BJ Blazkowicz has been assigned an important mission from the Office of Secret Actions (OSA). The Nazis have apparently been performing unspeakable acts of horror at a place called Castle Wewelsburg. What terrible things await BJ at this castle?

Post news Report RSS Castle Wewelsburg Intro Finished (For Now)!

I'm back again with news about my project called Castle Wewelsburg! Today, I've finally finished the intro OSA cutscene level (for now). I say for now because the project as a whole is a WIP (work in progress). For the time being though, I'm satisfied with it.

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I'm back again with news about my project called Castle Wewelsburg! Today, I've finally finished the intro OSA cutscene level (for now). I say for now because the project as a whole is a WIP (work in progress). For the time being though, I'm satisfied with it.

I would like to thank Vicpas (Vicente Pasquino) for testing the intro cutscene level as he found some errors and gave me some improvements to make. Don't worry; as I always do with my projects, I will have some private testers get some testing done. This will come later however, since I want to get all levels completed before full-scale testing commences.

I'm happy to announce that Castle Wewelsburg will be several levels long (more than the usual 2 or 3 levels that I've done for my previous works). In total, you can expect about 5 maps (including cutscene levels), but more may be added later. We will see.

The work that I've done with the intro OSA cutscene can be found on the images tab of the project's page here on Mod DB. There are several updated screenshots there, so go check it out! Since the intro cutscene is finally finished (for now), I can now start on the playable levels very soon. Look forward to it!

There's one last thing that I want to mention for this update. 2 people have joined Ronboy Productions: Titeuf-85 and Pingvin55555. I would like to thank both of these people for showing interest in joining my company, and assisting me in however they want to. As I said on the previous update here, feel free to join Ronboy Productions (or spread the word), because I won't be able to bring Castle Wewelsburg to the level of quality that I want it to reach without some help. It's time for me to improve my works as a mapper, and it's time for the Rtcw community to start working together even more.

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest, and look forward to the next update!

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