Lost Alpha is a new episode of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series made by dezowave group for free!

"the original you always wanted brought to life"
Mod of the Year 2014 I Player's Choice

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha v1.4007 Developer's Cut torrent

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha v1.4007 DC torrent
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woopersnaper - - 232 comments


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MatsuTaka - - 7 comments

A simple question: Should uninstall the previous 1.4005-DC to play this, or should I simply install this 'on top' of previous 1.4005-DC...?

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atikabubu Author
atikabubu - - 371 comments

Reinstall please.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
sambob - - 382 comments

So are you saying he should 'uninstall the previous 1.4005' before installing this?

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MatsuTaka - - 7 comments

Sweet - great thanks for the reply...

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KeXeS_1986 - - 37 comments



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yvesbee - - 7 comments

"- Deleted the Illuminati storyline along with all the related cutscenes"

It takes a huge amount of character to accept something youve put so much work and love in to be criticised so heavily. Much respect!

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Daveed93 - - 76 comments

what was that storyline about and why the criticism?

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yvesbee - - 7 comments

The storyline concluded to suggest the Illuminati are behind it all. En.wikipedia.org

The criticism was mostly about that being a horrible fit to the stalker lore. I think it's safe to say it was a bit of a strange marriage. Like strawberries and garlic cream

Obviously a lot of work had been put into it by team Dezowave so understandably they defended the choice initially. All the more reason to praise their ability to reflect and take action.

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Daveed93 - - 76 comments

ok, thanks! and yeah props for them.

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Jonex. - - 568 comments

Does this version include the Extended pack add on?

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MatsuTaka - - 7 comments

You actually able to choose upon installation - there are many add-ons which you include during the process...

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Isambard_Prince - - 73 comments

The changelog (posted earlier) explains many aspects of your question.


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ColonelRH - - 770 comments

Well , thank you :D was waiting for this <3

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ReiKaz316 - - 51 comments

Wait a minute! This is same Lost Alpha mod, which i played about 2009 ?!

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bomordaname - - 1 comments

Сигнатура проблемы:
Имя события проблемы: APPCRASH
Имя приложения: Lost Alpha Configurator.exe
Версия приложения: 1.0.2501.18345
Отметка времени приложения: 9debdeb5
Имя модуля с ошибкой: KERNELBASE.dll
Версия модуля с ошибкой: 6.1.7601.24291
Отметка времени модуля с ошибкой: 5be78258
Код исключения: e0434352
Смещение исключения: 0000c54f
Версия ОС: 6.1.7601.
Код языка: 1049
Дополнительные сведения 1: 0a9e
Дополнительные сведения 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Дополнительные сведения 3: 0a9e
Дополнительные сведения 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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Если заявление о конфиденциальности в Интернете недоступно, ознакомьтесь с его локальным вариантом:

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adamxiiiiiiiiii - - 1 comments

hello, i dont write in russian but i have this error too

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PitGaming - - 14 comments

hi dezowave, Is there a patch or i have to redownload the whole game?
Btw Can you post the changelog?


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Isambard_Prince - - 73 comments

Read the post by ntex above.

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irekprzybylski96 - - 93 comments

what does it mean all mods included? which mods?!

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SGCGoliath - - 2 comments

delete this comment

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Isambard_Prince - - 73 comments

Pray tell why?
It seems to be above average in relevance.

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LeForeigner - - 15 comments

This version is heavily broken.

I needs to be patched on allot of new and different issues.

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Isambard_Prince - - 73 comments


But this is supposed to be the FINAL iteration of DC.


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foxy_pj - - 8 comments

Thank you for nice mod.
Please help with Lost Alpha Configurator
It is partly working, when launched i have a message "An unexpected error, and the program state is unstable."
I'm running it on Windows 10 X64 pro with .net framework 3.5 and 4.7 and C++ 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2017 installed.
1st tab with Launch Options and 4th tab with Graphics are working. 3rd tab Game is blank and 2nd tab mods crashing Configurator.
Please see configurator logs:
[2019-01-13 02:34:41] I:Check for update...
[2019-01-13 02:34:42] E:Response status code does not indicate success: 410 (Gone).
[2019-01-13 02:34:42] E: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at LostAlphaConfigurator.Services.UpdateService.<CheckUpdateAsync>d__1.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at LostAlphaConfigurator.ViewModels.MainViewModel.<<CheckUpdate>b__50_0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at LostAlphaConfigurator.ViewModels.MainViewModel.<CheckUpdate>d__50.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_0(Object state)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
MokeydaBeccs - - 20 comments

same problem..

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Fanarael - - 2 comments

Hey everyone !

I have a problem launching the game.
I discovered the lab X18 and I found all the documents as well as the pda for the boss of the Dark Stalkers, I go, I give the pda to the boss, I save and the next day I want to load my part and there , the game crash at startup with ALL my backups!
I changed my headset in the meantime and I installed software to manage wallpapers, that would be the cause? Because otherwise I do not see why overnight I could not run any more of my backups ..

Engine error. Last line in stack trace:
alDistanceModel()+9351 byte(s) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Sens_oal.dll

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Mr.Anomaly - - 2 comments

Issue with the mod (among many others I have superseded already) - beginning of the game I KILLED Sin members to save fox because I WANT to join Duty. Got to the "go deeper into the mines" part after a few more days of playing and...no message about the barkeep or duty. Nothing. Sin just KOs me like normal allowing me to do the Bandit Documents quest for the leader - but the issue is I don't want this! I want to join Duty like I said.

So I reloaded to a save before going into the mines and for some reason I am neutral to Sin? I didn't do anything to help them, the only time I came across them was at Sin House and I killed them like I was supposed to. So..yeah, wasted many, many days playing just to be unable to join? Pretty freaking ****** off to be honest and to me this is gamebreaking enough that I am likely not finishing this mod.

Freaking sucks.

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MatricariaChamomilia - - 12 comments

Wow people can be ignorant huh xD

I wonder if this guy knows there's a fairly complete wiki that could explain to him what he did wrong and give him a sequence of events to follow... oh wait there is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
leocesarini - - 8 comments

Hola, tengo la traduccion español que funciona en versiones anteriores, donde debo pegar? en gamedata? Gracias

Hello, I have the Spanish translation that works in previous versions, where should I paste? in gamedata? Thank you

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animalboy79 - - 1 comments

I would appreciate it if you would make a patch in Spanish for this version or a translation.

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Simausis - - 35 comments

Learn english dude it's not that hard!!! P.S. That's coming from a Lithuanian

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ferppo - - 7 comments

At least for me is impossible download any archives, server error in all cases

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Dakkakid - - 8 comments


At the end I kill the c consciousness as a pyro but the cut scene doesn't trigger and I can't open the door into the control room! Help? IS there a noclip, door unlock or bigger jump command? I want to finish this game and get my ending but I can't

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Isambard_Prince - - 73 comments

The ending differs in 1.4007 from all previous versions.

You need to destroy the emitters as well (just like in SoC) and deal with any other opposition that results.

(TIP - wearing a high level of "burn protection" and bringing some grenades is quite useful)

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MokeydaBeccs - - 20 comments

does this include the exdended pack addon?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Isambard_Prince - - 73 comments


The DLC gameplay is BUILT-IN..

Other elements like PRM pack are selectable upon installation. Choose wisely stalker.

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Andrea992 - - 1 comments

Hello Stalkers, I downloaded this awesome game yesterday but I am unable to installed because my Anti-virus System sign Setup.exe as a W32/Exploit virus.
It's true? Someone of you have the same problem? It's a false-positive relevation?
Please give me your opinion.

Thanks in advice.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Isambard_Prince - - 73 comments

Probably a bug.


Suck it and see (at your own risk - of course)

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s0x - - 5 comments


I am hoping someone can help me, I re-downloaded and installed LA DC v1.4007 (using the torrent) but for some reason the configurator isn't updating and I can't access any mods to download or any mod channels (the button is greyed out), the only mods available are the ones that come with the game download. Any help would be really appreciated.

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cyberpolo - - 8 comments

DL... thanks so much to whole dev team! Keep STALKER going on, fellas!

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lucifer1978 - - 242 comments

Do i need to have the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl installed or is this a standalone ?

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Wizard2 - - 298 comments


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Benepi-80 - - 1 comments

Hello, when i start the game from the launcher it works, but when i quit the game it crashes and i have to shut my computer off. I tried to execute the game from XDA.exe but comes out an error telling me that there is no system.ltx file in folder gamedata/config, what should i do? I downloaded the game directly from the torrent file and then I installed it, there was no other folder or file to copy&paste;.

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stefos1 - - 10 comments

Hi everyone,

I see that 1.4007 is up and I tried to install it but it didn't work.

The installer recognized all 6 parts and then the DirectX and other software were triggered but after I got back to the "New game" splashscreen I kept on getting an error screen but it allowed me to run it.

I'd appreciate your help in getting it to install.


P.S. This IS a standalone correct? I put it my non X86 folder as well and still gave me the error screen.

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IhadToMakeAnAccount0 - - 32 comments

Hi, I downloaded from the torrent. I'm getting a launcher error: WARNING! program
state unstable. And I downloaded the updated launcher from the main page then replaced the one in the game directory. It just crashes after a few seconds, everytime I try to run it. If I try to run the .exe in the bin folder, it says: cannot find gamedata\config\system.ltx
I believe foxy_pj and Benepi_80 are having the same problems.


Update: If I beat the crash to it and click "launch game" before the window disappears, it works for some reason?

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Diego0920 - - 118 comments

The launcher is unstable, I cannot click on the mods tab to remove or change the russian voiceovers or else it crashes. File check said it was OK, didn't install any of the 3rd party updates since I had them already. I selected optimal (default) setting and installed to a separate J: drive.

Is this problem unique to the torrent version? I can probably keep playing until if it's stable enough and only some lines are in russian.

EDIT: The launcher bugs out if the two "ladc_rus_voice" files are in your MODS folder. Deleting or moving them away from the folder solves this issue and you can actually hear the english voices correctly.

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Is_Online - - 95 comments

Drive.google.com <- Use this one, had the same issue; no idea why this one (the unzipped one in the link) works and the one that comes bundled with the installer bugs out.

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Is_Online - - 95 comments

Having a weird issue; exiting the game doesn't actually exit the game, have to press the Windows key and sign out to make it close (sometimes I can cancel the sign out and it still closes LA-DC).

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Is_Online - - 95 comments

So having the game run in DX10.1 (whatever that setting does) fixed this issue for me; still would prefer to run in static lighting, but having the game properly exit after clicking "Exit to Windows" makes the slightly less frames on my dual-core APU laptop negligible.

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