BJ Blazkowicz has been assigned an important mission from the Office of Secret Actions (OSA). The Nazis have apparently been performing unspeakable acts of horror at a place called Castle Wewelsburg. What terrible things await BJ at this castle?

Post news Report RSS Large Update - Disabled Cheats, Easter Eggs and More!

Finally, a new update regarding Castle Wewelsburg! I have a handful of information to give to you all, so prepare yourself!

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Finally, a new update regarding Castle Wewelsburg! I have a handful of information to give to you all, so prepare yourself!

First of all, I want to mention that the final release of Castle Wewelsburg will have disabled cheats. This means that players will NOT be able to cheat at any time while playing the mod. My reason for deciding on this is simple: I strongly dislike cheating, and I want to discourage it as much as possible. A great way to do this, in my opinion, is to remove the possibility of players cheating their way through Castle Wewelsburg.

I realize that some players only cheat sometimes for fun, but in my opinion, cheating ruins immersion. As I've stated in previous updates regarding Castle Wewelsburg, I want this to be my best release by far. In order to accomplish this, I think that disabling cheats is a step in the right direction.

Second of all, Castle Wewelsburg will have easter eggs, like the recently released The Dark Army: Uprising did. These easter eggs will range from secret rooms that are difficult to access to bigger secrets like bonus levels. The bonus levels will NOT be connected in any way to the story of Castle Wewelsburg. This means that, in total, the mod will probably have almost 10 levels, with most of them being playable. As always, this is subject to change since the mod is still in the works.

Third of all, the recently released RealRTCW 2.1 mod, which runs on the ioRTCW engine, will be used in the mod. I've taken notice of some minor bugs with the ioRTCW engine, but it's much more stable than before (those of you who played the first release of The Dark Army: Uprising will know what I'm talking about). Many bugs from the vanilla game are fixed, one of them being the nasty quickload/player death crash that many players have experienced. RealRTCW 2.1 also added some great new footstep and weapon sounds, as well as a new weapon: the shotgun. You can expect this weapon to appear in Castle Wewelsburg for sure.

Fourth of all, Castle Wewelsburg will most likely have randomly spawning enemy locations. This feature can be seen on some of the original SP maps like crypt1 and xlabs, where some enemies are spawned at random locations. The purpose of this will be to create less linear gameplay, which might appeal to those that prefer multiplayer over singleplayer. As I've said before, I want as many people to play my mod as possible, and hopefully they will enjoy it too. Any additional ideas about creating less linear gameplay are always welcome. Don't hesitate to let me know, if you have any ideas!

To conclude this update, I want to once again mention that Ronboy Productions is still hiring for members. If you think that you can contribute to the development of Castle Wewelsburg in any way, then please don't hesitate to join! I need help with this project!

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest, and I hope that you all will look forward to the next update, which may contain some WIP screenshots of the first playable level!

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