Fanmade Gold Edition Mod - is a unique Polish mod for the game KnightShift, also known as Polanie II. Enriched with thousands of new elements, it introduces hundreds of new enemies, offers freshly designed maps, intriguing RPG spells, and various gameplay modes, significantly broadening the range of possibilities. To immerse yourself in this expanded version of the adventure, owning the original version of the game is necessary.

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The item store enters the Gold Edition! 💸 This is the only way to support our work.

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With great joy and gratitude, we turn to you, our wonderful community! It's thanks to your constant support and commitment that we can continuously develop and break new boundaries. Today, we have the extraordinary pleasure of announcing the upcoming update that will introduce a completely new feature to our game – the item store in the Gold Edition 🔥 This step is the fruit of the long-term work and passion of our team, who eagerly awaited the moment to share the first announcements with you. We are convinced that the store will significantly enrich your experience with the game, offering new possibilities to support us – the creators. This is another step in our joint journey, which we couldn't achieve without your support 💘


The functionality of the item store has been designed with smooth integration with your existing game adventures in mind. It operates on principles similar to those you know from the map editor – just one click in the menu to launch the new .exe module of the store and immerse yourself in the world of additional possibilities we have prepared for you. Please remember that access to the store requires an active internet connection. If it's not available, you will receive an appropriate message and will be seamlessly redirected back to the main game menu. Currently, all transactions are conducted in euros, however, we are intensively working on expanding the payment options to include other currencies to make our store even more accessible. Before you dive into the world of our store, you will be asked to create your own account, where your balance will be stored – it's a simple and quick process, aimed at providing you with the utmost comfort of using the new possibilities. 🤝

Here is a list of potential errors we have identified and plan to eliminate in the future:

  • Problems with receiving items:

In case the purchased items do not appear immediately in your inventory, we recommend restarting the game.

  • Issues with scaling the interface:

We recognize that some players may encounter difficulties in optimally adjusting the user interface to different screen resolutions.

More details coming soon! Stay tuned!


ItemShop 1ItemShop 2

ItemShop 3

Inclusions (PL):

ItemShop 1 PL

ItemShop 2 PL

ItemShop 3 PL

I hope you didn't believe it by this point

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