Explore the island of Vvardenfell as you never have before, with a world built anew to be both alien and familiar to the Morrowind you knew before. New adventures await, with new exciting areas to see and explore, and new artifacts just waiting to be discovered. This is a complete overhaul for Morrowind, adding countless new details, weapons, armors and much more for you to see and do. Experience the world of Morrowind in a new light, try out Morrowind Rebirth today!

Report RSS [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 5.6

It's been quite a while since the last update, which generally means that I've been super busy cooking up something cool for you to enjoy. This time around I've mainly been focusing on fixes and polishing, with a slew of additions and other miscellaneous changes. It's a pretty comprehensive update, which I hope you'll like.

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Which are the worst balance changes in Rebirth?

Hey guys! It's been quite a while since the last update, which generally means that I've been super busy cooking up something cool for you to enjoy. This time around I've mainly been focusing on fixes and polishing, with a slew of additions and other miscellaneous changes. It's a pretty comprehensive update, which I hope you'll like. Have fun!

[RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 5.6

Morrowind Fixes

* Reverted the following "Fixed an issue where Assimusa Samsi would appear at the location of Indarys Manor before it is being built.", as it would cause issues with the stronhold progression.

Morrowind Rebirth Fixes

* Fixed an issue where the modified health of the The Good Beast caused issues with the script attached to the creature, rendering parts of the quest involving The Good Beast unsolvable.
* Fixed an issue where Medila Indaren didn't have her Weakness to Common Disease spell available for sale (Made it unecessarily difficult to
become a Vampire). For real this time.. the fix was supposed to go out with the 5.1 update.
* Fixed an issue where the enchantment for the Summoner's Robe was set to Fortify Conjuration 60 points of 20 seconds instead of 20 points for 60 seconds.
* Fixed an issue where Salyni Rothren and Elms Hloran inside the Ald'Ruhn Guild of Mages wasn't disabled during the quest "Loot the Mages Guild".
* Fixed an issue where you could fall through the platform just outside Dagoth Ur, Outer Facility, entrance (for real this time).
* Fixed an issue where the door to Dralas Gilu's House, Pelagiad, teleported the player to Angus House (also in Pelagiad).
* Fixed an issue where bubble particles didn't render properly when using OpenMW (Thanks to 'JaceX' for the fix).
* Fixed an issue where the weapon 'Nightbane' used the same model as 'Magebane'. Nightbane now has its own model.
* Fixed an issue where the key "Key to Valenren Chest" was mislabled and should be "Key to Valenren Vaults".
* Fixed an issue (potential issue) where Damage Health was not available for enchanting and spellmaking.
* Fixed an issue where you could see through parts of the ground model of the Ebony Cuirass.
* Fixed an issue where part of Stormforge's enchantment was set to self instead of on touch.
* Fixed an issue where the left and right Silver Bracers had different durability values.
* Fixed issues where "drowned corpses" were placed in areas were no water was present.
* Fixed issues with geometry inside the Dwemer ruin Bthusal.
* Fixed pathgrid issues.
* Fixed typos.

Morrowind Rebirth Changes

Sheogorath, region of mushrooms

New mushrooms for the Sheogorath Region

* Drastic changes to the offerings of various traders. Many containers owned by traders that had a static selection of weapons and armor are now randomized (Gear such as Dwemer, Indoril, Ebony etc won't be included in the drop lists), meaning that every playthrough a trader will have something different to offer. This also includes a chance that they will offer one or a few pieces of enchanted gear or better (although the latter is VERY rare). I've also made some manual edits to some traders, so that they will make your visit worthwhile. My hope is that these changes combined will make the game a bit less static, and give the player a reason to visit each and every trader. Consider this a work in progress, with more variety added by each update.
* The estate agent in Ebonheart will now let you know which properties he has available and how much they cost, even though you can't afford them.
* Drastically increased the duration of carriable lightsources such as torches or lanterns, ranging from 10 to 30 minutes.
* Tons of pathgrid improvements, including adding basic pathgrids for many roads all over the island [WIP]
* Apelles Matius should no longer walk around across Ebonheart, but stay close to the battlements.
* Replaced all generic lamps inside Daedric ruins with Daedric-looking lamps.
* Divayth Fyr will no longer react if you successfully obtain his artifacts.
* The Dark Brotherhood should now only attack you once (when you hit lvl 15).
* NPCs in Khuul will no longer mention that Thongar has beds for rent.
* Galbedir now trains enchanting instead of unarmored. It made little sense for here NOT to offer training in enchanting since she's an enchanter.
* Ajira now trains alteration instead of enchanting.
* Added more ingredients to some flora containers, especially those that have several flowers/leaves/berries etc
* Added a proper interior to the 'vacant house' in Ebonheart.
* Added more detailing to ashmires.
* Mount Assarnibibi is now more mountainous.
* Landscape fixes and improvements.
* Expanded or added more detail to the following interiors:
- Vivec Entrance, Bernadette's Imports
- Vivec, Miun-Gei's Store/Home
- Hla Oad, Fadila Balvel's House
- Hla Oad, Marundius Flaeus's House
- Hla Oad, Okur's House

Dwemer Ruin Changes
* Replaced the minecart tracks inside Bthusal with unique models (previous ones where just retextured wooded tracks). Also added fitting minecarts.
* Reworked several Dwemer ruin exteriors with new Dwemer assets. This is still a work in progress.
* Added animated Dwemer fans to all Dwemer ruin interiors.

Ebonheart Changes
* Many smaller changes like new signs, new market stands and clutter.

Ald'ruhn Changes
* Reworked the area near the Ald Skar Inn, turning the cramped one-way street into a proper road leading towards the silt strider ramp and main entrance.
* Reworked the area near the player home 'Arwin', making it less disconnected from the rest of the city.
* Reworked the settled area near the Temple.
* Added more clutter here and there.


Several changes made to the city of Ald'ruhn

Dagon Fel Changes
* The open guardtower has been reverted to the old closed tower.
* Some shacks have been replaced with houses.
* Added a new alchemist.
* Reworked the docks (again).
* Other minor changes here and there.

Dagon Fel

Upgraded docking area and new houses in Dagon Fel

Sheogorath Region Changes
* Replaced the regular Emperor Parasols (the large white/brown mushrooms found all over the island) with new ones, to give the region a unique feel. These changes spill over to a small part
of Azura's Coast as well, since some areas of this region is located very close to the Sheogorath coast.

Morrowind Rebirth Additions

Cephalopod Armor

The Cephalopod Armor is now complete

New Armor
* Boiled Netch Leather Shield
* Nordic Iron Pauldrons
* Nordic Iron Bracers
* Dragonscale Bracers
* Ebony Gauntlets
* Cephalopod Greaves
* Cephalopod Boots

New Weapons
* Silver Throwing Knife
* Golden Saint Sword
* Silver Saint Sword
* Iron Rapier
* Steel Rapier

saint swords

Golden/Silver Saint swords

New Magic Armor
* Warlord's Breastplate
* Warrior's Embrace
* Dreadbone
* Gravewarder
* Salvation
* Hunter's Vest
* Frostbond
* Crusader's Mail
* Infernal Plate
* Bloodoath
* Marauder's Cuirass
* Aquatic Husk
* Radiant Cuirass
* Rogue's Hide
* Assassins Garb
* Tinur's Cuirass
* Fenrick's Hide
* Saintly Cuirass
* Holy Cuirass
* Blessed Cuirass
* Alad's Garb
* Erelvam's Garb
* Golanar's Ringmail
* Balyna's Cuirass
* Rilm's Plate
* Llivam's Ward
* Shield of Righteousness
* Divine Targe
* Shield of Vigor
* Shield of Vitality
* Balyna's Protector

New Clothing
* Exquisite Amulet variant.

New Misc Items
* Black Soulgem

New Potions
* Potion of Iron Skin: Bargain
* Potion of Iron Skin: Cheap
* Potion of Iron Skin: Standard
* Potion of Iron Skin: Quality
* Potion of Iron Skin: Exclusive

Nordic Iron Pauldrons and Bracers

New additions to the Nordic Iron set, bracers and pauldrons



* Throwing knifes are no longer inferior in almost every way to other throwing weapons such as throwing stars.
* Increased the enchantment capacity of all throwing weapons.
* Erur-Dan the Wise's Spear now has a unique enchantment.

* Liches will now Drain Health instead of causing Poison Damage. Many races of Tamriel are rather resistant to Poison Damage, making these spells uneffectful.
* Voriplasm health regeneration from 10 health a second to 2 health a second.
* Toned down the regenerate health ability for many creatures.
* Greater Bonewalker speed from 20 to 25.
* Bonewalker speed from 20 to 25.
* Dremora (all) speed from 70 to 80.
* Nix Hound speed from 50 to 45.
* Phnem speed from 38 to 50.
* Phnem health from 600 to 450.
* Staada health from 500 to 450.

* Practice dummies and practice targets are no longer affected by a large range of effects such as drain health, paralysis and poison damage, to name a few. While they are technically set up as a "creature", they should not work the same way. Additionally their health were brought down to bring a little balance between simply attacking a dummy and doing some real combat. The original idea was to include them as a fun mechanic, and not as a proper way get easy training.
* Practice Target health from 2000 to 500.
* Practice Dummy health from 2000 to 500.
* Reduced the attack radius of diseased and blighted creatures, making them less likely to attack you from really far away.


New models for ring artifacts

New models for some unique rings

* Hundreds of graphical tweaks and fixes, including over 100 UV fixes for ground models.
* Anhaedra, Krazzt, Lord Dregas Volar and Khash-Ti Dhrur now have unique facial textures.
* Dozens of graphical changes and improvements to the Cephalopod set (+ additions, see above).
* New texture for the Steel Throwing Star, which previously shared the same texture as the Silver Throwing Star.
* New textures for Dwemer crystal weapons.
* New texture and icon for the Daedric Crossbow.
* New texture and icon for Firewind.
* New model and icon for the Daedric Longsword (The old Daedric Longsword model is now used for the unique sword "Duality").
* New model and icon for the Daedric Dagger (The old Daedric Dagger model is now used for the unique dagger "Soul Drinker").
* New model and icon for the Daedric Waraxe.
* New model and icon for the Steel Staff.
* New model and icon for Stormforge.
* New model and icon for Erur-Dan's Spear.
* New model and icon for Azura's Ring.
* New model and icon for Denstagmer's Ring.
* New model and icon for Phynaster's Ring.
* New model and icon for Warlock's Ring.
* New model and icon for Marara's Ring.
* New model and icon for Mentor's Ring.
* New model and icon for Aesliip's Ring.
* New model and icon for Sheogorath's Signet Ring.
* New models and icons for Exquisite Rings/Amulet.

new models

New models for several unique weapons

* New model, textures and icon for the Sword of White Woe.
* New model, texture and icon for the Silver Saint Shield.
* New model, texture and icon for Cloudcleaver.
* New model, texture and icon for Gambolpuddy.
* New model, texture and icon for Shadowsting.
* New icon for the Black Pearl Amulet.
* New icon for the Blighted Kwama Egg.
* New icon for the Mabrigash Helmet
* New icon for Kurog's Visage.
* New icon for Atronach's Seal.
* New icon for Blightheart.
* New icon for Starfire.

Fixing ground model UVs

Several hundreds fixes to models

Morrowind Rebirth - Mercenaries [Addon] Changes

* Mercenaries now have to be further away from the player before teleporting to the players position.

Post comment Comments
XX1992 - - 108 comments

Looks like a good one!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
fructdw - - 14 comments

Can I update to 5.6 from 5.5.2 mid playthrough? I'm already about 6 hours in :C

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Are you using vanilla mw or openmw?

If the former then I advice you to follow this guide: Moddb.com

Be sure to BACKUP your saves just in case anything goes wrong following the tutorial.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
OCrest - - 154 comments

Thank you for your dedication to your mod for a game nearly two decades old.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

And thank you for your support!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Darklord42 - - 253 comments

Two things I always look forward to. An update to openmw, and this. Thank you so much for all your amazing dedication to this giant project over the years!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Thank you Darklord, I hope you enjoy it!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
LUMINOXX - - 31 comments

It’s possible to get in contact with Xbox? The new Xbox X make it possible to install now mods, see skyrim.
They have released Morrowind now with 60fps boost. It would be cool to find your Mod there for Morrowind!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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