Hello there, Humanoid Viewer. This project is in regards to one of many planned submods for STA3. To put it simply, it's a large scale fan-expansion of Final Edition, also utilizing elements from prior iterations of Armada 3 and SOA2. It is a major content Addon + QOL mod, seeking to make it so the game runs optimally in both a PVP and PVE setting, while also bringing abandoned ideas from Final Edition to life, and filling in game elements that I thought were lacking. It's primary changes are reworks of abilities, but more importantly ships and stations, along with adding a plethora of new ships and stations to all factions(not including borg), even throwing in some more NPC assets to make the game more interesting and lively. There is a new and expanded soundtrack added to the mix to give it a more energetic feel, with some easter eggs thrown if you should happen to have any DLC. Many assets are from every iteration of STA3 and others from SOA2. Changelogs will have exact credits. Lex

Aight, so we starting over. Rebuilding the mod from the ground up at present.

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So, I've been taking the time to rework the mod entirely, effectively starting from scratch to try and locate and fix errors where I see them. I just recently put out a bare-bones beta release on my discord server, of which I've decided to translate over here shortly. There is a heavy array of changes and updates already but nowhere near completed or that well polished as I'd like. I wanna let you know that this project and the Dominion Blitzkrieg counterpart are not dead, progress is just taking time. Furthermore, with the assistance of the DS9R Dev/STA1 Remaster dev, whom of which is a friend of mine, we'll be able to expand the rosters of all factions that we deem fit, as you can see with the recent inclusion of the Orion Class, so you may see brand new stations and ships pop up from time to time. If you wish to see these changes with the game and catch earlier releases sooner, you may check out the discord where we are being more active on. Take care, viewer.


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