-bit Windows operating system
  • A DirectX 11 compatible GPU. It is recommended, although not strictly necessary, to have at least 1 GB (TS) or 2 GB (RA2/YR) of VRAM.
  • There is no CPU requirement, but naturally, the faster, the better. WAE can especially be CPU intensive if you zoom very far while editing the map.


You can download WAE from our GitHub releases page:

For TS, WAE is compatible with the Steam release and the Tiberian Sun Client (which I heavily recommend if you want some QoL improvements for your Tiberian Sun). Pick the build for your edition of Tiberian Sun.

For RA2/YR, the YR download of WAE is compatible with all known released editions of the game, including the new Steam release.

Links and contact

I'd love to hear your feedback on the editor! You can post your comments here on ModDB, or get in touch on Discord or private messages on ModDB!

WAE has its own dedicated channel, #wae-chat, on the C&C Mod Haven Discord server:

You can also discuss WAE on the #mapping channel of the Dawn of the Tiberium Age Discord server:

You can find the C# source code of the editor from GitHub:

Feel free to fork and hack around with it! We also accept pull requests if you think you could develop some useful features!


WAE is and will always be available for free. However, it has taken hundreds upon hundreds of hours to create that is off from the rest of my limited free time.

If you'd like to provide some extra incentive for keeping up the work on WAE, you can buy me a coffee at

Legal disclaimer

EA has not endorsed and does not support the World-Altering Editor.

Special thanks

WAE's open-source nature has already shown benefits. Big thanks to Morton and ZivDero who helped with developing features to properly support Tiberian Sun and especially Yuri's Revenge. Also, thanks to the Dawn of the Tiberium Age mod community for extensive testing and encouragement during these years.

What about FinalSun and FinalAlert 2? They were recently updated and open-sourced?

Work on WAE began over 3 years ago. Back then, these editors were very outdated and also closed-source. I couldn't anticipate that EA would eventually open-source and update them; last week's update and today's source code release came as complete surprises to me. Had I known about this 3 years ago, I might've opted to improve the old editors instead of creating a new one. However, after years of work, I believe WAE has surpassed the capabilities of FS and FA2, even with their latest updates.

I had also always planned to release WAE in spring 2024 and also announced this publicly in the modding community multiple times, so the similar timing with the updates to FS and FA2 is only a coincidence.

Have fun mapping, Commanders, and please share feedback on the editor if you have any!

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Crimsonum - - 261 comments

Congratulations on the release! I have been following this project for at least a year now, and the progress has been amazing. Truly a fantastic project! Kudos to you and all the contributors. I'll throw in an extra buck, too.

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

Hi, is there any tutorial?

Thanks in advance

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Rampastring Author
Rampastring - - 1,195 comments


There is currently no tutorial, but we hope most things are intuitive enough to get started without one, especially if you have any previous mapping experience.

You can also reach out on the C&C Mod Haven Discord (or other C&C community Discord servers) if you have questions on how to achieve something through the editor.

We might create a user manual in the future though.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Emperors_Fist - - 1,098 comments

This is very interesting and useful! Thank you for your work!

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Trufales - - 56 comments

Thank you so much for the awesome release! This will greatly improve YR modding. There is still work to be done, such as better cliff support and maybe random map generation, so please don't abandon this project now! With a bit of a push this could change the entire modding scene, so please have more fun with it!

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Rampastring Author
Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

I have no plans of entirely abandoning WAE in the near future. Although I will take a break from it for some time, both to relax (I worked pretty hard on the editor in the last few weeks) and also to catch up with some other things, so development will likely somewhat slow down.

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Borg.Overmind - - 238 comments

Nice work, I will definitely try this as I need to make my SP campaign in my mod.

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jonazion92 - - 2 comments

Well done! I have one question: How do you load tiberian sun mission-maps in this editor?

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Rampastring Author
Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

If you are using Steam Tiberian Sun, you need to download XCC Mixer (part of XCC Utilities) and extract the mission maps from the MAPS*.MIX files. Once extracted, you can open them with WAE.

If you are using the Tiberian Sun Client (which I heavily recommend you to do if you enjoy mapping or modding), you can find them from the /Maps/Missions/ subfolder. Simply open WAE and load one of the missions from there.

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jonazion92 - - 2 comments

Thanks alot, Ramp :)

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FekLeyrTarg - - 1,041 comments

Excellent work. :-)

Question: If possible, how do you use WAE with mods like TI, Rubicon, MO etc?
I'm probably blind but so far I was able to use the TS version of WAE with TS Client only.

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Rampastring Author
Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

WAE needs to be configured to read files from those mods instead of stock TS/TSC. Optimally this will be done by mod authors: at least some of them have shown interest for bundling WAE with future updates of their mods, just like how they currently bundle FS/FA2.

If you want to give it a shot yourself, you can open /Config/Constants.ini and /Config/FileManagerConfig.ini, and check out the keys there. /Config/Theaters.ini is also important in case the mod renames theater files from the vanilla game (I don't think either TI or Rubicon do this though).

Especially TS mods such TI and Rubicon should be easy to get running. I wouldn't be surprised if Rubicon works after just changing WAE to look for Rubicon.exe instead of TiberianSun.exe.

YR mods, especially MO with its gargatuan number of assets and changes to the game, might take more effort. But there are already some mappers in the community who are using WAE to map for MO, so it's doable.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
FekLeyrTarg - - 1,041 comments

Thank you very much. :-)

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

So awesome!

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sergeyfatom - - 3 comments

А подходит ли этот редактор карт для мода ion shock на red alert 2???
Очень люблю этот мод но редактор карт в нем корявый, выдает часто ошибки и примерно половины объектов просто нету но выбрать их можно!(
Хочу создать красивые и атмосферные карты что бы дать их людям поиграть конечно же самому!)
Если есть рабочий редактор карт для ion shock то скиньте ссылку что бы скачать его!)
Заранее огромное спасибо кто ответит или посоветует что сделать!)

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