RealRTCW is an overhaul mod for critically acclaimed Wolfenstein classic. It features improved visuals, expanded arsenal, rebalanced gunplay and proper modern systems support!

RSS Reviews  (70 - 80 of 105)

Great mod that keeps getting even better with each update. Thanks for your contributions to the legacy of RTCW.


Great mod!!!


Nice. Very nice!

The game it self is very good but this mod makes even better. My complimantes to the team behind this gem.


The way that Wolfenstein franchise should evolve by. The MachineGays will never make the game with same level of gameplay and storytelling. By the way it was released on Steam and have Steam Workshop support that giving you the chance to play all single-player mods for RtCW here with all RealRTCW features without installation troubles.
I've proud to be part of development group and I love the results of hard working of our community. Someday somehow this game will get the second chance with modern graphics, phisics and lighting. This mod will compensate you lack of that experience and don't lose your chance to Return to castle Wolfenstein again!


stlurz says

Agree Disagree

A very nice refreshment of one of my favourite games. New sounds, cool loading screens, enhanced arsenal, tons of details (the change of camouflage for the different missions alone would hit 10/10 on my personal score), better bosses, addons and modern systems support. The only thing I regret is that I've learned about the mod just a month ago.


Big improvement to the original game


Auxide says

Agree Disagree

RealRtCW brings play-ability to a game that's soon to be 20 years old (god, i'm old) It brings widescreen, texture updates, new weapons, and even new side maps for those who crave more.


Big weapon arsenal :D Love it!

Este es el mod que he estado buscando para wolfenstein simplemente genial con su jugabilidad mejorada, ojala que le sigan agregando muchas mas cosas.