Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles is a total conversion for the fantastic game Star Wars - Empire at War: Forces of corruption. This total conversion will replace every single Star Wars asset of the original game with Stargate assets. This includes units, buildings, icons, sounds, videos and so much more. Pegasus Chronicles offers 3 playable races, the Ta'uri (alliance between Earth and the Asgard), Anubis (a mighty systemlord) and the Wraith. Beside these 3 playable races, you will meet many non-playable ones like the Replicators, the Asurans, the systemlord alliance, the Aschen, the Ori and many more. Each faction will have several space and land units, well known from the series or completely new ones. Contrary to our first full version for the normal Empire at War, the next release will offer finished GC maps, in which you can play through the known Stargate storylines and experience a lot of never seen missions and adventures.


This is the first mod from our campaign "Mods for the mod". Please read the details for install instructions and more information.

Stargate Mod by Christ
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Spinobreaker - - 5,876 comments

sweeeeeeet i need a stargate fix :D

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LanteanOmega - - 97 comments


I come onto Moddb, saw I had 5 updates, thought someone had uploaded some cool new images, instead there was Stargate awesomesauce(!)

Now the 24 hour Stargate at War binge can begin! ;)

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LanteanOmega - - 97 comments

Ok, serious problem with either this mod, or the 1.3 patch.

Everytime I do a Pegasus (forgive my spelling) GC Map, if I try to run a land battle on Athos, the loading bar completes, when I click start, it returns to loading, I click on start, returns to loading. Ect. Ect. Ect.
Also, but not as important, John Sheppard doesnt appear on Atlantis when the text on top says he is avalible

Seeing as Athos is literally the first planet after Atlantis that is unlocked, this is a SERIOUS hinderence.

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Baal3019 Creator
Baal3019 - - 35 comments

Christ's Mod doesn't change anything there, try to reinstall the final 1.3.

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Baal3019 Creator
Baal3019 - - 35 comments

look in Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Mods\Stargate\DATA\ART\Maps if there is a _LAND_PLANET_ATHOS.ted file.

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silence1212 - - 35 comments

as in bacthy (sorry bad spelling if you didnt relize thats a saying from cornol onell when he first meats baal :D)

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ImperiaI - - 599 comments

This loading loop happens if there is no valid planet .ted written in the planets.xml in the code of Athos

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lortsith - - 7 comments

i cant go to midway station in in qvest midway station i cant go on it

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Baal3019 Creator
Baal3019 - - 35 comments

look here:
Christ's Mod doesn't change anything there

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MerlinGalgotta Author
MerlinGalgotta - - 2,689 comments

Christ, the creator of the mod will care about it.

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christ2010 - - 3 comments

I have no idea about the Athos-bug. As Baal said, i changed nothing at the GCs or the ground part of the mod. I know you are not the only one with this bug, but i can't reproduce the bug at my test version on my computer. I don't know where the bug is so i can't help you. Sorry.

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Chrivs - - 5 comments

Bah "Lower space unit cap for all factions" its sux we only can have 20 on Tauri and many of the ships need 8-12 is not fair and not good for the game,
Can you guys not make it to 40 ? and not 20 ?

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TodTheWraith - - 215 comments

Yea, lowering the space cap was a HORRIBLE idea, one of the reasons why the stargate mod is so good is because it has a higher unit cap so your battles are boring as hell...anyways can anyone tell me if its possible to uninstall this without doing a complete reinstall?

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TodTheWraith - - 215 comments

Also, the old drones were much better, these ones, if they miss once, can't come around for even a second pass, which we ALL know they could in the show, not to mention now they don't go through shields...thats my opinion anyways

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jan302 - - 17 comments

But the destruction of ships, railguns of the x-303. The speed of the ships of earth or much better

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TodTheWraith - - 215 comments

Idk man, being able to blow up hardpoints was one of the most tactical things about this game, takin that out really just makes it dull, im my opinion.

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jan302 - - 17 comments

I agree that the drones should be the ones from the original patch. And the unit cap should be higher. But the unit cap is easy to fix.

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jan302 - - 17 comments

But about the hard points, maybe there should be a few. Because if baal or anubis fires their proton beam they destroy the entire ship

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jan302 - - 17 comments

Does anyone know in wich xml file you can adjust the unit cap

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Lantea - - 4 comments

i think its the faction xml

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jan302 - - 17 comments

Thanks, I found it

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Jason_seagrave - - 1 comments

Is there a way to move the old Drone file into the new one?

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aerial_ace - - 34 comments

Is there any way to remove the no hardpoints bit, that one of my most favorite parts of this game

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ImperiaI - - 599 comments

Sure, just edit all of these tags in Hardpoints.xml or the .xml wich contains the Hardpoints of desired units:

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atretador - - 567 comments

Man, the X303 weapons-Projectiles design, like the weapons used to defend atlantis in the "Siege, part 2", and the new continuous firing mode is awesome...But the rest should stay like it was before...

And the B302 its just an X302, but with more demage...I'm waiting for the DropShip, the HB302...And the others ships...

Great job

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atretador - - 567 comments

There is some way to use the new firing mode and projectiles of the X303 without the rest?

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Crashdown25 - - 3 comments

i´m missing the Apollo in skirmish, i already upgraded the asgard technology but the apollo doesn´t show up in neither in the Ida Galaxy nor the Pegasus Galaxy Gates ... what am i doing wrong ?!

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ImperiaI - - 599 comments

Overpowered as hell anyway

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lo_shane_ol - - 25 comments

is the event based Galactic Conquest fixed???
(the one that starts from season 6)
please if any one knows let me know

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atretador - - 567 comments

Hey, I find a bug, the Ha'tak can't fire against figthers...I destroy 4 Ha'taks( new Ha'tak ) with 2 F-302 and 2 X-301 squads...

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christ2010 - - 3 comments

the hatak can't fire against fighters. it is not a bug. It believe every ship must have a weakpoint. It is like star destroyer vs bomber squadron in original eaw.

But i am sorry for the apollo bug. The button was bugged so i removed it. I try to find a solution.

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atretador - - 567 comments

The Goa'uld Ha'tak is an Multirole ship, can fire against everything...

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RoBeat - - 22 comments

you can change it in the xml´s ;))

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atretador - - 567 comments

(But the Al'kesh kick my ***)

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lo_shane_ol - - 25 comments

ok on the event based Galactic Conquest (the one that starts from season 6) i have got to the point where the rebel jaffa want to take Dakara and i have took it and now have their fleet above the planet but nothing else is happening.
do i need to wait longer or what???

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Lubophis - - 13 comments

I have the same problem. Can someone help?

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atretador - - 567 comments

untill you have 70 years old....kkkk

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atretador - - 567 comments

Hey, you guys from the modding group use some software to define weapon's locations and life in the ships, or is all manualy?

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ImperiaI - - 599 comments

All Manually, but Im working on a easy to use program that allows rebalancing of Units for everyone.

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atretador - - 567 comments

If someone want to use this mod with the hard points watch this video, I post at 03h 42min (BR)

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The-Art-of-War - - 610 comments

Might have been me but it seems as if after this is done it ***** up the health system for fighters, perhaps I changed something I shouldn't have..

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Mishi - - 55 comments

Fighters have hidden untargetable hardpoints is why the health system goes werid. The change all makes them targetable which they weren't designed for.

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jan302 - - 17 comments

Does anyone know where and what you have to change so that the drones follow the target in stead of flying by

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ImperiaI - - 599 comments

The Projectile needs to be declared as Missle, you can use this template and replace the models for the drone with the right one:

<Projectile Name="Projectile_Drone">
<Damage_Type> Damage_Proton_Torp </Damage_Type>


<Projectile_SFXEvent_Detonate_Reduced_By_Armor> SFX_Proton_Torpedo_Detonation </Projectile_SFXEvent_Detonate_Reduced_By_Armor>

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stargateSG1 - - 65 comments

where the hell i can change how match damage asgard beam weapon was easy .but after i installed this mod..i cant find it anymore-.-

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RoBeat - - 22 comments

you must go to the xml´s in the stargate mod folder and search for the SG_Projectiles.xml(or something like that) then you must search and search... and after a time you find the Asgard plasmabeam ! then you can change the firepower :D I would do a copy of the original on your desktop !

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lejanmeswt - - 111 comments

Can't we play this in FOC?

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canshow - - 30 comments

Is it just me, or are crashes in land battles more occurring?

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ImperiaI - - 599 comments

Probably because they never finished the land mode

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RoBeat - - 22 comments

Love the Mod :D
with a few Changes in the Xml´s ;)

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