This mod aims to recreate the very popular fighting game Mortal Kombat on the Gold Source Engine.

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In regards to progress about the mod. Playermodels and maps. Preview translation: "Stop friend! Stop Scrolling that I made you a nice asadito friend" Asadito: Argentinian BBQ style, Asado's diminutive

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Hello Everyone

Regarding playermodels

Currently I'm working on doing all of the playermodels from scratch, at least the models for now, the animations can be recycled no worries.

The first model I made was raiden, he has a nice thicc butt ( yeah I'm still working on my modeling abilities )

[I'll be adding it to the gallery as soon as I'm home]

I have to add the following animations to the player-model sequences.

  • Fatality-1 and 2 - When performing a fatality probably re-doing this as a "weapon type of animation" as projectiles and melee have a different fatality
  • Blocking animation - When you block
  • Dizzy animation - Finish 'em, get over here, stun animation.
  • Beheading animation - When the person gets, well, decapitated. Primarily for sub-zero's fatality.

Now on for the features, the fog is working nice, but it tends to clash with the implementation of shaders, and the usage of transparent textures in the HL engine, I tried moving the rendering passes and checking certain stuff but it just doesn't really work. So I'll have to make some compromises with those kind of textures or not use them much in conjunction with fog.
I have added a readme file in the folders for the respective shaders. Both map shaders which work much like the Quake 3 shader system. It was primarily made by DJSHARK23PROG, and I fixed a few things in their code. It was in the old HLAMCreations forums. It was kind of clunky code and needed a lot of fixes. It kind of feels tied with wires (The old argentinian idiom, "Atado con alambres")

  • Models with up to 4096x4096 TGA detail textures
  • Map textures up to 4096x4096, I guess you could use this in conjunction of R_Detailtextures but haven't tried it
  • It doesn't replace the textures it just places it on top. So if something is transparent the current texture will show.
  • Map textures can have effects, these will be named for the sake of simplicty, but things such as transparency, blending, rotation, scale, and translation are currently available.

Weapons were made simple for all of the characters, as stated on my old post. All characters will have a special move that moves them, much like in the original game (teleport, flying kick, etc)

I would love to have a few testers as soon as I progress a bit more.

That's all of the news I have for today.
Thanks for reading,


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