New to Version 1.1a of the mod is compatibility with the Steam version of TRON 2.0, easier installation, v1.1 bug fixes, and restored Multiplayer support in-game on both the CD/DVD and Steam versions. The objective of the Killer App Mod for TRON 2.0 on the PC, is to incorporate elements from TRON 2.0: Killer App for the Xbox platform that were never released for the PC version of TRON 2.0. It also includes other fixes and additions for the game, such as 16:9 and 16:10 Widescreen support.

Report RSS TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a Released

New to Version 1.1a of the mod is compatibility with the Steam version of TRON 2.0, easier installation, v1.1 bug fixes, and restored Multiplayer support in-game on both the CD/DVD and Steam versions. The objective of the Killer App Mod for TRON 2.0 on the PC, is to incorporate elements from TRON 2.0: Killer App for the Xbox platform that were never released for the PC version of TRON 2.0. It also includes other fixes and additions for the game, such as 16:9 and 16:10 Widescreen support.

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TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod v1.1a Released

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It's been over four years since the last update to the TRON 2.0: Killer App Mod, here on ModDB. The release of TRON 2.0 on Steam, has necessitated an interim, updated release of the Killer App Mod. The previous v1.1 of the mod does not work very well with the Steam version of the game.

This interim version of the mod does not have the majority of the huge improvements that will be in v1.2 of the Killer App Mod. You can get a taste of what v1.2 will offer, in this previous news post. Examples of improvements in v1.2 are: better widescreen support, being able to select non-4:3 resolutions in-game, recreated weapons from the Xbox version of the game in Multiplayer and Single Player, and additional languages (Russian and Hungarian).

But a few of the improvements that were originally meant to debut with v1.2, have been back-ported to v1.1a. A full list of the changes from v1.1 to v1.1a can be found here.

The most significant change, is restored functional Multiplayer without the need to install the old Multiplayer Fix any more. The in-game server browsing and joining features are now working again. Clunky, awkward, out-of-game solutions are no longer required.

Note that v1.1a of the Killer App Mod is not compatible with v1.1 for online Multiplayer. Everyone playing together in a match must be using v1.1a, and that includes the server hosting the match. I recommend uninstalling v1.1 before replacing it with v1.1a. LDSO has TRON 2.0 Multiplayer servers hosting matches on weekends, and they are currently running v1.1a. LDSO will also be providing the owner of the servers with v1.1a, so he can update his servers and then anyone with v1.1a can join.

Killer App Mod v1.1a was tested on both the CD/DVD Retail and Steam versions, and will work with Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit in all cases). It should also still work on 98/Me/2000, but was not tested on those versions of Windows.

We don't have an exact ETA for the Killer App Mod v1.2 update. We were hoping to finally have it done by the end of 2014, but time spent on v1.1a likely means there will be a delay until early 2015. If releases their own version of TRON 2.0, we will either create another interim update or add support to v1.2.

You can also check out other new features in v1.2, from an earlier news post.

Thanks from the Killer App Mod team, and if you have any questions or comments: visit the LDSO message forum, the TRON fan sites, or leave comments here on ModDB. Do not use the "Send Message" link on ModDB, otherwise your feedback may not be read for a long time.

List of TRON fan sites:

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Valkinsenn - - 120 comments

Keep up the great work, guys. :)

Now that Tron 2.0's on Steam, hopefully more people will be able to experience--and enjoy--that lost gem of a game, along with this awesome mod.

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ahhhasadahh - - 489 comments

XDXD Awesome!

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Guest - - 700,178 comments

Looks like the installer hangs at nircmdc.exe? I never get to the patching process. What could be causing that? I'm on Win 8.1.

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TronFAQ Author
TronFAQ - - 155 comments

Try the advice here:

Long story short: either simply restart the computer and try again, or try Windows Safe Mode.

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Guest - - 700,178 comments

Looks like the first didn't help, and trying the second all I got was a black screen (which scared me to death).

Any way to manually install this mod? Or at least somehow apply the resolution patches you guys use? That's all I'm really interested in.

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TronFAQ Author
TronFAQ - - 155 comments

Windows Safe Mode was the easiest way to disable whatever is interfering with the mod's installation. Other than that, you can try temporarily disabling any anti-virus or software firewall you're using until installation is done.

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Guest - - 700,178 comments

What I ended up doing was installing the mod on another machine, then transferring the entire directory. The new resolutions show up, it seems to work fine in-game, but the menus are truncated - so for instance, I don't see the Quit button at the bottom, I have to use Alt + F4 or quit after loading a game.

Any idea what I'm missing?

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TronFAQ Author
TronFAQ - - 155 comments

The installer for the mod adds some entries to the Windows Registry, so you'll be missing those and that's what's causing your issue.

You should probably use regedit.exe to export "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Monolith Productions\Tron 2.0\1.0" to a .reg file you can copy over to your current computer, so you can click on it and add those registry entries.

You may need to edit the .reg file in a text editor, if you installed the game to a different directory on the second computer vs. the first.

Also, you'll probably need to set TRON.exe to run as Administrator, since the installer didn't do that for you either. Otherwise you'll again run into issues.

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Guest - - 700,178 comments

At first I thought the registry add-in didn't work, but that was because the machine I used was 32 bit and my main machine is 64 bit (was wondering why I didn't have Wow6432 there...).

So, editing a couple of things in the .reg (where the keys went, my installation location) and re-importing finally worked. Thanks for your help, to be honest it was kind of annoying to install the mod but I guess I'm a special case (if safe mode would've worked, it would've been solved much quicker).

Thanks for your patience and the mod!

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TronFAQ Author
TronFAQ - - 155 comments

Yep, that's why the mod can't (or shouldn't) be installed manually. There are too many tasks it has to perform, that need to be automated. If you had to do all of those steps yourself, it would get extremely complicated. (Adding registry entries, modifying config files, patching game files, etc.)

Only a small number of people have trouble with the installer hanging. I've updated to the latest version of the install creation software, so it can't be because it's not compatible with Windows 8.1 or something like that. I personally tested it on three different computers with different versions of Windows (XP, 7, 10), and I had volunteers who beta tested for me.

The only conclusion I can reach, at this point, is there are certain anti-virus/anti-malware/firewall programs that interrupt and quarantine a file during installation, which causes the installer to hang. That's why Safe Mode works, it disables all background processes so the installer can do its work in peace.

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TronFAQ Author
TronFAQ - - 155 comments

For people who are experiencing a hang when the Killer App Mod installs, I'd appreciate it if you could read this forum post to help me narrow down the cause:

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LudskyL - - 20 comments

Hello TronFAQ, End December my cumputer was died and i lost my data :/

I'll have to translate again for French :/ (Fortunately, I had stored some of the translation elsewhere)

Sorry...(I give you traduce as fast as possible)

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TronFAQ Author
TronFAQ - - 155 comments

Sorry to hear that you had problems with your computer! Regarding the translation, that's perfectly fine. :) Take your time.

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