Project Phantom is a total conversion mod for C&C Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge powered by Ares DLL & Phobos Engine Extension. Set in a world where the course of history took a different turn and science has been elevated to previously unattainable heights, three factions engage in a conflict that will change the fate of the world.

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A look into the factions and some other groups of interest within the world of Project Phantom

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Main Factions

Western Coalition

Western Coalition logo

  • Year Formed: 1967
  • Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium
  • Leadership: Chairman of the Coalition Military Committee, General Patrick Steinmann
  • Controlled Territories: North America, Western & Southern Europe, Australia, North Africa
  • Purpose: Protection of its member nations' security and interests, especially against perceived threats against their freedom

Western Coalition is NATO's successor in the post-Shift world, where technological growth spurred an ever-accelerating arms race between the East and the West. Concerned that the balance of power could end up tipping in favour of the Soviet Union in light of the rapid technological advancements being made in the aftermath of the Shift, the leaders of NATO nations collectively agreed upon and signed a treaty that when put into action would transform the organization into a much-tighter knit political, military and economical alliance. In 1976, an incident later dubbed 'the Annihilation' that resulted from Soviet military covertly transporting an experimental and unstable weapon created using little known aftereffect of the Shift - the so-called Exolis Crystals, detonating prematurely in outskirts of Istanbul, destroying large parts of the city and exposing the existence and potential of these crystals to the world at large, sparking a conflict that would become known as the Resource War, with Western Coalition ultimately triumphing over the Soviet Union, if only because the latter fell apart due to internal conflicts and ultimately dissolved as a coup took over and created the Eurasian Dominion. An uneasy truce between the superpowers lasted for a few years before the inevitable happened and the second Resource War begun, with no real end in sight.

Eurasian Dominion

Eurasian Dominion logo

  • Year Formed: 1984
  • Headquarters: Moscow, Russia
  • Leadership: President Sevastyan Biryukov
  • Controlled Territories: Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia
  • Purpose: Establishing permanent order in the world that has been thrown into chaos by emergence of previously unimaginable technologies

A new regime installed on top of the ruins of the Soviet Union in 1984 - following the first Resource War, as a result of a coup staged by a group from within the former Soviet military led by General Sevastyan Biryukov. Such an audacious feat as taking over an entire country, not to mention a former superpower was accomplished by the aid of technology, developed in secret by a research bureau under Biruykov's supervision. Called Dominus, it allows one to influence the thoughts of other people, effectively a form of remote brainwashing or mind control. Biruykov's plan was to create a regime that could truly bring order to the world, to prevent it from falling into the chaos of war once again, mere moments away from total annihilation. In the years following, their aggressive expansion campaigns along with the ever-increasing competition for the rare elements introduced by the Shift eventually kickstarted a conflict with the member nations of the Western Coalition, the second Resource War, that continues to this very day.

Phantom Imperative

Phantom Imperative logo

  • Year Formed: Unknown
  • Headquarters: Unknown
  • Leadership: Unknown
  • Controlled Territories: Unknown
  • Purpose: Unknown

An enigmatic paramilitary group that appears to bear no allegiance to any nation of the world. The exact nature, origins and goals of this organization remain shrouded to practically everyone, even to the most competent of intelligence agencies, leaving many who might have an inkling in the first place to doubt its very existence, and the rest who still believe branded as conspiracy theorists. Phantom works towards their inscrutable objectives from the shadows, utilizing resources and connections across the globe, especially those within the world's dark underbelly. Their greatest asset by far, however, is their access to technology that even the mightiest nations of the Earth can only imagine of - the kind of technology that allows them to harness powers that defy the laws of reality itself. While Phantom's role in the ongoing conflict between the world's superpowers has not yet become clear, it would be foolish to assume that they do not have a stake in all of it. There almost certainly is a plan - and when all of the pieces fall into their places, there might yet come a time for Phantom to emerge from the shadows.

Notable Subdivisions

Note that these are not representative of playable subfactions, of which there are none in this mod.


W.A.R.D logo

  • Year Formed: 1990
  • Headquarters: New York, United States of America
  • Leadership: Director Grant Archer
  • Controlled Territories: None
  • Purpose: Technology development for Coalition military

Warfare Advancement Research Division, an organization established shortly after the onset of the second Resource War to further development of technologies to assure Coalition supremacy. Proliferation of laser weapons as well as the new Flashbolt weapon technology in Coalition arsenal during the war can be traced back to W.A.R.D's achievements. As the conflict has dragged on and both superpowers have started to run out of steam and resources, W.A.R.D's funding has received several cuts, necessiating several projects being canned and other avenues of development to be pursued. There is a rumour that the current director, Grant Archer has been in talks with the Excelsus Group, an unusual concept given the latter's stance on involving in military conflicts for a collaboration on a project but nothing of substance regarding this matter has been confirmed as of yet.


Scythe logo

  • Year Formed: 1984
  • Headquarters: Unknown
  • Leadership: Colonel Rodion Sobol
  • Controlled Territories: Unknown
  • Purpose: Testing of nuclear-based weapons and employing scorched earth tactics against Dominion enemies where deemed necessary

A taskforce operating under Colonel Sobol, one of Biryukov's right-hand men that employs a large amount of nuclear-based weaponry and serves as a testbed for their development amongst Dominion military. Scythe is the inheritor of the legacy of several Soviet black projects related to nuclear technology, most notably Project Dazhbog that aimed to create new nuclear fusion-based weapon that inadvertantly, due to coinciding with the Shift ended up transforming one of the persons present, Major Timur Oborin into what can only be described as living nuclear reactor, becoming a nigh-immortal, secret Soviet 'super-commando' nicknamed 'Tokamak' as a result. Any attempts to replicate the process afterwards have proved unsuccessful.


Eclipse logo

  • Year Formed: Unknown
  • Headquarters: Unknown
  • Leadership: Commander Alexander Bishop
  • Controlled Territories: Unknown
  • Purpose: Protection of assets of the Phantom Imperative

A fast-response taskforce dedicated to protecting assets, mainly infrastructure essential to Phantom's operations and future. They primarily employ technology fitted with warp engines which allows them to teleport from one location to another within reasonable limits. Fittingly, bulk of their forces are made up from Nightmare Warptroopers, which use exosuits fitted with said engines. Their commanding officer, Alexander Bishop also employs an unique battle suit made to fit with his cybernetic augmentations when he needs to personally enter field. Given that vast majority, if not all of Phantom's assets, particularly infrastructure are unknown quantity to both Coalition and Dominion, it does raise a question if Eclipse was created as a countermeasure should that veil of secrecy fall, or if there are other things Phantom considers as threats to warrant its existence.

Other Groups of Interest

Crimson Crown

Crimson Crown logo

  • Year Formed: 1987
  • Headquarters: Milan, Italy
  • Leadership: CEO Ignatius Mercuri
  • Controlled Territories: Balkan Conglomerate
  • Purpose: For-profit defense / security contractor and PMC

Crimson Crown is one of the biggest players in the security industry - being the largest PMC in the world, a major arms manufacturer and the market leader in various electronic warfare and countermeasure solutions. A polished facade hides behind a network of black market contacts, weapons and information trafficking and a number of other illicit activities, albeit many of which have become a public secret within certain circles. When their web of corruption fails to provide adequate means for them to acquire more power and money, they bring in their troops and weapons. Proliferating conflict in the more tumultuous areas of the world and raking in the profits from war is business as usual for them. Currently, they have an agreement with the Western Coalition to provide 'security and order' in the contested region of Balkan Conglomerate, a feeble union of many former Balkan nations in exchange for Coalition leadership ignoring some of their questionable activities.

Fist of Titans

Fist of Titans logo

  • Year Formed: Unknown
  • Headquarters: Unknown
  • Leadership: Unknown
  • Controlled Territories: Outposts scattered across Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East & Central Asia
  • Purpose: Creation of nation(s) independent from both Coalition and Dominion rule

A loosely associated group of mercenaries and guerilla fighters bearing a name borrowed from a near-mythical group from a bygone era despite there being no apparent connection. Primarily operating in the Eastern Europe and defined by a animosity against the Coalition and Dominion alike, they exist in a conflict to free themselves of the influence of the said superpowers. In pursuit of this greater goal, however, members of the Fist of Titans might be willing to sacrifice their principles and temporarily align themselves with one of the major powers if it comes with a benefit for their own ultimate objective.

Excelsus Group

Excelsus Group logo

  • Year Formed: 1965
  • Headquarters: Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Leadership: CEO Nathan Towers
  • Controlled Territories: None
  • Purpose: For-profit manufacturing & research of new technologies with particular focus on energy, for-profit as well as non-profit research into the Shift phenomenon and its aftereffects and products

Founded in 1965 as Excelsus Energy Company by Sir Jacob Milton, a British industrialist with keen interest in the possibilities brought upon by the rare earth elements introduced to the world by the Shift. Decades later, Excelsus Group is a large conglomerate that is the frontrunner in many areas of technology, from their forte, energy technology, to electronics and computing, material sciences and aerospace development. They are the leading researcher on the Shift phenomenon in the civilian space, and it is in fact Excelsus scientists that came up with the term Exolis for the peculiar crystals introduced by the said phenomenon, Soviets called it Element X for a period of time. Excelsus Group has had a staunch anti-warfare stance for the longest time, instead focusing their efforts on peaceful technologies. They have however collaborated with the Western Coalition on the matters of relief efforts and peacekeeping indirectly, and there are rumours that they have a secret project with W.A.R.D on the way, but no further information is available beyond that.

Rubicon Defence Systems

Rubicon Defense Systems logo

  • Year Formed: 1988
  • Headquarters: Paris, France
  • Leadership: CEO Armand Ingram
  • Controlled Territories: None
  • Purpose: For-profit military hardware manufacturing

One of the chief manufacturers for Coalition military equipment, Rubicon Defence Systems has been producing military hardware for last 14 years, supplying Coalition military with weapon systems, armoured vehicles as well as infantry gear. They have a tight collaboration program with W.A.R.D and one of the fruits of sharing technologies is the Seraph shield system recently deployed by Coalition military that allows for efficient protection of their military establishments and equipment from enemy fire. There are rumours of some sort of internal incident within the company that occured years ago involving the CEO, Armand Ingram's, own daughter who was employed in the company. No further information on the subject is available and Celeste Ingram's location has been unknown for the past 8 years.

The Framework

The Framework logo

  • Year Formed: Unknown
  • Headquarters: Unknown
  • Leadership: Prometheus (possibly)
  • Controlled Territories: Unknown
  • Purpose: Unknown, presumably to further the personal interests of its constituents

The invisible connection, the dark network, something that does not exist, yet there are those who know it has to. Within the council of nine, the first among equals distributes celestial fire to those who are too blind to see the strings in their avarice or lust for power. The truth may become clear in times to come, but by then it might already be too late if you wish to awaken in the same world where you came from.

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Bielgamer - - 1 comments

Onde baixa

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Alamnil-Of-Temple - - 123 comments

I still remember the old roster. It sure took a long way since then.

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