Explore the island of Vvardenfell as you never have before, with a world built anew to be both alien and familiar to the Morrowind you knew before. New adventures await, with new exciting areas to see and explore, and new artifacts just waiting to be discovered. This is a complete overhaul for Morrowind, adding countless new details, weapons, armors and much more for you to see and do. Experience the world of Morrowind in a new light, try out Morrowind Rebirth today!

Report RSS [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 4.3

Hello guys. I hope you are feeling well today, cause today is update-day! You might not have expected an update to come so soon after 4.2, but here we are. Included in this massive update are a plethora of changes including new weapons, clothing, new areas and a heap of balance changes. I hope you enjoy what 4.3 has to offer! As always please let me now if there are any issues with this update. Enjoy!

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Which are the worst balance changes in Rebirth?

Hello guys. I hope you are feeling well today, cause today is update-day! You might not have expected an update to come so soon after 4.2, but here we are. Included in this massive update are a plethora of changes including new weapons, clothing, new areas and a heap of balance changes. I hope you enjoy what 4.3 has to offer! As always please let me now if there are any issues with this update. Enjoy!

Balmora Docks

Balmora Docks (heavily influeced by Kilcunda's Balmora)

Morrowind Rebirth Fixes
* Fixed an issue where the Scroll of the Bonedancing enchantment had 3 Summon Skeleton, instead of Summon Skeleton, Summon Bonewalker and Summon Bonelord.
* Fixed an issue where the door to Chun-Ook Cabin, Ebonheart, was set to telport the player to the West Gash Region.
* Fixed an issue where Clagius Clanler, the outfitter in Balmora, didn't own even half of the items in his shop.
* Fixed an issue where the wooden bucket didn't have an icon represantative of the texture change in Rebirth.
* Fixed two issues where Salen Ravel and Nibani Maesa didn't have their respective propylon index for sale.
* Fixed an issue where some summons didn't have the 'Summoned' prefix as stated in the previous patch.
* Fixed an issue where Suldreni Salandas Amulet didn't have a mesh assigned to it.
* Fixed an issue where the sword Truthseeker had no enchantment.
* Fixed an incorrect texture path in the Imperial Smelter mesh.
* Fixed pathgrids issues in Gnaar Mok and Vivec Entrance.
* Fixed landscape issues.
* Fixed typos.

Balmora Bridge

Balmora Bridge and Balmora docks

Morrowind Rebirth Changes
* Merchants will now refuse bartering if you are carrying Corprus Weepings, Human Flesh, Human Heart, Human Eye, Sixth House Bell Hammer, Sixth House Dagger and Sixth House Shield. Down the line I will expand this to include
Coprus Meat.
* The inhabitants of Dagon Fell have recieved clothes, armor and weapons from the Bloodmoon expansion. It only made sense due to it being a Nord colony situated so far north and close to Solstheim.
* Propylon Indexes now sort properly in the players inventory (Example: Falensarano Propylon Index to Propylon Index: Falensarano).
* Arangaer, owner of The Scribbled Scroll in Balmora, now has a larger selection of scrolls and staves.
* Renamed common clothes that were introduced in the Bloodmoon expansion (example below):
- Common Shirt (regular) renamed to Nordic Common Shirt
- Common Shirt (wool) renamed to Nordic Wool Shirt.
* Tolmse Samori's shop in Balmora now offers enchanted clothes instead of cheap clothes.
* Added shirts and shoes to some Dreamers that still had no clothes other than pants.
* Torches and lanterns now have longer burn-duration, ranging from 5 to 10 minutes.
* Traders now offer random lanterns and torches for sale instead of just torches.
* Grand Soul Gems have been removed from leveled-lists, making them less common.
* All type of traps are now somewhat stronger, making probes more usuful.
* Nord Mead is no longer commonly found throughout Vvardenfell.
* Dwemer weapons no longer ignore normal weapon resistance.
* Summoned creatures now have half the soul-value of their regular counterparts, instead of 0.
* Creature souls needed for constant effect enchantments are now the following:
- Wraith of Sul-Senipul
- Lich-Priest Khelam
- Lord Dregas Volar
- Khash-Ti Dhrur
- Warchief Kurog
- Warchief Durgok
- Dagoth Gares
- Dreugh Warlord
- Dahrk Mezalf
- Gedna Relvel
- Ash Vampires
- Lord Of Shadows
- Old Blue Fin
- Rift Guardian
- Wormmouth
- Menta Na
- Imperfect
- Worm Lord
- Karstaag
- Dagoth Ur
- Vivec
- Hircine
- Staada
- Phnem
- Barilzar
- Ogoun
* Due to the changes above the following effects are again available for enchanting:
- Restore Fatigue
- Restore Magica
- Levitation
- Chameleon
- Sanctuary
* Blank Scrolls now comes in three qualities:
- Scroll: Low Quality (500 enchantment capacity).
- Scroll: Medium Quality (750 enchantment capacity).
- Scroll: High Quality (1000 enchantment capacity).
* Better sorting
- Gauntlets, bracers and pauldrons now sort properly in the players inventory (example: Iron Right Gauntlet renamed to Iron Guantlet: Right)
- Apprentice's Lockpick renamed to Lockpick: Apprentice's.
- Journeyman's Lockpick renamed to Lockpick: Journeyman's.
- Master's Lockpick renamed to Lockpick: Master's.
- Grandmaster's Lockpick renamed to Lockpick: Grandmaster's.
- Apprentice's Probe renamed to Probe: Apprentice's.
- Journeyman's Probe renamed to Probe: Journeyman's.
- Master's Probe renamed to Probe: Master's.
- Grandmaster's Probe renamed to Probe: Grandmaster's.
- Apprentice's Hammer renamed to Repair Hammer: Apprentice's
- Journeyman's Hammer renamed to Repair Hammer: Journeyman's
- Master's Hammer renamed to Repair Hammer: Master's
- Grandmaster's Hammer renamed to Repair Hammer: Grandmaster's

Odai Watchtower

Odai Watchtower and bridge

Morrowind Rebirth Additions

New plugin:

Morrowind Rebirth 4.3 - Mercenaries
This plugin adds 10 new mercenaries to the game, who will protect you for a small fee. They can all be found walking the streets of the major cities of Vvardenfell.
Note that this plugin is still a work in progress, and will in due time be included in the main plugin.

Companions are capable of:
- Following and waiting for player.
- Can be set to wait outside buildings and will auto follow when player exits.
- Can share/ carry equipment.
- Can/ will levitate when player does.
- Can/ will water walk when player does.
- Can/ will cast intervention spells.
- Can/ will cast recall spell (only to external cells).
- Can leave players service when asked and another companion can then be hired.
- Will tell the player (via messagebox) when they are injured.
- If the companion dies everything will be reset and another companion can then be hired.

* Balmora Docks and tweaks to Balmora
- Balmora now has a small dock, which seemed only reasonable with Balmora being situated by the river.
- Walls have been raised in Balmora's manor district to prevent unwanted visitors sneaking in from the hillside to the west.
- The bridge near Balmora has been tweaked to allow boats to pass under it.
- The canal has been straighted out.

* Odai Watchtower
- A huge brigde has been added near the mouth of the Odai River, making boats able to pass under it. Additional defences have also been set up to
prevent bandits and creatures from hurting House Hlaalu's valueble trade-route.

* Wolverine Hall revamp
- The interior of Wolverine Hall has undergone a complete revamp, making the layout much more logical and easier to navigate.
Note that this still is a work in progress and some areas like the guard towers still need interiors.

New spells:
* Starting spell "Regenerate: Weak" has been changed to "Restore Health: Weak".
* Restore Health (5-5 for 4 seconds)
* Restore Health: Strong (5-5 for 5 seconds)
* Restore Health: Great (5-5 for 6 seconds)
* Restore Health: Wild (5-5 for 7 seconds)
* Restore Fatigue (5-5 for 4 seconds)
* Restore Fatigue: Strong (5-5 for 5 seconds)
* Restore Fatigue: Great (5-5 for 6 seconds)
* Restore Fatigue: Wild (5-5 for 7 seconds)
* Weakness to Frost: Strong (30-30 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Shock: Strong (30-30 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Poison: Strong (30-30 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Fire: Strong (30-30 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Magicka: Strong (30-30 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Frost: Wild (50-50 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Shock: Wild (50-50 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Poison: Wild (50-50 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Fire: Wild (50-50 for 30 seconds).
* Weakness to Magicka: Wild (50-50 for 30 seconds).
* Restore Companion Fatigue (5-5 for 5 seconds).
* Restore Companion Health (5-5 for 5 seconds).
* Restore Companion Magica (5-5 for 5 seconds).
* Shield Companion (15-15 for 30 seconds).
* Shield Companion: Strong (20-20 for 30 seconds).
* Shield Companion: Great (30-30 for 30 seconds).
* Shield: Strong (20-20 for 30 seconds).
* Shield: Great (30-30 for 30 seconds).

New Clothing:
* Imperial Skirt variation

New Armor:
* Orcish Open Helm

New clothing:
* Left Glove of Mending
* Right Glove of Mending
* Left Glove of Divinity
* Right Glove of Divinity
* Blessed Robe
* Sacred Robe
* Zealot's Robe
* Robe of Destruction
* Robe of Mysticism
* Robe of Illusion
* Robe of Conjuration
* Robe of Restoration

New weapons:
* Short Bow of Righteous Fire
* Club of Righteous Fire
* Dagger of Righteous Fire
* Longsword of Righteous Fire
* Shortsword of Righteous Fire
* Spear of Righteous Fire
* War Axe of Righteous Fire
* Short Bow of Divine Lightning
* Club of Divine Lightning
* Dagger of Divine Lightning
* Longsword of Divine Lightning
* Shortsword of Divine Lightning
* Spear of Divine Lightning
* War Axe of Divine Lightning
* Short Bow of Smiting
* Club of Divine Smiting
* Dagger of Divine Smiting
* Longsword of Divine Smiting
* Shortsword of Divine Smiting
* Spear of Divine Smiting
* War Axe of Divine Smiting

Walled Balmora

Balmora now has walls protecting from assult from the western hillside


Lockpicks/probes/repair hammers
* Apprentice's Armorer's Hammer value unchanged (10)
* Journeyman's Armorer's Hammer value from 35 to 20.
* Master's Armorer's Hammer value from 75 to 60.
* Grandmaster's Armorer's Hammer value from 150 to 100.
* Apprentice's Lockpick value unchanged (10)
* Journeyman's Lockpick value from 35 to 20.
* Master's Lockpick value from 75 to 60.
* Grandmaster's Lockpick value from 150 to 100.
* Apprentice's Probe value unchanged (10).
* Journeyman's Probe value from 35 to 20.
* Master's Armorer's Probe value from 75 to 60.
* Grandmaster's Armorer's Probe value from 150 to 100.

* Wooden Staff enchantment capacity from 75 to 150.
* Steel Staff enchantment capacity from 100 to 200.
* Silver Staff enchantment capacity from 150 to 250.
* Dwemer Staff enchantment capacity from 200 to 275.
* Dreugh Staff enchantment capacity from 175 to 300.
* Glass Staff enchantment capacity from 250 to 350.
* Ebony Staff enchantment capacity from 300 to 400.
* Deadric Staff enchantment capacity from 350 to 450.
* Steel Spear reach from 1.6 to 1.7.
* Adamantium Spear reach from 1.6 to 1.7.
* Daedric Longspear reach from 1.6 to 1.7.
* Dwemer Longspear reach from 1.6 to 1.7.
* Steel Halberd reach from 1.4 to 1.6.
* Helm of the Wolf's Heart value from 500 to 3250.
* Haakon's Lucky Break value from 875 to 1225.
* Ring of Raven Eye value from 3000 to 4250.
* Aesliip's Ring value from 2500 to 14250.
* Blood Axe value from 1750 to 4500.
* Rammekald value from 300 to 1750.
* Bloodskal value from 6500 to 9250.
* Deceit value from 250 to 4750.
* Treachery value from 250 to 4750.
* Frostgore value from 1000 to 3750.
* Iron Arrow value from 2 to 1.
* Steel Arrow value from 4 to 2.
* Silver Arrow value from 5 to 3
* Bonemold Arrow value from 5 to 4.
* Glass Arrow value from 10 to 8.
* Ebony Arrow value from 15 to 12.
* Daedric Arrow value from 30 to 20.
* Iron Bolt value from 2 to 1.
* Steel Bolt value from 3 to 2.
* Silver Bolt value from 4 to 3.
* Orchish Bolt value from 10 to 5.
* Dwemer Bolt value from 15 to 6.
* Chiting Throwing Star value from 2 to 1.
* Iron Throwing Star Value from 4 to 2.
* Steel Throwing Star value from 5 to 3.
* Silver Throwing Star from 15 to 4.
* Glass Throwing Star value from 25 to 10.
* Ebony Throwing Star value from 175 to 14.
* Steel Dart value from 5 to 4.
* Silver Dart value from 8 to 6.
* Ebony Dart value from 200 to 18.
* Daedric Dart value from 350 to 26.

* Robe of the Lich enchantment:
- Fortify Magica from 75-75 to 200-200.
- Drain Health from 25-25 to 50-50
* Skullcrusher enchantment:
- Fortify Attack from 5-5 to 10-10.
- Feather from 15-15 to 50-50.
* Staff of Hasedoki enchantment:
- Resist Magica from 25-50 for 30 seconds to 50-50 for 30 seconds.
* Staff of Magnus enchantment:
- Restore Health from 1-1 for 30 seconds to 2-2 for 30 seconds.
* Volendrung enchantment:
- Drain Health from 5-5 for 1 second to 10-10 for 1 second.
- Paralyze from 2 seconds to 4 seconds.
Daedric Crescent enchantment:
- Disintegrate Armor from 5-25 to 25-25.
Ice Blade of the Monarch enchantment:
- Frost damage from 8-15 to 10-15.
Mehrunes' Razor enchantment:
- Weakness to Poison from 5-5 for 20 seconds to 25-25 for 30 seconds.

Spells (base cost)
* Resist magica base cost from 0.6 to 0.5.
* Silence base cost from 35 to 30.

Spells (general)
* Resist Fire magnitude from 10-10 to 20-20.
* Resist Frost magnitude from 10-10 to 20-20.
* Resist Shock magnitude from 10-10 to 20-20.
* Resist Poison magnitude from 10-10 to 20-20.
* Resist Magicka magnitude from 10-10 to 20-20.
* Resist Fire: Strong magnitude from 25-25 to 30-30.
* Resist Frost: Strong magnitude from 25-25 to 30-30.
* Resist Shock: Strong magnitude from 25-25 to 30-30.
* Resist Poison: Strong magnitude from 25-25 to 30-30.
* Resist Magicka: Strong magnitude from 25-25 to 30-30.
* Resist Fire: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Resist Frost: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Resist Shock: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Resist Poison: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Resist Magicka: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Flameguard magnitude from 75-75 to 50-50.
* Frostguard magnitude from 75-75 to 50-50.
* Shockguard magnitude from 75-75 to 50-50.
* Poisonguard magnitude from 75-75 to 50-50.
* Magicaguard magnitude from 100-100 to 50-50.
* Resist Fire: Variable magnitude from 5-25 to 10-50.
* Resist Frost: Variable magnitude from 5-25 to 10-50.
* Resist Shock: Variable magnitude from 5-25 to 10-50.
* Resist Poison: Variable magnitude from 5-25 to 10-50.
* Resist Magicka: Variable magnitude from 5-25 to 10-50.
* Weakness to Fire magnitude from 25-25 to 20-20.
* Weakness to Frost magnitude from 25-25 to 20-20.
* Weakness to Shock magnitude from 25-25 to 20-20.
* Weakness to Poison magnitude from 25-25 to 20-20.
* Weakness to Magica magnitude from 25-25 to 20-20.
* Weakness to Fire: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Weakness to Frost: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Weakness to Shock: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Weakness to Poison: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Weakness to Magica: Great magnitude from 50-50 to 40-40.
* Firebloom magnitude from 1-16 for 2 seconds to 2-14 for 2 seconds.
* Frostbloom magnitude from 1-16 for 2 seconds to 2-14 for 2 seconds.
* Shockbloom magnitude from 1-16 for 2 seconds to 2-14 for 2 seconds
* Wild Firebloom magnitude from 1-18 for 3 seconds to 6-18 for 2 seconds.
* Wild Frostbloom magnitude from 1-18 for 3 seconds to 6-18 for 2 seconds.
* Wild Shockbloom magnitude from 1-18 for 3 seconds to 6-18 for 2 seconds.
* Reflect: Great magnitude from 25-25 to 40-40.
* Lightning Storm area of effect from 8 to 10.
* Poisonous Cloud area of effect from 8 to 10.
* Fire Storm area of effect from 8 to 10.
* Frost Storm area of effect from 8 to 10.
* Paralysis duration from 3 to 5 seconds.
* Silence duration from 5 to 10 seconds.

- Poison spells now have much longer duration, but generally deal more damage compared to similar frost, fire and shock spells (to make up for the low dps). These changes will as a side effect make cure poison potions/spells essential for preventing poison damage over and extended period of time.
* Poisonbite [ranged] magnitude from 5-15 to 1-3.
* Poisonbite [ranged] duration from 2 to 10.
* Poisonbite magnitude from 5-15 to 1-3.
* Poisonbite duration from 2 to 10.
* Poisonous Touch magnitude from 10-30 to 3-3.
* Poisonous Touch duration from 1 to 10.
* Poisonbloom magnitude from 2-14 to 1-4.
* Poisonbloom duration from 2 to 10.
* Poisonbloom: Wild magnitude from 8-18 to 1-5.
* Poisonbloom: Wild duration from 2 to 10.
* Poisonous Cloud magnitude from 5-12 to 2-4.
* Poisonous Cloud duration from 3 to 10.
* Poison magnitude from 5-20 to 1-5.
* Poison duration from 1 to 5.

Wolverine Hall

Wolverine Hall has been revamped so that the player can reach all areas from the main tower.

* Included an optimized version of the comberry plant and ingredient replacer. This new version will also fix an issue where the berries appeared overly shiny in OpenMW.
* Removed the mesh replacer for the Spear of Bitter Mercy as the scale of the mesh was incorrect (way too big).
* Most if not all rocks had uv issues where the textures appeared streched out. This has been fixed.
* Sorkvild's journals and Old Journal has recieved a minor art pass.
* New model/texture/icon for Absinthe.

* Removed meshes ex_hlaalu_canal_01 to ex_hlaalu_canal_13 to fix clipping issues with custom meshes introduced by Rebirth.

Racial Diversity changes

* Protective Spirit
- Sanctuary 25-25 points for 30 seconds to 25-25 points for 60 seconds.

* Amphibian
- Water Breathing 180 seconds from power to spell (0 cost).

* Defensive Stance
- Fortify Block 25-25 points for 30 seconds to 25-25 points for 60 seconds.

* Primal Rage
- Fortify Strength 10-10 points for 30 seconds to 20-20 points for 60 seconds.
- Fortify Attack 10-10 points for 30 seconds to 10-10 points for 60 seconds.
- Weakness to Normal Weapons 20-20 points for 30 seconds removed.

* Bloodlust
- Fortify Endurance from 20-20 points for 30 seconds to 20-20 points for 60 seconds.
- Fortify Strength from 20-20 points for 30 seconds to 20-20 points for 60 seconds.

* Shor's Judgement
- Frost Damage from 25-50 points for 1 second to 5-10 points for 5 seconds.
- Added Weakness to Frost on touch 50-50 points for 30 seconds.

* Brawling Headbutt
- Paralyze from 5 seconds to 6 seconds.

* Call To Arms
- Renamed to 'Emperor's Will'
- Calm Humanoid from 30-30 points for 10 seconds to 50-50 points for 15 seconds

* Sanctuary
- Renamed to 'Septim's Song'
- Fortify Personality 20-20 points for 60 seconds.

Balmora's Underworld changes

* Removed a ton of unecessary clutter in the 'Thousand Lanterns Way' in an effort to improve performance.
* Traders now have more money and a lot more to offer.

Post comment Comments
Blue199 - - 6,970 comments

Amazing work as always. Balmora looks wonderful!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
djibe89 - - 280 comments

Love it. Thank you

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Ducade - - 27 comments

Great work, just a few things. The spear of bitter mercy is waaaaaay too big. Idk if that was intentional or what but it's like the size of a truck. I replaced the mesh to correct it, but by default it's massive.

Secondly I wanted to edit a lot of the spell and enchantments in rebirth but have issues loading it up in the cs. Tons of warnings beyond the standard dialogue ones that are to be expected. Not sure what the issue is there but it has made me hesitant to make any changes.

With the above being mentioned perhaps you can get around to correcting the issue yourself in the next version. Primarily the drain magic effect does not function as it is described in the CS so most uses of it are useless in both vanilla and rebirth. It has wonderful potential as a temporary debuff or "threshold" killer for low health enemies, but the magnitudes and durations are all off for the default spells to be of any use. A lot of the durations and magnitudes on other spells also leave much to be desired, and I really want to edit these and balance them for multiplayer but for the life of me cannot figure out why the CS is getting so upset with your mod.

Edit: all the errors are object references, are these safe to ignore?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Hi Ducade!

Yes the mesh is way too big, but I'm quite certain I removed it from the archive in 4.3.

Is that so? I'm not really sure what kind of warnings, but I usually press cancel to ignore all warnings. Haven't had any issues so far with object references either.

I'll check the drain spells, and see what can be done. Most likely won't be included in the hotfix I plan to release, but in 4.4 for sure.


Reply Good karma+1 vote
s2korpionic - - 33 comments

This is unexpected, but not unwelcomed.

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