Project Revolution is a WarCraft3 : Frozen Throne Mod, that will turn StarCraft:BroodWar into 3D. The Mod will stay true to the original StarCraft:Broodwar. No Races will be added, no heroes, no Units or skills. Just plain old SC. In 3D. Check out our screenshots to see what we've been working on. Check out our site and drop a few lines on the forum or visit our IRC channel for a chat with the team if you like. We're always scouting for talented artists and coders. If you think you can contribute to this project visit our site.

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In light of the release of SC2 (of which I'm sure everyone reading this is now VERY aware), many people are wondering what the plan is with Project Revolution. Know that we plan on presenting a playable version of SC:BW in 3D to you guys one way or another. There's been a few issues lately

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In light of the release of SC2 (of which I'm sure everyone reading this is now VERY aware), many people are wondering what the plan is with Project Revolution. Know that we plan on presenting a playable version of SC:BW in 3D to you guys one way or another. There's been a few issues lately (the main site over at with a server being down, leaving most of our updates down, and this page has been getting out of date for a while, so I figured I'd throw up an official announcement regarding the matter. The Team's been very active, and we're still getting things together (we also have a Help Wanted Announcement you may want to check out). Hopefully you should see more updates here over the next few weeks, we're working on getting some better images and other things over to our ModDB profile as soon as possible, and it'll be the main page for updates until the wc3campaigns site is back up, or we get a new server. Thank you for your continued patience and support.

EDIT: The Main Page is back up and running. There should be an update about the new site being constructed for Project Revolution as well as the projected release time.


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