Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.


Full Release of version 1.72 of Rise of the Reds

1.72 Release
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 86)
[ITM]hammie - - 223 comments

oh wow, i just saw all the updates i had and thought, hmm i wish ROTR would be released, and then saw what they were, absolutely over the moon, im downloading now and will change my review accordingly

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Guest - - 699,697 comments

This is only for C&C Generals Zero hour.....not for ONLY GENERALS, RIGHT?
So, we need C&C Generals Zero hour to download this mod, huh?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
CaptainRobi - - 27 comments

Both are needed. Install Generals before installing Zero Hour and then download/install this release to play Rise of the Reds. nuff said.

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PamParamPamPam - - 1,189 comments

Awww yeah! :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
lwmr - - 271 comments

Team America **** YEAH XD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
robohobojoe - - 7 comments

America **** YEAH comin in to save ************ day yeah. lol

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Master.Assassin - - 273 comments

The game not working

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GJK21 - - 336 comments

Having problemes AI not working no new units please help :(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
lwmr - - 271 comments

explain in detail then i can

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GJK21 - - 336 comments

I Start the Game the AI is already defeated in there place there is a capturable Command Center Judging on the party designated in the game settings and no the game does not end i continued playing to see the new units as China USA Russia GLA but the units are still the same as 1.7 (would it help to say that even in the option menu i read 1.7 not 1.72)

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lwmr - - 271 comments

some maps do not support the AI yet if your using the map pack AND what version have you got? (AI building script not fixed yet for some maps, try patching it with 1.72)
If that doesnt work either
1:your doing it wrong
2:your really doing it wrong
provide more detail

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
GJK21 - - 336 comments

Well I Have First Decade Version And I Tried Practically All The maps that i usually play in 1.7 Twilight Flame ZH, Supply Line, Alpine Assault Gen, And a Few other Unofficial and Official and I first Tried patching it then Installing it Full but nothing worked Sory if i am Bother you ShockTr00p3r

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PeaceKeep0r - - 1,184 comments

Check your scripts file

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lwmr - - 271 comments

Nah no biggy, btw try reinstalling the entire game AND DELETE the game file by right clicking and find target on the shortcut (worked for me then install the mod THEN patch might fix the problem)I have first decade as well so
this fixed my problems (if yoyr a modder) do tell if this fails as well

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
GJK21 - - 336 comments

Well I managed to get The New Units Running But the AI is Still Not working I checked The script Files I have Sth called Skirmishscripts.bck about 2.20 Kb and The same one but *.scb 0Kbz and some other files multiplayerscript.bck(11kb) and .scb(0kb) and scripts.ini (0kb)

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lwmr - - 271 comments

hmm ok click on the short cut and on the menu of the ROTR there is a hammer click it and follow instructions the best i can do to help :)

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Guest - - 699,697 comments

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zXxLIPSxXz - - 6 comments

hey i need help, i love the look of this mod (Y) to who ever made it, but i cant play it because im on windows 7 ultermate 64bit, can someone help me because i would love to play this mod

(i got a patch so the normal game works on win 7 )

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Xofolez - - 197 comments

Im running it on the same system effortlessly, perhaps you should torrent a or obtain a disc version like i did because c&c collection would not allow me to mod

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Sovietnumber5 - - 1 comments


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X1Destroy - - 963 comments

Brilliant!!! I've been waiting for months... Thank you, SWR Production!!!

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Guest - - 699,697 comments

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EnlistedDiabetus - - 174 comments

um will this have the EU in it

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lwmr - - 271 comments

nope :/ but some new thing which are neat :D
I wish the SWR team could have a larger veriety of difficulty
setting such as gurilla rush or steam roller or even turtle style
like in CC tiberium 3 NOT Twilight (biggest ******* disaster EVER made by EA :) "designed to ruin your dreames"

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Tekkenmover - - 9 comments

Very nicely made mod, but I got to say, I'm not a fan of the balance with the artillery type units, aswell the anti air defence units, simply the range is massive, aswell the damage they do. The defence structures really have no use in this game, thanks to how useless they are to do damage, HP and range.

It's a nice mod, and nice work, but the balance is just way off to my taste. Just wanted to point it out ^^

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lwmr - - 271 comments

Well treat this as an Alpha mod cause its still to early to do nerffing and buffing due to the fact that there are going to be more units and structures (ECA) to be released in the future.
however if some units are way put of proportion then the SWR team does change it BUT i agree with some of the things such as GRAD nerf (but got nerffed to much) the anti air UNITS are realistical in damage wise but range wise too long

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Tekkenmover - - 9 comments

Glad to hear that, I'll keep my eyes on this mod then, and looking forward to the day, the final version is here ^^

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thatblood - - 5 comments

you did it for nothing man.. the game gets stuck all the time.. you can not play (4v4 hard).. I played crysis 2 with full graphics but I can not play this mod even with medium graphics.. you had to do optimization first.. wasted labor too bad..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
NaturalDarkness - - 1 comments

Are you a retard? How is it for nothing? Its got a bigger following than you'll ever have. its a beta for a start.. with constant updates.
As for gameplay 4x4 hard works fine for me even over lan. so.. guess you should upgrade lmao!

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shinmarwan - - 289 comments

filefront wont work in egypt

PLEASE i want another mirror


Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
shinmarwan - - 289 comments

outstanding i love you guys

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
sithpal - - 733 comments

not sure y or if it was the carpet bomb or the leaflets. but when the first bomb was about to hit and when i called in a leaflet drop my game crashed

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shinmarwan - - 289 comments

the game crash after about 15 minutes in the official maps

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w6y1y8 - - 1 comments


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zebtar99 - - 10 comments


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Supreme_Commander - - 37 comments

Excelent mod!!!!! I haven't run into any problems yet but will let you know if I do.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Croc66 - - 5 comments

Ive got a problem it keeps saying i get a serious error so ive uninstalled ROTR and ZH but it still does the same thing any ideas?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Ultranationalist941 - - 1 comments

How to make it work for cnc the ultimate collection? I installed the mod correctly.. The "moron" alert didnt appear. But it launches the normal zero hour. Please help

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Gladiuss - - 72 comments

I wish EA read peoples comments and reviews. Their games would be SOOO much more better. I mean who better to create the game than the actual people that play it?

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zution - - 1 comments

The download link won't work, 504 gateway timeout. Help please?

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hosamlame - - 1 comments

Hi all I have been installed,ROTRBetaFull_172 but did not show any changes on the game remained the same in Rise of the Reds GLA Beta 1.7

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CptIstvanofArdeal - - 2,370 comments

Dear ROTR team could you make the next update support oriented i mean artillery and aircraft and can u update charles bio too or if not make tactical oriented cause i never sought zhukovs bio

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inu22 - - 2 comments

The Gamefront file is down for some reason. Can't download.

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dhws84 - - 1 comments

Link is broken. I can't donwload it. Please help

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
whdirty - - 1 comments

nice game, im using window 7 64bit, with a junk processor intel 2.00 ghz 1gb ram, but still it works fine on me, tnx... can't wait for the new version

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Vcon8XD - - 71 comments

oh man, i REALLY want to get this mod, but my relentless shockwave mod i want to delete wont let me. i had a trojan virus with the shockwave mod, so i think that could be the reason why. i use c&c the first decade, and im on a pc. if i need to provide more information, then i wont mind to. my SW mod also crashes whenever i try to play a challenge game. PLEASE HELP!!!

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Deadwalk753 - - 14 comments

i can't start the game, i have general, zero hour 1.04, rise of the red 1.7, then this one installed but after the launcher show up there is pop some "technical dificulties" window, i've tried the rotr repair button but it still crashes the same like before --...

does anyone has any idea?

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Hideyoshi_Raian - - 250 comments

For some reason i cant download from gamefront any other mirror?

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Shirts - - 9 comments

i can't start the game, i have general, zero hour 1.04, rise of the red 1.7, then this one installed but after the launcher show up there is pop some "technical dificulties" window

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Guest - - 699,697 comments

It says on Filefront the Full release 1.72 cannot be found

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