Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.


Greetings Comrades! Rise of the Reds version 1.5 is here! We've added a plethora of new content including many new units, improved AI that will use new units and tactics against you, an entirely new tech tier, and much more. This version of Rise of the Reds DOES NOT require a previous version of Rise of the Reds to install, you only need Zero Hour v1.04.

Rise of the Reds 1.5 PC
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 276)
xonone - - 1,601 comments

oh s**t what a surprise.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+57 votes
xonone - - 1,601 comments

wait a sec why the **** did i get a -2? all i said is what a surprise.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+34 votes
MrTimm - - 4,994 comments

just some people are a jackass

Reply Good karma Bad karma+60 votes
LR01 - - 48 comments

Well, perhaps because of the "s**t" part?
I didn't vote but that is just what I think.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+23 votes
MrTimm - - 4,994 comments

ever think of positive **** like **** yeah man its here finally or

Reply Good karma Bad karma+17 votes
PANdemoniumJP - - 110 comments

Three years later, your comment went from -2 to +44

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Superjeno - - 274 comments

Lol, another one coming back here and reading it huh :P still I wonder why I am here xD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
AiiZen - - 37 comments

Thats what i call a progress :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Metalloid - - 373 comments

Hopefully you're now playing the new Beta ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
zaft - - 56 comments

Oh holyshit been waiting for weeks finaly it on :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Jieitai - - 1,033 comments

Congrats on this latest release.

Now time to toss new units into the mayhem of battle.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
The_H4mm3r - - 318 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
jakeviper24 - - 10 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
deepparmar - - 6 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ComeradeStalin - - 2,619 comments

Should I uninstall 1.2 or it doesn't matter?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
NergiZed Author
NergiZed - - 1,608 comments

"This version of Rise of the Reds DOES NOT require a previous version of Rise of the Reds to install, you only need Zero Hour v1.04."

Try to read the summary next time. XP

Reply Good karma+3 votes
ComeradeStalin - - 2,619 comments

I know that very well. I asked "should I UN-install 1.2" (won't they conflict with each other). What's the problem?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
cronos35 - - 3,391 comments

ok, i found something a bit wrong with the usa crusader. it can hover but it can't hover over water?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
NergiZed Author
NergiZed - - 1,608 comments

The hovering is really only a speed increase. We decided to scrap the hovering over water idea because it caused way too many bugs.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
ComeradeStalin - - 2,619 comments

Sadly. Water move could add more tactic decisions.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
NergiZed Author
NergiZed - - 1,608 comments

All of us are mildly disappointed that the Sage Engine couldn't do Land to Amphibious switches well. But US has a lot of cheap early game Aircraft so they can still flank people via the water.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
ComeradeStalin - - 2,619 comments

I've just seen n5p29's Hover Leopard from NProject Mod. How it swims in this case?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
NergiZed Author
NergiZed - - 1,608 comments

I never said it can't. I said the bugs that adding a land-to-hover-and-amphibious unit that also has it's rate of fire linked directly to it's current mode of travel far outweighs the benefits of having it able to traverse water.

I don't know what bugs specifically, but apparently enough bugs to not even make it into the internal Beta.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
ComeradeStalin - - 2,619 comments

Does it mean that it will be eventually fixed in next versions?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
cronos35 - - 3,391 comments

that's fine. maybe in v.2.0 the crusader will still be alive. and why not make it hover over water next time.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OzzyD - - 40 comments

I isntalled with 1.0 Ver by accident, still worked

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
cronos35 - - 3,391 comments

really? you must be joking. the two versions will have conflicting data.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
kitenyos - - 3 comments

Can someone please help me. When i download Rise of the reds, it comes up with the read me and the .exe I install it in Zero hours under the C:/ drive. The instructions say to look for the ROTR Public Beta but it doesn't exist. I cannot find it! Please send me a message or reply thanks

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Tamagakure - - 5,106 comments

Install it into your Zero Hour folder.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
D-WRTHBRNGR - - 206 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
justgoaway - - 8,208 comments

It was realized???

P.S.: I will only can to download this on 23th September, because now is to late and tomorrow I will not stay home all day long =(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
justgoaway - - 8,208 comments

I hate karma spammers

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
ComeradeStalin - - 2,619 comments

So am I man...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Nietschechen - - 398 comments

On of the greastest day of VIDEOGAME HISTORY EVA!!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
sting2death - - 1,403 comments

Awesome a Release !

I have been waiting for this moment for so long !

"It seems that its going to be a Nuclear winter this year !"

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
pewter - - 5 comments

its not working, i installed it just like the instructions say, but the damn thing doesn't start when i press the icon.

I have TFD and vista.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
someguywhopwns - - 106 comments

i have TFD and windows 7. same here dude.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
M0lten - - 146 comments

try to launch this file Rotr_Beta.bat , from game folder

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Arbiter900 - - 219 comments

i have the same problem, i installed this on TFD on windows 7 but it does not work. I tried all of the batch files and it says that it cannot find the file specified. anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
sgtdumbass - - 75 comments

same here

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ozycar - - 119 comments

NOOOO! It better work with TFD and Vista64. grrrr

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
amiga1 - - 38 comments


I hate to say this but, if you are going to get into this sort of thing in general, as well as a whole bunch of other creative activities and fan based games forums and such, you have to avoid windows vista and windows 7.
you need windows xp it will run so much faster on the same machine, and is much more compatible with this sort of stuff.
When I buy a new pc the first thing i am gona do is get rid of windows 7 and put a copie of xp on instead.
It just gets to a point when you are sick and tierd of the constant problems with vista and 7

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
((;^GrimReaper^;)) - - 563 comments

uh dude i don't know where you got info on your computer at but it does not run fast on XP then it does on vista..i know my laptop has vista on and it runs faster than a windows 7 OS does....it runs way faster than XP...i can play rotr at max graphics on say the map twilight flame with 7 AI and me...and it is actually a little fast...AND MY COMPUTER IS NOT EXACTLY THE MOST UP TO DATE GAMING SYSTEM....i am running a AMD Athlon 64 X2...along wiht a ATI Radeon HD5970....now i don't know about you but that system and graphic card are behind the times...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
B.Smiley - - 1 comments

is your uac on?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Vegantor - - 221 comments

at last its release waiting for a long time this is

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
sasha1833 - - 13 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
RaviL - - 31 comments

Will it be available on corsus?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
РredatoR - - 3,850 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
5anfor - - 1,590 comments

Time to sleep in your keyboard:P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
AudDaGokil - - 96 comments

Thanks god!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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