Explore the island of Vvardenfell as you never have before, with a world built anew to be both alien and familiar to the Morrowind you knew before. New adventures await, with new exciting areas to see and explore, and new artifacts just waiting to be discovered. This is a complete overhaul for Morrowind, adding countless new details, weapons, armors and much more for you to see and do. Experience the world of Morrowind in a new light, try out Morrowind Rebirth today!

Report RSS [RELEASE] Morrowind Rebirth 4.0

Welcome to the 40.th update for Morrowind Rebirth! This is by far the largest update to Rebirth, and includes a plethora of changes like expanded and reworked areas, new creatures, new starting spells, bugfixes and MORE! I really hope you enjoy 4.0!

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3.7 coming soon!

Welcome to the 40.th update for Morrowind Rebirth! This is by far the largest update to Rebirth, and includes a plethora of changes like expanded and reworked areas, new creatures, new starting spells, bugfixes and MORE! I really hope you enjoy 4.0!

Vivec Entrance Reworked 1

Vivec Entrance Reworked 2

Vivec Entrance Reworked 3

Vivec Entrance has been reworked from the ground up.

Morrowind Rebirth - Main Plugin

Vanilla Fixes
* Included a fix for extravagant_robe_01_b, which had a gap in the back of the robe.
* Delyna Mandas will no longer carry two glass stormblades.
* Ranes Ienith will no longer carry two glass jinkblades.
* Fixed Imperial Tavern window UV issue

Bounty Hunters

Bounty Hunters will now hunt you if you have a high enough bounty.

Morrowind Rebirth Fixes
* Various fixes and optimizations for the following meshes: 'flora_heather_01', 'furn_de_ex_stool_02', 'furn_de_ex_table_02', 'flora_tree_03' 'flora_tree_wg_05', 'flora_bc_tree_07' and 'flora_bc_tree_08'.
* Removed sneak script, which made guards follow you while sneaking, as it didn't work as intended and created several AI issues.
* Moved an NPC [Zalit Sadri] from a road in the Molag Amur region to ensure better compatibility with LGNPC Pax Redoran.
* Fixed an issue where the door to Dagoth Ur, Outer Facility transported you to Abaelun Mine
* Removed misplaced lock-script on Dren Plantation, Shipping House door.
* The door to Gorvas Vule's Tower cellar is no longer inaccessible.
* Added AI-packages to Hill Giant, Frost Giant and Frost Monarch.
* New improved icon for Absinthe.

Ranked Brotherhood

Dark Brotherhood assassins apparel now differs based on rank (note that there have been some visual changes since I took this picture).

Morrowind Rebirth Changes
* Dreughs have recieved a spell which burdens the player (one cast per creature). Lone creatures won't be particularly harmful, but in groups they will be leathal.
* Most NPCs whom will follow you at any time throughout the game have been given a boost to different stats such as athletics, acrobatics or health.
* Combat delay (the pause between each attack from NPCs/creatures) has been reverted to original values.
* Better spell sorting wherever possible. For example 'Strong Fire Shield' to 'Fire Shield: Strong'.
* Sirollus Saccus no longer provides an unlimited amount of secret masters hammers.
* Fire/Frost/Storm Atronachs will no longer cast shield Fire/Frost/Shock Shield.
* Dremoras (Dremora Lords exluded) no longer cast Fire Shield.
* Dark Brotherhood assassins apparel are now visually different based on rank.
* Golden Saints will now use Silver Weapons instead of Bound weapons.
* Arrille, Seyda Neen, now has a few more basic spells for sale.
* Dren Plantation has recieved a major overhaul to the outlying farmland.
* Andrades's Tradehouse, Balmora, has recieved a minor overhaul.
* Seyda Outpost, Seyda Neen, has recieved a minor overhaul.
* Vivec Entrance has recieved a major overhaul.
* Restocked vendors in Vos with some rather interesting objects.
* Enchantment recharge per second from 0.0250 to 0.0100.
* Health regeneration (base value) has been slowed down.
* Daedras will no longer spawn in the wild.
* Fixed hundreds of floaters.
* Fixed typos.

Samarys Ancestral Tomb expanded

Samarys Ancestral Tomb has been expanded (where you find the Mentor's Ring).

Morrowind Rebirth Additions
* Bounty Hunters will now approach you in different areas, mainly taverns, if you have a bounty of 500 or more.
* Expanded Samarys Ancestral Tomb, the tomb where you can find the Mentor's Ring.
* Expanded the interior of Fort Ashmoth (added by Rebirth).
* Visual additons/enhancements here and there.
* New creatures:
- Greater Skeleton Warrior (new model)
- Greater Skeleton Archer (new model)
- Crippled Skeleton (new model)
- Skeleton Marksman (crossbow)
- Skeleton (new model)
- Skeleton Lightning Mage
- Skeleton Frost Mage
- Skeleton Fire Mage
- Lightning Guardian
- Frost Guardian
- Fire Guardian
New spells:
- Poisonbloom: Wild
- Firebloom: Wild
- Frostbloom: Wild
- Frostball: Dire
- Fireball: Dire
- Elemental Burst
- Resist Elements
* New clothing:
- Exquisite Gloves

New Friends

New Skeleton variations


* Dwarven Spectres are now immune to poison and paralyzation.
* Bull/Betty netches now have a 75 % resistance to poison.
* Ancestor Ghosts are now immune to paralyzation.
* Storm Atronach speed from 14 to 18.
* Earth Atronach speed from 9 to 20.
* Frost Monarch speed from 15 to 45.
* Frost Giant speed from 15 to 35.
* Hill Giant speed from 15 to 45.
* Lich health from 280 to 300.

* Changes to potion weight:

- Exclusive potion weight from 0.25 to 0.50
- Quality potion weight from 0.50 to 0.75
- Standard potion weight from 0.75 to 1.0
- Cheap potion weight from 1.0 to 1.25
- Bargain potion weight (1.5)

* Changes to all fortify potions:

- Fortify: Bargain magnitude from 5 to 6
- Fortify: Cheap magnitude (8)
- Fortify: Standard magnitude (10)
- Fortify: Quality magnitude from 15 to 12
- Fortify: Exclusive magnitude from 20 to 14

- Fortify: Bargain cost from 5 to 20
- Fortify: Cheap cost from 15 to 40
- Fortify: Standard cost from 30 to 60
- Fortify: Quality cost from 60 to 80
- Fortify: Exclusive cost from 90 to 100

* Changes to all beverages:

* Cyrodiilic Brandy fortify willpower/endurance magnitude from 20 to 10.
* Sujamma fortify strength/drain intelligence magnitude from 25 to 20.
* Shein fortify endurance/drain personality magnitude from 20 to 15.
* Nord Mead fortify strength/drain agility magnitude from 30 to 25.
* Mazte fortify strength/drain willpower magnitude from 20 to 15.
* Telvanni bug musk fortify personality magnitude from 25 to 15.
* Flin fortify willpower/strength magnitude from 20 to 15

Ashmoth Legion Fort - Layout

Delve into the depths of Fort Ashmoth.

* Bound weapons/armor no longer provide any additional skill bonuses when 'conjured'.
* Decreased the value of devil, demon and fiend helmets.
* Arrow of Wasting Flame/Shard/Spark/Viper value from 20 to 6.
* Azura's Servant value from 25450 to 14250.
* Telvanni Dust Adept Helm AR from 5 to 8.
* Telvanni Mole Crab Helm AR from 6 to 10.
* Snow Bear Armor AR from 35 to 40.
* Claymores/Dai-Katanas reach from 1.5 to 1.4.

Spells (base cost)
* Fortify Attribute base cost from 0.5 to 0.6.
* Weakness to Fire base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Frost base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Poison base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Shock base cost from 0.25 to 0.2.
* Weakness to Magica base cost from 0.25 to 0.3.
* Detect Enchantment base cost from 0.5 to 0.8.
* Detect Creature base cost from 0.5 to 0.8.
* Detect Key base cost from 0.5 to 0.8.
* Resist Magica base cost from 0.5 to 0.6.
* Resist Shock base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Resist Poison base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Resist Fire base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Resist Frost base cost from 0.4 to 0.3.
* Charm base cost from 3.0 to 2.5.
* Command Humanoid base cost from 4 to 3.5

Dren Plantation Reworked

Dren Plantation has been reworked.

Spells (general)
* Free Action (cure paralyzation on self) changed from self to target.
* God's Fire/Frost/Spark magnitude from 10-50 to 15-30.
* Wild Open magnitude from 50-75 to 75.
* Summon spells duration from 60 to 45 seconds.

Starting Spells (new)
New spells that are weaker variations of existing spells. These spells carry a low magica cost (3-6 points), which enables low level mages a chance to practice their skills without running out of magica all the time.

* Destruction:
- From 'Firebite' (Fire Damage 10-25 points) to 'Elemental Burst: Weak' (Fire/Frost/Shock damage 4-6 points for each element).
- From 'Exhausting Touch' (Drain Fatigue 10-10 for 30 seconds) to 'Exhausting Touch: Weak' (Drain Fatigue 10-10 for 15 seconds).
* Mysticism:
- From 'Detect Animal' (Detect Creature 10-10 points for 30 seconds) to 'Reflect: Weak' (Reflect 10-10 points for 15 seconds).
- From 'Tap Energy' (Absorb Fatigue 12 points) to 'Tap Energy: Weak' (Absorb Fatigue 8 points).
* Restoration:
- From 'Hearth Heal' (Restore Health 15-30 points) to Regenerate: Weak (Restore Health 5 points for 3 seconds).
- From 'Feet of Notogo' (Fortify Attribute: Speed 10 points for 90 seconds) to 'Haste: Weak' (Fortify Attribute: Speed 10 points for 30 seconds).
* Conjuration
- From 'Summon Ancestral Ghost' (Summon Ancestral Ghost for 45 seconds) to Summon Skeleton: Weak (Summon Skeleton for 15 seconds).
- From 'Bound Dagger' (Bound Dagger for 45 seconds) to 'Command Creature: Weak' (Command Creature 5 points for 15 seconds).
* Alteration
- From 'Water Walking (Water Walking for 30 seconds) to 'Water Walking: Weak (Water Walking for 15 seconds).
- From 'Shield' (Shield 15 points for 30 seconds) to 'Shield: Weak (Shield 10 points for 30 second).
* Illusion:
- From 'Charmeleon' (Charmeleon 20 points for 15 seconds) to Charmeleon: Weak (Charmeleon 10 ponts for 15 seconds).
- From 'Sanctuary' (Sanctuary 15 points for 15 seconds) to Sanctuary: Weak (Sanctuary 10 points for 15 seconds).

You shall not pass

Ebonheart now has proper defences.

Enchantments (items/scrolls)
* Feather Ring, Feather Belt and Feather Shield enchantments:
- Feather magnitude from 20 to 50.
* Lord's Mail
- Resist Magica magnitude from 5-25 points for 30 seconds to 25-25 for 30 seconds.
- Restore Health magnitude from 20-20 to 25-25.
- Enchantment capacity from 300 to 400.
* Scroll of Ekash's Lock Splitter enchantment
- Open magnitude from 75-100 to 100.
Scroll of Fiercly Roasting enchantment:
- Fire Damage aoe from 100 to 25.
- Fire Damage duration from 5 to 2
- Fire Damage magnitude from 15-75 to 25-50
- Weakness to fire from 15-75 to 50-50.

* The Lady
- Fortify Personality/Endurance 15/15 points to 10/10 points.
- New power: Lady's Charm: Charm 20 points on touch for 30 seconds.
* The Mage
- Fortify Maximum Magicka 1.0x INT to 0.5 x INT.
- New power: Arcane Concentration: Fortify skill - Alteration, conjuration, destruction, illusion, mysticism, restoration 10 points for 60 seconds.
* The Lover
- Fortify Agility 25 points to 20 points.
* The Lord
- Restore Health 5 points for 10 seconds to 8 points for 10 seconds.
- Weakness to Fire 50 % to 25 %.

* Raw Ebony value from 175 to 150.
* Sapphire value from 175 to 150.
* Ruby Value from 150 to 125.
* Topaz Value from 125 to 100.
* Pearl value from 100 to 80.
* Emerald value from 100 to 75.

* Vampire bonus to sneak, athletics, acrobatics, hand-to-hand, unarmored, mysticism, illusion and destruction from 30 to 15.
* Aundae, Berne and Quarra extra skill bonuses magnitude from 20 to 10.
* Vampires now have a constant effect Night Eye of 25 points.
* Removed Nordic Silver Weapons from Solstheim smuggler/berserker leveled-lists.
* Fortify/Drain attribute have been removed from spellmaking/enchanting.
- Clagiu Gratus, Pelagiad Guild of Mages, now sells fortify attribute spells.
- Malven Romori, Vivec Guild of Mages, now sells drain attribute spells.
* Deadra heart drop chance from 50 % none to 75 % none.
* Marshmerrow spawn chance from 10 % none to 25 % none.
* Wickwheat spawn chance from 10 % none to 25 % none.
* Saltrice spawn chance from 10 % none to 25 % none.
* Ash Yam spawn chance from 20 % none to 25 % none.
* Chokeweed spawn chance from 10 % to 20 % none.
* Decreased the value of most common books.
* Scroll of Fiercely Roasting value from 250 to 375
* Scroll of The Black Storm value from 250 to 325

* New textures for the generic pubsigns found on the exterior walls of Imperial Taverns.
* New textures for the gravestones found in Pelagiad.
* New model for generic Bonemold pauldrons.
* Reduced the size of some unecessarily large textures.

Other Changes
* Removed unecessary files from the archive.
* Removed Iron Skullshield from the mod.

Morrowind Rebirth - Racial Diversity

Changes mainly to counter the fact that you can easily cap resistances early on, making you invulnerable to a specific damage-type for the rest of the game.

* Blood of Auri-El
- Resist Common Disease 75 points to 50 points.

* Vigorous
- Resist Common Disease 75 points to 50 points.

* Call To Arms
- Command Humaniod 10 points for 30 seconds changed to Calm Humanoid 30 points for 10 seconds

* Ashborn
- Resist Fire 75 points to 50 points.

* Protective Spirit
- Sanctuary 50 points for 30 seoconds to 25 points for 30 seconds.

* Winters Bone
- Resist Frost 75 points to 50 points.

* War Cry
- Demoralize Humanoid 15 points for 15 seconds to 50 points for 10 seconds.
* Battle Hardened
- Fortify Attack 5 points to Resist Magica 25 points (vanilla).
- Changed name to "Hardened"

* Naturally Resistant
- Resist Common Disease 75 points to 50 points.
* Whirling Charge
- Removed.

All the best,


Post comment Comments
Guest - - 699,865 comments

Just saw this update...not sure how to update from 3.9, as that is the current version I have. (literally just downloaded this update minutes ago after installing 3.9 about an hour ago.) How does one update to this release? Thanks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
tsfan - - 493 comments

You could try copying the 4.0 files and overwriting the 3.9 ones with them.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 699,865 comments

Thanks for the advice. I was thinking of doing that, but wasn't sure if there'd be inconsistencies when it came to load order.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Just install over and remove the old esps.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
dredknight - - 739 comments

"Starting Spells (new)
New spells that are weaker variations of existing spells. These spells carry a low magica cost (3-6 points), which enables low level mages a chance to practice their skills without running out of magica all the time."

This is AWESOME :D!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

What you nerfed the 3 best star signs.. after all this time! They are the most useful ones... I'm not a fan of balancing that makes the game more difficult, which is the opposite of the most common problem with mods making a game too easy.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
dredknight - - 739 comments

Hm... after installing the mod and updating my saves with Wrye mesh i still get errors while loading my saves.

I get a backup but I dont understand what should I do... here are the errors:
- Could not find interior cell "Seyda neen, the evil mudcrab"
- Errors were located loading from the save file quicksave.esm
- Item "Mr_Iron_skull_shield" not found on the skeleton00000004

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

Hm.. No idea tbh. I removed the skull shield and renamed the Evil Mudcrab interior in 4.0, but Wrye Mash should be able to repair that without any issues. Can you still run the game?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
dredknight - - 739 comments

Sure no problem. There were some errors for a few more skeletons.
Anyway i am currently playing the game from that save. I see the new spells, weight values and prices

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Sourpatch2011 - - 5 comments

Big morrowind fan. This is amazing looking. Nicely done guys.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Schinigami92 - - 62 comments

Thanks for new release! ;-]

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,865 comments

Welp, I know what I will be doing... same sh*t as when v.3 came out.
Bye 300h of life

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

v 3.0 was a long time ago! At least 350 hours to enjoy now! ;)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
mechachap - - 163 comments

So... is it a good time to jump into Rebirth? It seems like updates are substantial enough to make me consider waiting...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
trancemaster_1988 Author
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,040 comments

I don't feel there's a need to wait. It's very fleshed out as is.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
dredknight - - 739 comments

"You promised me flesh!" - Youtube.com

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Benjameanos - - 1 comments

I havent played this since the original xbox was out, i played on a pc too, thinking of playin again and this looks like it will make another playthrough fun again... thanks man

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Thexare - - 4 comments

Does Rebirth include any Stronghold changes, and if not are there plans for that? The vanilla strongholds were always a bit disappointing, having to go so far out of your way for a relatively small home and limited services. At the minimum, fast travel would be nice.

Apologies if that's already done, but I just recently picked this up and Strongholds are a pretty late-game thing.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Xores - - 4 comments

I've recently installed Rebirth 4.0 and I am very impressed by it so far. One thing that I have noticed during my gameplay is that the Boots of Blinding Speed no longer seem to have much of an effect on my speed at all, the pace I run at is barely even noticeable. However when I use a levitate they work at full speed like in vanilla Morrowind. Have the boots been nerfed or is this possibly a bug as the only other thing I could think of is that I have MGSO installed along with Rebirth but I was under the impression it was graphical improvements only? Any help would be appreciated.

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Guest - - 699,865 comments

"Fortify/Drain attribute have been removed from spellmaking/enchanting."

This is one of the worst parts of this update to Morrowind Rebirth. I understand you're trying to balance the game, but don't ruin the fun and creativity of spellmaking.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
reiterpallasch - - 15 comments

Pretty ****** of you to remove fortify/drain based on your own opinion rather than allowing us the player to decide whether or not to use it. Wish there was a version of this mod that added all the new content and fixes without your dozens of unecessary nerfs.

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