Dune. Arrakis. The desert planet. Land of Sand. The core of the universe... And a war for the precious Spice Melange.


The demotruck issue is fixed(you get an amphibious Stang for a mobile outpost).The AI builds the big defences(Eiffel Tower and Mayan Pyramid).In operation desecration,you weren't allowed to build a nuke reactor,thus preventing you from building Apocalypses.This problem has been solved through the advanced tanks' ability to deploy into their Labs.And since this update inherits a lot more from RA3(amphibious tanks+MCVs,armed transports),I thought it wouldn't be bad if I'd make Yuri the RA2 version of the RA3 Empire of the rising sun.However,I require feedback and interest from you.This .zip holds a .yrm file,where you can see which vehicles are available for nano-core use.I don't know which cars should deploy into what,though.

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