Welcome to WARMONGER56 mods. Here you will find three full version mods to download, plus over 20 addon mods. From the 3 full versions mods plus addons, you can build just about any type of mod you want to play, with the aid of the model manager 1.5 that is available for download here. The full mods and addons consist of A female advisor, recolored maps, music, AI'S, Original ETW and Napoleon movie that plays while your in the grand campaign menu screen, new recolored campaign map generals, admirals, rakes, ministers, and clergy icons. A lot of different new flags, new loading screens, and the list goes on. I invite you to drop in on my download page and check it out. Weather you are looking for something to enhance your mod or want to start from scratch and build a new mod, I am sure you will find something new to add to your mod to further enhance your gaming experience.

Post news Report RSS WM56 Napoleon Mod News and Addon mod info

In this article I will be sharing the latest Napoleon mod news plus Addon mod info for the Napoleon mod. I will also be sharing info about the new AI addons for the 1700S, Pirates Gate and Napoleon mod.

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  • Welcome to the latest Napoleon mod update news and addon mod info for March 2024.
  • I have just released the latest Napoleon mod video, which has three episodes. The first episode depicts a sea battle between Great Britain and Spain, with a lot of fire power and explosions. In episode one, Spain is out numbered six to two and still wins a victory on the high seas against the British. Episode two depicts a battle between Great Britain and France during the Napoleonic wars in Europe. In this episode, Napoleon kills four or five British soldiers in a French cavalry attack on the British infantry. Episode three, pits the British against the Martha Confederacy, while the French fight for there lives against the Ottoman Empire. This Video is full of intense action from the beginning to the end. The new AI for the Napoleon mod makes it a lot easier to deal with the major and minor factions governments. It is now easier the obtain technologies and land from friend or foe instead of having to fight for it. This AI concept allows you to choose weather you want to pursue a game of peace or be a warmonger like me. With the new AI, all of the major and minor factions are more evenly match, which mean you have to deploy some kind of battle tactics and strategy in order to win the battle. The artillery is deadly accurate at 50% or better, so it is important to try and take the enemies artillery out with your cavalry when the opportunity arises. If your units start routing or retreating from the battle, they can regroup and return to the battle. I have found when testing the AI, that it depends on the strength of the unit, weather you use them as a support unit or put them on the front lines. I have also added two new volumes of music, giving you four volumes of music to choose from. The units that I still have to reskin to finish the eastern factions are, eastern officers, musicians, cavalry and artillery. I hope to be finish with the eastern factions by June of this year or sooner. I will be posting images of the progress that I am making on skinning the eastern factions until it is done. Once the Napoleon eastern factions are done and uploaded, I will start working the American Civil War mod. I don't have a time line on how long it will take to complete it yet. I would like to say thank you to mod db and those of you that follow me and support my modding. I greatly appreciate it. Until the next article, happy gaming! WARMONGER56!

  • WM56 ETW Napoleonic Wars Video - ModDB
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