In a room full of electronics that has been reconstructed after the Wheatley incident, some androids discover a strange "Atlas" model. One core recognizes his old unfinished experiment. Having recieved aprooval of GLaDOS to continue the experiment, he starts doing testing in a wing where there's no place for humanity

Report RSS Thoughts - update 7 (First look at the characters)

Learn more about the characters of our mod in this article.

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Our mod is story-oriented. All events do not take place in a vacuum, but are based on the history of the entire Aperture Science laboratory. During the playthrough, a curious and attentive player will be able to notice details on the edge of the fanservice, which only connect the mod events with Portal and Portal 2 more strongly.

Of course, the characters are part of this story. Before we introduce you to the main faces of the mod, we would like to sincerely thank the Portal 2: Community Edition development team. It was their engine that helped us in implementing many features of the mod (including characters). Without their efforts, this mod would be completely different, and we are glad that their engine helps us implement our ideas. Thank you!


(Concept: Vera Moronova aka Past Dreams; Model: Viflame)

After Chell left, lab's testing potential only began to grow. Soon, P-Body and Atlas under the guidance of GLaDOS will find a vault with the test subjects, but in the meantime, androids will monitor all the tests. They began to be mass-produced during the testing of robots, they are quite multifunctional, but more responsible or administrative work still goes to the cores.

The personality varies from model to model, so don't be surprised if one android calls the other nerd.

They make up 72% of the audience of the lab sect “The witnesses of electromagnetism at home”.


(Model: OlegByOleg)
bertram render promo

Bertram is a multifunctional core: he knows the basic structure of all the processes taking place in the lab, which, of course, does not make him an alternative to the central module, but accompanies him in becoming a full-fledged administrator of a small part of Aperture Science.

He oversees your testing and knows even more about you than you do. He is not arrogant, but nevertheless fully uses his administrator rights.

The red color of his eye can cause discomfort, but he is still far from the bird level of fear

Atlas (1985)

(Reskin: Viflame)
Atlas1985 render

You play as this character.

Walking pile of rust - that's how you can briefly describe it. A prototype of the Atlas, preserved (well, more or less) since 1985.

A single copy; unfortunately, it doesn't have the luxury of being restored like modern models, so you have to be careful.

Atlas doesn't remember anything; was it a memory defect or did the program consider his memories unnecessary and deleted them? Will he be able to find out the reason why, after such a long time, his testing has not lost its need?

Throughout the mod, the player will see main character's thoughts taking the form of the operating system windows (that's why the mod is called "Thoughts")


If you hear an out-of-tune violin while walking, everything is fine - that's how your ancient hydraulic drives creak.


(Concept: Vera Moronova aka Past Dreams; Model: Viflame)

Guide that works in [deleted]
A lone trapped robot. She won't forget you.

A little bit about the 3rd chapter

The style is almost completely formed. We are creating a bunch of new assets, and the number of models created specifically for the 3rd chapter already exceeds 20. We also use models and textures from cs:go and those that made by awesome community of Portal 2 modders. We would like to thank the following people for their contribution to the mod:


We have a bunch of crazy ideas that we strive to implement. The first map of 3rd chapter already, as it seems to us, should produce a huge "Wow!" effect on the player. Expect more in the future :)

Btw, join our Discord!

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