You, James Smith (served in SWAT for a decade with no failed ops), on vacation and driving your car to some nice place, to take a break from your usual work routines. Driving on a deserted road somewhere in Utah, the car breaks down. With miles of nothing behind, J. decides to go forward and stumbles upon an abandoned rock/sand processing factory with just one yawning guard sitting there. Pointed by the guard, J. walks behind the factory to find the phone. When he comes back, he only sees two army trucks and the dead guard… J.'s curiosity leads him inside the factory only to find that this place is absolutely not what it seems to be…

Report RSS End of the year update

Showcasing what works been done on the mod, screenshots and so on.

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Hello guys! So another year has passed, I'd like to show that I'm still working on the mod and all goes well as planned. Unfortunately, there's been less progress than the last year but I still have something to show, and it's slowly but surely going strong.

First of all let me present to you main characters: Alice and James (aka the player)

Suit model was done by Tnnv, posing for the picture done by NextDay. Alice model by Vincent-page, currently in progress of being animated by NextDay.

Some pictures below can recap what's been posted throughout the year since last article, some new:

Red Dweller model by Tnnv, which finally replaces red vortigaunt to further avoid any confusions with Half-Life universe (since it's supposed to be total conversion mod anyway):

Red Dweller model by Tnnv

Graphical improvements: implemented bump-mapping, new water shader, specular lighting (thanks to ncuxonaT and Lev for help with shaders):


Implemented interior mapping. I've wrote an article about it earlier, read it here if you want to know more about the implementation process. Also first map of chapter 4:


Yes, 99% of all windows, even in far background, look 3D because of interior mapping.

Next thing: parallax-corrected cubemaps, just like in Source 2. You make a brush entity cubemap_box on the map, representing room boundaries, or your desired boundaries which fit the best, and here we go. Screenshots in order: test map with all-reflective surfaces, in-game use, view in JackHammer.


Npcs (and player too) make dust particles when running on dirty surfaces:


New hands for viewmodels to account new suit - by Tnnv:


Soldiers can now run and shoot at the same time. There and no gaitsequences used. Only turning the spine controller and measuring shooting angle.

The controllable drone now has a screen:

Real cables by Bacontsu:

Girl civilian variations based on Condition Zero models:

Condition Zero civilian variations

Dynamic weather. Rain starts to fall, clouds appear, drips on the screens increases, fog increases...rain ends, all that goes away smoothly:

Apache can shoot down rockets just like in HL 2 (utilized same code)

Car wheels can become dirty. The effect changes fast only for testing purposes, in game it will slowly accumulate over time. Implemented by blending two textures between each-other in the shader.

Last thing for now, the map I'm working on at the moment:

4 1
4 2

Thank you for sticking around! P.S. subscribe to me on LambdaGen to see some sneak-peeks and some other random stuff I post if you'd like.

- Aynekko

Post comment Comments
Yanka - - 260 comments

Very cool and impressive! 👍

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
3037 - - 506 comments

Super sick.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
cambreaKer - - 1,020 comments

all of this looks amazing! keep up the great work!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
G_Sergeant - - 123 comments

Impressive work

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Sandii - - 66 comments

Man, and i thought the mod looked amazing before all the shader effects, this is like, next level stuff

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Qwertyus - - 2,558 comments

New effects are super cool, but as everything else too.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
DevinShadowV - - 532 comments

ooo fancy

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LadyJaneThrace - - 863 comments

God this is just too gorgeous, absolutely stellar work! <3

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Excision_Weed - - 191 comments


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FreeSlave - - 281 comments

Such an impressive update! With a lot of new features and great attention to details. The mod really starts to look like its own game now.

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SweetRamona - - 5,159 comments

This looks amazing as usual! 😸

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Shadow_864 - - 428 comments

Выглядит довольно реалистично на уровне первого Crysis'а
А особенно на вид рук от первого лица, довольно выглядит странно
Там изначально был HEV костюм, но там что-то другое

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Aynekko Author
Aynekko - - 683 comments

Мой мод не относится ко вселенной Half-Life, тут нет этого костюма. Другой костюм будет.

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Shadow_864 - - 428 comments

Так ты изначально делал мод к вселенной Half-Life
Там было куча всего из первой Half-Life
Там множество ассетов взяты из Half-Life 1-2
И там стартовая локация была Черная Меза Нью-Мексико
Но это далеко не Чёрная Меза, но похоже что вроде того

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Aynekko Author
Aynekko - - 683 comments

Ассеты есть и будут частично из хл2/ксго/л4д и много чего еще, будут и несколько своих, и несколько с просторов интернета. Я не моделлер, поэтому делаю в меру своих возможностей, иногда люди помогают. Самая ранняя версия мода (2013-14 год) была про блек мезу, потом я решил делать тотальную конверсию, со своей вселенной и сюжетом. Текстуры изначально все были из хл1, т.к. мод базировался на обычной халфе. Сейчас я стремлюсь как можно дальше отойти от халфы, чтобы не было никаких конфузов. Про оригинальный мод когда-то в будущем будет отдельная статья, про название, идею, со скриншотами и т.д.

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Ushankov1984 - - 86 comments

So so so impressive and lovely work!

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OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

This looks very good!

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Guest - - 699,906 comments

This looks absolutely amazing I'm excited for when it comes out

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