Explore the island of Vvardenfell as you never have before, with a world built anew to be both alien and familiar to the Morrowind you knew before. New adventures await, with new exciting areas to see and explore, and new artifacts just waiting to be discovered. This is a complete overhaul for Morrowind, adding countless new details, weapons, armors and much more for you to see and do. Experience the world of Morrowind in a new light, try out Morrowind Rebirth today!

Report RSS [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 6.0

At last another update has arrived for you guys to enjoy, once again filled to the brim with cool stuff ranging from bugfixes, graphical improvements, reworked interiors, new weapons and armor and much much more. Have fun!

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Which are the worst balance changes in Rebirth?

At last another update has arrived for you guys to enjoy, once again filled to the brim with cool stuff ranging from bugfixes, graphical improvements, reworked interiors, new weapons and armor and much much more. Have fun!

[RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 6.0

Alternate download

UPDATE 2022-09-03
* Fixed an issue where a texture was missing for the Acolyte Robe.

Morrowind Fixes

* Fixed an issue where NPCs carrying Sanguine items were not set to not persist after death, meaning their body would disappear after a time. If the player for some reason forgot to loot any Sangunie items, they would be lost forever, rendering the 'Threads of the Webspinner' quest impossible to complete.
* Fixed an issue where Gilvas Barelo, Holamayan Monestery had his walking distance radius set to 1, instead of the usual 0, 32, 64, 128 or greater.
* Fixed an issue where Llivas Othravel, Ebonheart Grand Council Chamber, had a crossbow, but no bolts to go with it.

New collectables (13 Temple, 12 Dwemer)

New collectibles

Morrowind Rebirth [Main]

Morrowind Rebirth Fixes

* Fixed an issue where some creatures added by Rebirth had alarm values, meaning they would alert other creatures nearby. No other creatures have alarm values, so neither should these.
* Fixed an issue where the Fire Clannfear was using some old textures for the head mesh, that didn't really match the rest of the body - both in color and texture resolution.
* Fixed issues where a few interiors had the 'illegal to rest' either set to to true or false, but should have been set the other way around.
* Fixed an issue where the Chitin Pauldrons had the wrong upper arm body piece assigned to it. It used a part of the netch leather set instead of the chitin set.
* Fixed an issue where a lava pool just outside Mababi, had missing lava planes. In a worst case scenario the player could fall through and get stuck.
* Fixed an issue where a ruined Imperial Tower model had bad collision, meaning you wouldn't be able to pass through parts where you should be able to.
* Fixed an issue where the door to Nerano Manor, Balmora, was missplaced to the point that you could see into the worldspace beyond.
* Fixed an issue where Odril's Shack, Seyda Neen, used the wrong shack interior model (large shack instead of small shack, and sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Helvia's Shack, Seyda Neen, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Dagdub gro-Shumba's Shack, Vivec Entrance, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where The Evil Mudcrab Shack, Vivec Entrance, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Wardarg's Shack, Vivec Entrance, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Bivale Dralayn's Shack, Ald Velothi, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Miaren Dran's Shack, Gnaar Mok, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Malphen Quarni's Shack, Seyda Neen, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Renell's Shack, Hla Oad, used the wrong shack interior model (sand floor instead of wood planks).
* Fixed an issue where Nebia Critius, Ebonheart, was set to provide Monk Services when it should have been Alchemist Services.
* Fixed an issue where some creatures had no animation duration, meaning they would never walk around or play any idle animations.
* Fixed issues where some guards were static when they should have been patroling, and patroling when they should have been static.
* Fixed an issue where a rug inside Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub, Sadrith Mora, covered the stairway to the basement area.
* Fixed an issue where a Telvanni stair-piece had bad collision, making it difficult to enter houses without jumping.
* Fixed an issue where you couldn't use the beds in Holamayan Monestary, despite being told you can use them for resting.
* Fixed an issue where the backdoor to Irgola's shop, Caldera, didn't lock at night as other shop doors.
* Fixed an issue where textures had excessive tiling (textures repeating) inside Akulakhan's Chamber.
* Fixed an issue where the Dreugh Staff and Dreugh Club had icons that didn't match their models.
* Fixed an issue where a Velothi Tomb interior piece had a visible collision plane.
* Fixed an issue where there were duplicate rugs in some imperial interiors.
* Fixed an issue where the 'Bag of Holding' had no enchantment effect.
* Fixed an issue where Aurelia, Fort Pelagiad, were barefoot.
* Fixed some minor dialogue inconsistencies.
* Fixed broken pathgrids, plus improvements.
* Fixed typos.

Less bulky Chitin Pauldrons

Less bulky pauldrons

Morrowind Rebirth Changes

* Unlocked the doors to Tsiya's and Itan's houses, Balmora. I always felt it was an odd since both NPCs are located in their respective home. Generally doors are only locked if the NPC is located somewhere outside their home.
* The static Silverware Platter has been converted to a misc item. Additionally it can now be found in multiple locations around the island, plus in appropriate containers.
* The bodies of NPCs/Creatures carrying valueble items will longer despawn, meaning these items will always be available in case you forget to loot the body.
* Some NPC classes now have less suicidal tendancies (like stealing something). This includes for example caravaners, shipmasters, farmers and so on.
* Commona Tong members are now less likely to greet the player, additionally their starting disposition is lower compared to vanilla.
* The planterns around the Vivec Temple Canton are now filled with various plants and flowers, all arranged in a more organic manner.
* Liches will now drop Greater Soulgems. Previously they dropped nothing of real value, despite being a pretty powerful foe.
* Guards placed inside interiors will generally (unless placed inside mines, caves etc) no longer have torches in their inventory.
* Duke Vedam Dren can now be found in the main hall of the Grand Council Chambers, instead of his room a level below.
* All of the old trading cards have been replaced by new ones portraying the various Saints in Morrowind.
* Added the missing interior to Ano Andaram's ship the 'Frost-Ghost', docked at Vivec Entrance.
* Added the missing interior to a house by the docks in Ebonheart.
* Added the missing interior to Omani Manor Barracks.
* Added an alternate path to Vadam Dren's Vault.
* Replaced dozens of Dunmer-styled lamps inside Imperial interiors with Imperial-styled lamps.
* Adjusted the lighting in the Deadlands, making it far less bright and more ominous.
* Wickwheat Ale, Guar Susage and Crab Pudding can now be found throughout the island.
* Campfire-kits are now much easier to come by, and are no longer finite in numbers.
* Vendors now have larger stocks of throwing weapons, arrows and bolts.
* Enchanted arrows and bolts will generally restock at vendors.
* Landscape changes and improvements.

Spirit Spear, Light of Day and Sarano Ebony Helm

New models for unique items

Morrowind Rebirth Additions

* Expanded or added more detailing to the following interiors:
- Ald Redaynia, Olyf the Flatfooted's Shack
- Ald Redaynia, Llensi Verilnith's Shack
- Ald Redaynia, Seryne Pansamsi's Shack
- Ald Velothi, Bivale Dralayn's Shack
- Balmora, Fast Eddie's House
- Balmora, Karlirah's House
- Balmora, Tsiya's House
- Balmora, Clagius Clanler's House
- Dagon Fel, The End of the World
- Dren Plantation, Doves' Shack
- Dren Plantation, Hlevala's Shack
- Dren Plantation, Varethi and Dralor
- Hla Oad, Renell's Shack
- Moonmoth Legion Fort, Imperial Chapel
- Odai Watchtower
- Vivec, Arena Hidden Area
- Vivec, Aluasaron's Shop/Home
- Vivec Entrance, Wardarg's Shack
- Vivec Entrance, The Evil Mudcrab
- Vivec, Guild of Mages
- Seyda Neen, Malphen Quarni's Shack
- Seyda Neen, Odril's Shack
- Suran, Ranosa Gilvayn's House
- Suran, Ralds Oril's House
- Suran, Desele's House of Earthly Delights
- Sterdecan's Farmhouse

New models for the Silver Saber and Glass Mace

New models for old Rebirth assets

Tel Branora Docks Overhaul
* Added 4 new shacks (one being a new shop), plus a fair bit of clutter and some npcs. Also added a bit of flora and fauna to the tower exterior.

Tel Branora Docks

A fresh breath of air for Tel Branora

New Weapons
* Orcish Throwing Star
* Orcish Spear
* Orcish Dagger
* Chitin Dart
* Iron Dart
* Glass Dart

New Clothing
* Two recolored exquisite robes, adding to the two added in a previous update.

New Magic Armor
* Mask of Deflection
* Helm of War
* Nightstalker
* Thornhide
* Blooded Husk
* Betrayer's Mask
* Helm of Fortune
* Vampire's Gaze
* Sacrificial Plate
* Cuirass of Holy Flame

New Magic Weapons
* Silencer
* Thunderstrike
* Blackout
* Tranquillity
* Deathsong

New Artifacts
* Stendarr's Finger (3 unique darts, make sure you'll be able to hit!)

New Misc Items
* 13 Temple Trading Cards
* 12 Dwemer Trading Cards
* Silverware Platter

New Spells
* Resist Paralysis: Strong
* Resist Paralysis: Great
* Resist Paralysis: Wild

Random new stuff

New items and replacements


* Increased the magicka pool of Liches (all variants), making it less likely that they'll run away due to running out of magicka. Additonally all spells cast by liches have been buffed somewhat.
* Dremora Lord of Inspiration, Terror and Divinity have been diversified, with each tier becoming increasingly more difficult.
* Skeleton (all variants) speed from 65 to 75.

* Increased the value/cost somewhat of common ingredients, making it a bit more expensive buying things in bulk. The changes are not massive, as it could also make it too easy to get too much gold.
* Reduced the chance of rare ingredients spawning in Dwemer containers somewhat. It's now also more likely that if something spawns it will be scrap metal, rather than rare and valueable gems.

New Darts

Additional throwing weapons


* Hundreds of UV-fixes and improvements.
* All small Dunmer rugs, Voidwalker Boots and many other items/statics etc are now using vanilla textures instead of custom ones. As a bonus they will now be affected by whatever texture pack you're using.
* The cloth texture of Soscean's Cuirass now better matches the overall color scheme of the rest of the armor (and the Ebony set for that matter).
* The glass parts of Travel Lanterns are now less 'plastic' looking, and more transparent.
* Adjusted the positioning of the chitin pauldrons, making them look less bulky.
* Downscaled dozens of custom textures that were unecessarily large.
* Upscaled/updated dozens of custom textures.
* New texture and icon for Netch Herders' Book of Jokes.
* New texture and icon for the Imperial Templar Tower Shield.
* New texture for Watchman's Robe ground model.
* New textures for Deadlands rocks.
* New textures for Imperial rugs.
* New texture and icon for Lucky Coin.
* Improved model for the Glass Longsword.
* Improved model for the Class Claymore.
* New model and icon for Kurog's Visage.
* New model and icon for Scourge of the Living.
* New model and icon for Scourge of the Undead.
* New model and icon for Boethiah's Walking Stick.
* New model and icon for Airan-Ahhe's Spirit Spear.

New model and textures for Kurog's Visage

New model for a Rebirth artifact

* New model and icon for Wickwheat Ale.
* New model and icon for the Iron Throwing Star.
* New model and icon for Sarano Ebony Helm.
* New model and icon for the Silver Saber.
* New model and icon for Silver Barrel Lager.
* New model and icon for the Glass Mace.
* New model and icon for Sword of Augustus.
* New model and icon for the Steel Dart.
* New model and icon for the Daedric Broadsword.
* New model and icon for Gravedigger.
* New model and icon for Light of Day.
* New model and icon for Blessed Spear.
* New model and icon for Greed.
* New model and icon for Darksun.
* New model and icon for Emperors Defence.
* New model and icon for Last Wish.
* New model and icon for Shimsil.
* New model and icon for Voidguard.
* New model for the Imperial Broadsword.
* New model for Muck.
* New model for the Dremora Archer.
* New models for all Atronachs.

UV Fixes

Hundreds of UV-fixes and improvements


* The Adamantium Dagger was removed from the mod. The intention was to replace all the adamantium blades with similar models, but this project never got any further than the dagger. Thus as a whole this dagger looked very out of place, and not fitting in with the rest of the set.
* Changed texture path formatting for some of the Blighted creatures. This will prevent issues where textures were missing when repackaging parts of the Morrowind Rebirth archive as a BSA-file.
* Fixed an issue where a script in Siege at Firemoth [For Rebirth].esp was broken, making it impossible to travel to Fort Firemoth.
* Coverted all bmp textures to dds format.
* Removed reduntant files.


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reiterpallasch - - 15 comments

Wish there was a version of this mod that added all the new content and fixes without your dozens of unecessary nerfs

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