SHAFT | 06 is an Old Aperture mod starring an original shiny new storyline, custom elements such as a custom original gel, fans and new environments, learn more in our ModDB summary page!

Report RSS SHAFT | 06 - Protagonist & Custom Element Showcase

Ever wondered who the protagonist of the SHAFT|06 mod is or how his motel room looks? Both of those will be featured in today's article as well as a peek at concept art for conduction gel co-elements: Electricity Chargers and Electricity Catchers.

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Featuring the face of SHAFT | 06

A lot has been done and a lot is left to do.

We are here today to show you the former with a lot of character.

Starting with: Concept Art

Calvin Jäger - Protagonist Concept - by ThatAlex14

Main Protagonist of SHAFT 06

Electricity Emmiter and Catcher - by Xerenah


Next on the list is: Mapping

Motel Room - by JustFajr

Home of Calvin S06

Transition Seal - by CodenameHenry

Vaulty !

Quite Vault-esque

Are you filled with passion and creativity?

Join us in the making of this passion project!

We are looking for:

Organic and Hard Surface modellers


You can find us on:

Discord - YouTube

Thank you for reading this article and have an incredible day, year, month

in any order as your calendar system allows!

- The SHAFT|06 Development Team

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