This mod is an overhaul and huge addon for Age of wonders Planetfall, you will see new systems such as Jets and new playable Sub-factions such as NOD, GDI, OCP, Contra Force, JSDF, Series9, Section9, Umbrella. "" Mod page Under Construction, alot of preview and pictures will be coming soon "" "" Mod progress is on 70% ""

Report RSS Progress Part5

Progress on GDI, NOD, Tiberium system, Remade Mine system and Early access release

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Hello again everyone

Progress is slow recently due to alot of job problems and biggest problem is the stress its putting on me which kill any kind of fun mood in me most of the times, but like i said many times the mod will progress and will be finished there is no doubt on that! just wish i had more free time and peaceful mind like the past so i could do what i love more which is making this mod.

Well anyway here we go back to the creed... the first reason this mod was born... GDI vs NOD, i have remade alot on both gdi and nod and added alot of new good stuffs! they are what any old fan would expect them to be!


With arsenal of more than 15 units NOD is master of stealth and ambushing the enemyAowPF 2024 05 22 21 47 06AowPF 2024 05 22 21 46 43AowPF 2024 05 22 21 47 58AowPF 2024 05 22 21 48 31AowPF 2024 05 22 21 48 44AowPF 2024 05 22 21 47 40

NOD have stealth units which can go stealth mod during combat and are completely invisible in world map!
AowPF 2024 05 22 22 14 52AowPF 2024 05 22 22 15 19During stealth mod the units cannot be targeted and also cannot attack, once cloaked they can attack enemy right after decloaking in same turn and go for a 1 turn cooldown before they can go stealth again, Stealth mod can be disabled by scanning abilities such as scan catalogue which at least one unit in each faction have now.

There are also some new iconic units such as tick tank which can deploy in order to get more armor, more accuracy and more range but it will cost 1 turn to deploy
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And ofcourse the biggest part of NOD is their cyborgs!
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There is total of 5 different kind of Cyborg units in NOD army and except the Cyborg Terminator (the super unit of NOD) the rest are controlled by Cabal AI during combat not you! Cyborgs are a force to reckon with and cost only some tiberium to build BUT the down point is all cyborgs cost 1 colonist to be build (except terminator which cost 2 due to many dying during the trial and operation) also high rank cyborgs such as templar and terminator have the iconic go half once their life reaches zero! in half mod they are weaker in all aspects but get a second chance to destroy their enemy.

One of new additions to NOD arsenal are Avatars...
AowPF 2024 05 22 21 53 38 AowPF 2024 05 22 21 56 59This huge guys are NOD's T4 units and are very strong tanks! as long as they stand their ground and dont move they can attack without dropping their shield guard, but they cannot move and shoot, they also provide +4 shield to all units around them when guarding also watch out for their back because they take x2 damage from back!

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Banshe is another NOD iconic unit and the only JET unit of NOD, they can do serious damage to LARGE and HUGE units and are the best counters to GDI's or any faction's big mechs or aerial ships.

Commander goodies:
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When you join NOD you will unlock bunch of new weapons for your commander and 3 new transformations (infector, Cyborg terminator and NOD commander) the cyborg terminator transformation is an upgraded version of the super unit and cost alot but once you turn to one... they will know fear...

NOD Support powers:
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NOD can build 3 different defensive structures using their strategic operations which provide the units in your domain with one of benefits such as: universal camouflage in strategic map, mine field shower OR counter enemy operation... oh i did almost forgot, i have remade mine system in game, now when you walk on them they will explode and do 20 damage to everything around them and get removed afterward, so mines are no longer hazards but traps!.
During Tactical combat NOD can call in an aerial mine field drop which is more than meet the eye... why? well you see the mine field is not only a trap! they can be exploited by long range AOE units such as banshe or Spectr artillery, u see if you drop mine field on head of a unit and afterward fire an AOE attack on the center... u can do the calculation right? ;)


With arsenal of more than 15 units is master of heavy military forward raids, GDI is master of mech, hover, aerial combat and mobilization
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All GDI units have been retextured to provide more accurate GDI goldish feeling many models are changed or upgraded, GDI is mostly sheer force and armed with high powered military technology their unique traits except their military power are units such as:
Phoenix which is a very long range movement JET unit perfect for hitting enemy before they see your units coming.
Orca Heavy Carryall (will be renamed to dropship later) which can transport all ground units in its squad across map with high speed even large and huge units.
Disruptor which is very useful against xeno and tiberium units and can provide sonic shield to units around it.

Commander goodies:
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Just like NOD, GDI will also provide your commander with new weapons, 1 GDI commander transformation and 5 new vehicles (Wolverin, Orca, Elite Mammoth tank, Titan MK2 and Colossus).
Colossus is Super vehicle equipment of GDI for commander and can rain death from very long distance on enemy units with its missile pods and 4 heavy explosive Gatling guns.
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GDI Support powers:
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GDI can build 3 different defensive structures using their strategic operations which provide the battles in your domain with one of benefits such as: EMP cannon, Satellite fire, ANTI aerial missile system.
Also in strategic map you can call for a phoenix strike on enemy squads or request a Phoenix unit to dive in anywhere in strategic map under your control.
During Tactical combat GDI can request drop pods to attack enemy and provide zone troopers support during combat

Now you might ask what about Chemical missile or Ion cannon?? well those are going to be super weapons that you can unlock by building the super weapon sector structure which can be unlocked by related secret techs and will be introduce on next update.
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Tiberium System:
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Tiberium is a resource replacer (replaced Cosmos) and new land overlay which have replaced mushroom overlay so you can easily decide how much you want in your map! they are mostly hazardous and depend on their node they might contain Ion storm OR tiberium Air hazard, there are 2 ways of earning tiberium resource:
1. by capturing the tiberium nodes
2. by harvesting tiberium overlays using NOD, GDI and ICCA related harvester unit.

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NOD have faster harvester and GDI have the hover harvester, once build they can move to center of Tiberium field sectors and start harvesting tiberium.
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There are 2 form of harvesting operation:
HARVEST TIBERIUM: your harvester will start harvesting and after few turns provide you with a small amount of tiberium, the operation can be repeated afterward.
FULLY HARVEST TIBERIUM FIELD: this operation will take longer and once completed will provide you with big amount of tiberium BUT will completely consume the tiberium field and you have to move to a new sector.

Early Access Release:

The MOD is ready for Early access release so you can enjoy the playable content so far, but it will contain bugs and balance problems for sure, the only problem is my net upload speed is horrible and this is a huge file around few gigs, so i need a stable connection! if my job doesnt put too much obstacle in front of me as soon as i find a good connection i will upload the mod! :)

What is and is not available in early access release:
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- It contain almost all new sub factions BUT (Umbrella, ICCA, therian and Spacers) need upgrades and changes (forgotten, psifish) wont get any change from me or at least not before full release),
- this release is mostly about subfactions and new game systems! the Original factions wont get their changes and new addition units/features in this release.
- new commander customization options are not fully added (there is alot that remain to be added for almost all factions).
- Mega Corp doesnt have good AI they will only build basic units (i might update it very soon after this release).
- new natural units are not added yet and the current edited original ones will be changed back/updated later.
- secret tech new features such as super weapons are not in this release (there are some edits to some of their last tier operations which made them more powerful but they will be replaced by super weapons later)

Well i hope you guys did enjoy this update! sorry for any miss spelling or bad English, English in not my native language!

Post comment Comments
PredatorSpam113 - - 79 comments

Amazing news)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
DreadGrimReaper - - 172 comments

Great work ~~~

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wildrems - - 28 comments

Awesome, cant wait to try this out

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Harvesters like in Dune. :D
Anyway lots of work I see. Awesome looking mod, keep up good work and overcome weakness of your mind^^

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Ahrimansiah Author
Ahrimansiah - - 3,233 comments

well harvesters like in tiberian sun but dune will do too :P
and thanks :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
egozi44 - - 2,229 comments

:o !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
ElrosAmandil - - 134 comments

I was nearly forgetting it. And after these models...I am sure I won't be missing the the pre-release:)
Thank you.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
!!Nova!! - - 463 comments

Thanks for the update hope you are not to stressed.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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