That shiny mod that vilifies the use of bloom and edgy lighting since 2010.

Report RSS 1.0.0 Release Details: General Game Mechanics & Improvements

This blog is about the upcoming full release of C&C Generals Zero Hour Enhanced.

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Aannnndddddd, we're finally here; with an TRAILER and RELEASE DETAILS!!! :3

Youpoop mirror:

I originally thought it was going to take me to 2027 or even a lifetime to even pull this kind of release but I was wrong. I even planned to release it earlier in a more sorry state 2 years ago before all the vehicle and building stuff but later decided against it since Covid isn't going anywhere soon (well, technically it's going everywhere but whatever lol.)

Plus they all go together very well and having just the infantry stuff and those low ass poly vehicles would ruin the whole thing so I just delayed it for 2 whole years.

As fun as it would be to joke about myself not seeing sunlight and feeling the touch of grass, that's not really the case for me actually. I do feel sunlight and touch grass everyday, thank you very much. Not only that, Bangkok heat and smog is slowly killing me every single day despite weatherman forecasting a cold, cold winter. On a Mixue ice cream melting scale, 5 minutes of fresh serve in an aircon installed local mall will melt the ice cream into puddle.

Typical Thailand for you, I guess. It's been like this for years but somehow worse with time lol. Damn you climate change.

Now for the highlight of today's blog; what are we here for?

Today, we're talking about general game mechanic changes that applied to all factions. Now, if you've recalled me mentioning HOI4 clueless treatment, now you're about to find out all the nonsensical stuff I've added over these past few years.

So without further ado, I've conveniently listed those features down below so they're easy to read without me blabbing on otherwise this blog will probably reach 3000 words essay level of pure text wall. We do have a lot to go through and this is just the first part so don't give up just yet.

Reworked General Game Balances:
General combat is also be tweaked to be more forgiving but not as comedically forgiving as vZH.
Infantry don't go down as easy as before and so are vehicles and tanks as you can see in the trailer.
Depending on the caliber, ammunition type or weapon used, units are relatively more or less resistant to it in more ways than vZH and even ZHE.

General rule of thumb is:

• Machine guns are effective against infantry and unarmoured vehicles.
• Heavy machine guns are effective against infantry, unarmoured vehicles and attack helicopters.
• Auto-cannons are effective against infantry and light vehicles. When mounted on aircraft, they're also effective against vehicles and tanks.
• Rifled guns and smoothbore guns are effective against infantry when using HE rounds and vehicles, tanks when using HEAT rounds.
• Light anti-tank weapons are effective against light vehicles while dedicated anti-tank weapons are effective against vehicles and tanks.
• Anti-air weapons are effective against light vehicles, attack helicopters and low-flying aircraft.
• Fragmentation grenades and mines are effective against infantry and unarmoured vehicles.
• Anti-tank grenades are effective against vehicles and not so much tanks while anti-tank mines are effective against both.
• Incendiary weapons are effective against infantry, light vehicles and base defenses. Not particularly effective against buildings but will slowly destroy them.
• Explosives are effective against pretty much most things given they hit their targets. Often more expensive and limited to deploy. This ranging from sachel charges, high explosive rounds to artillery and tactical long-range missiles to close air support missiles and bombs to nuclear bombs.
• Toxins and radiations are pretty much the same like previous ZHE version.
-ECMs when deployed are effective against guided munitions. ECM rays are pretty much the same like previous ZHE version.
• Microwaves when deployed and in rays form are effective against infantry in different ways. When deployed, microwaves will deter infantry from advancing and in rays form, microwaves will slowly cook infantry until they catch fire.

Friendly fire will not be tolerated (in most cases.)

Friendly fire feature has been toned down quite considerably particularly in infantry, vehicles and some base defenses. However, some vehicles, artillery and aircraft will still have the classic ZHE collision. Sorry I made friendly fire wayyy too brutal in 0.9.x days. I wasn't aware everybody isn't a masochist.

Parachutes can now also be attacked mid-air and their content will fall to the ground at their peril.

CIWs can now counter fire at artillery shells and artillery rockets but not against fast moving tactical long-range missiles.

Reworked Smoke Screens:
As opposed to previous ZHE version, units covered in smoke will no longer be stealthed. They will instead become untargetable and unable to fire weapons which in my opinion makes more sense than before where covered units fire their weapons then get shot to death undramatically.

The aim is to make smokes be used more defensively to mask unit's presence to advance to position or retreat from the battlefield rather than making them invisible entirely.

This also conflicts way less with other codes making my life a lot easier. It works most of the time, I think. This is largely due to how SAGE handles STATUS code, mainly allow one at a time per frame when applied from external factors and there's nothing I can do about it.

Now also comes in variety of calibers ranging from grenades, mortar shells, launcher shells, generator produced and artillery shells so it could realistically be deployed anywhere in any situation.

Strategic Points:
Perhaps a throwback to 2018, these points essentially grants the player a wide surrounding area of vision and constant stream of supplies once it's secured through an upgrade on each of these points.

But wait! There's more. Don't get too comfortable yet as the enemy can still capture your points. Once a secured point is captured by the enemy, you can no longer see the once revealed surrounding area and the supply stream is cut off from your main supply line. The enemy can then do as you, the player, have done; secure the point and take reap the benefits for themselves!

These come in 2 variations functionally speaking, one that's captured by the default capture building ability and one that has to be hold by garrisoning troops in it. The points themselves are indestructible so there's no use launching Tomahawk missiles at them.

Revamped Bullet System:
Adopting Operation Firestorm's drawable tracer logic, actual bullets are now invisible while tracer visuals are preserved. This should greatly help with the bullets hitting bridge issue that prevents them from damaging the actual target while they're on the bridge.

Not only that but this also enabled me to create specific firing mode of infantry small arms.
Yes, you've read that right! Shotguns will fire functional shotgun pellets and rifles in burst mode will fire functional burst shots.

Sniper rifle, machine gun and auto cannon shots are also longer in lengths making them appeared to be faster and more impactful.

Revamped Propaganda and Chinese Troops Cohesion System:
Propaganda through speaker towers or commanders now provide increased firing speed without passive healing while Demoralisation now causes decreased rate of fire and firing speed.

Chinese Troops Cohesion bonuses provide minimal increased firing speed while Frenzy General's Power bonuses provide maximal increased firing speed.

While this primarily affects the Chinese faction respective to their war doctrine, other factions are also slightly affected through their commander units.

Destructible and Repairable Bridges:
Yes, you've read that right! Bridges once thought non-functional and abandonned with the devs are actually functional.

Bridge towers now are considered tech buildings. Capturing one provides the player with the ability to either repair damaged or destroyed the bridge or sabotage the bridge that the tower controls. Each bridge has at least one tower on either side.

Bridges without these towers are either indestructible or unrepairable or both.

Battles on bridge are now even more deadly!

Crossable River:
Crossable body of water provides an indestructible path in maps previously filled with bridges. Any unit could cross the river path regardless of whether they're amphibious or not!

Depending on the volume of the body of water, it could result in a no mans land situation or a bottleneck that's easily defensible.

Structures cannot be constructed on the path itself but however can be constructed on either piece of land at the end of the river.

It doesn't really serve any other significant purposes. It just looks cool!

Revamped Stealth Detection:
Infiltration and guerilla warfare just got more a lot deadly!

Satellites and radars now won't detect mines, booby traps and demo traps. The player either has to commited to sending the Engineers or just bomb the hell out of the area. The latter, however, only works in the game and not in real life (don't try it.)

So no, when the US bombed Laos and Cambodia to the stone age, they weren't there to demine the country out of charity. They bombed grandpa, grandma and children to own the commies and no, they weren't even in the fucking war. Truly the shit the so-called good guys do.

Camouflaged units are now only detectible at close range or through thorough reconnaissance efforts at ground level. A well planned and executed ambush will deal a fatal blow to the enemy no matter how advanced their technologies are!

Stealthed aircraft are now detectible by ground units at their respective vision range while other aircraft are completely blind to them.

So the next time you see a walking bush, it might be the enemy disguising as such!

Tiered Combat Phase:
Like CoH, the game will now be divided using tier upgrades that provide substantial bonuses depending on your faction.

This will give the player and the enemy an opportunity to utilise units in each tier to their fullest potential.
• 0th (Early): infantry and light vehicles
• 1st (Mid): hvy infantry, IFVs, APCs, light tanks and light aircraft
• 2nd (Late): MBTs, artillery, aircraft and super heavy tanks

The idea is based on tensions and escalations where it starts off in small skirmishes then an Abrams tank just parked outside your house and you make eye contact with the driver who came out to pee in your yard. And then before you know it, Tomahawk missiles just flew over your house and hit your distant neighbour's home to bits.

vZH kinda had this but only strucuture requirements. This one is that plus science and upgrade requirements so it's played out longer much closer to CoH.

War Doctrines:
Like CoH tactics system with a twist, at the beginning of each GP branch the player unlock respective faction doctrines.

War Doctrine unlocks special units, upgrades, abilities, bonuses and subsequent powerful GPs in accordance to the respective theme at hand.

They are not mutually exclusive to one another but depending on how you, the player, and the enemy choose what to unlock first will determine how the game is played sequentially.

More details will be revealed when we get into specific factions.

Reworked General Power:
Every vZH GP has been reworked both visually and mechanically to make it more impactful than ever in addition to new GPs.

Using GP will also trigger various VO commentary taken from the game itself on GP initiation, nearing target location, leaving target location or confirmation of kill.

The location of in which GPs are called from are now more scattered across multiple buildings as opposed to the vZH Command Center centric, making tech buildings a lot more important to defend.

More details will be revealed when we get into specific factions.

FPS graph of a 2v2 Hard AI game at 60 FPS limit

Frame time graph

Performance & AI Improvements:
Well, not sure what to really tell you here. All of this just works. I'm not kidding. Have you SEEN the TRAILER yet? And again, it just works.

But honestly, it's still kind of a miracle that it runs THIS well. I've always been too used to slideshow Generals.

"But how did V manage to get it to run so smoothly to begin with?" You may ask.

There's no one short answer, really; so here comes the word salad of things that may or may not mean anything to you at all.

It's most likely the combination of these factors that have been implemented that contributes to the improvement of FPS:

• Getting rid of the old bloom map. The legacy lighting relies on ENB and bloom map. The bloom map is just a giantic plane that shades the game world differently. It looks great but it lagged the hell out of SAGE.
• Prioritised particle FX. Aruguably is one of the most common cause of performance hits among many mods that changes a lot of stuff. By assigning proper priorities to particles, the game can hide smaller minute details when a lot is going on to save performance. 0.9.x didn't do it so it lagged like shit.
• Smol bean SFXs. Yes, you've read that right. SAGE (and probably most programs in general) hates large sound bites. Segmenting SFXs into smaller shorter bites helps the engine to fire them more effieciently and manage when or when not to fire unimportant sounds.
• Stupid AI. Thanks for our resident AI scripter DARKozDARKA; AI now doesn't clog your PC to a halt while still pretty much flush your base with units with their magically summoned pile of money. The AI's still kinda dumb though not gonna lie. I mean, it's Generals we're talking about after all, a game from 2003. I mean, have you ever seen Oblivion's radiant AI?
• INI codes. Not 100% sure about this one because rule of thumb when programming is: the smaller the O is, the better it runs but there's no looping in INI codes. Maybe removing vZH duplicates and streamlining a bunch of objects in generics and primarily using reskins could improve performance??? One thing I know for sure is: it helps me to code in future stuff tremendously.
• Minimal generic debris. As you may or may not know, 0.9.x ZHE creates a shit ton of debris and that probably hits the performance considerably. By utilising debris in moderation, performance should improve.
• Drawable tracters. In a typical game of ZHE, bullets are everywhere and when they're made to run easier on the engine, the game performance probably improves generally.
• elishacloud's DxWrapper. "DxWrapper is a .dll file designed to wrap DirectX files to fix compatibility issues in older games. This project is primarily targeted at fixing issues with running games on Windows 10, by simply dropping .dll and .ini files into the game folder. Its secondary purpose is to offer a single tool combining several projects into one" according the to authour.
Not so sure how well it'll perform on other devices but at least for me, it helps my Generals pretty significantly.
It also helps me avoid most crashes during matches entirely as I assume that a lot of them are from DirectX related crashes (the game is old.) The catch is I sometimes crash at exiting from the score screen after big matches.

And that's all of it, I think. Don't think I forgot anything important. I guess see you in the next part some time soon.

Take care comrades!

AI Scripter (DARKozDARKA): DARKozDARKA#4148

Post comment Comments
Dr.Vector - - 554 comments

phenomenal work!

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments


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Strogglet15 - - 1,388 comments

This mod deserves a great song to accompany it, and I know just one;

WAR! Never been so much fun!

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Ronnin2011 - - 38 comments

Oh man, I read it all, and honestly I love it all and can't wait! <3
Love the crossable rivers, the repairable bridges, the tiered combat system, all of it!

So, I also watched the trailer video and the first question that came up to mind is, about these tooltip icons over the infantry. They seem to be a bit big and could be proved to be immersion ruining for those who would like more of a cinematic experience when playing the game... Will be there a menu option or a hotkey to make them disappear? This would be really convenient tbh.. <3

One question that arose when I was finishing the read is, talking about performance, u said u used a dxwrapper and saw significant change, so I would like to ask you if u also tested r1d's implementation of Vulcan API on GenLauncher. Did u perhaps record the trailer while running on the Vulcan API?
Cause I did put 0.9.2 ver manually on GenLauncher, and saw big improvement on performance, at least when the AI didn't bug out.

Another funny question now. I noticed there is no collision happening when the BMP-1 light vehicle passed through a lamp post at the start of the trailer, but collision do happens when the tank passes through... That has to be a bug, right? :P

Btw, the new explosions and smoke FX are truly mesmerizing, mate. Really outstanding work!
Can't thank u enough for all this effort Vec! <3 <3 <3

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

I could add an option on the launcher to toggle on/off the icons but it would not be a good idea to add hotkey in-game since it cannot be programmed client side meaning if one players turns off/on on one unit, everybody else would also see it happen.

I think I did check out Vulkan dll some time ago but did not see any improvements on my end. One thing I forgot to mention is DxWrapper also helps me avoid most crashes during matches entirely. It only crashes in the score menu sometimes after big matches.

BMP-1 didn't collide with the post possibly because of the script used to make the army move smoothly in formation ignore the collision iirc. Without it, the army would just get stuck somewhere and ruining the scene.

Thank you again for your comment. Glad you love the new stuff. Not spoiling the whole thing these past few years has been really hard for me :3

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Ronnin2011 - - 38 comments

Yeah mate, I think most people would love to have the tooltip icons as an option and not always enabled! <3

Hmm, really strange for me to hear, that u didn't notice any improvement on ur performance, cause in mine the difference was night and day! Anyway, we will have to wait and see how the new ver will play out!

I can only imagine ur feelings on trying to keep some of the new stuff hidden for the release!

Keep it up Vec, and much love as always <3 <3 <3

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

I don't know honestly. It was weird for me too since DARK also gained good performance on it. Maybe it only affects graphics render and thus boosts it for much older GPUs and for mine has already peaked at graphics related performance? Maybe my card isn't supported lol?

Will have to remind myself to note it somewhere to recommend other people to try though.

But anyway <3

Reply Good karma+2 votes
SichuanPizza - - 6 comments

nice! nice! I can't wait to play this mod, look at these models you are a genius

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Thank you. Not too long now.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
nivranaitsirhc - - 2 comments

The blog is long but worth the read! Kudos!!!!!!

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Thanks for reading :D

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punkinguy - - 4 comments

this looks incredibly exciting!! my friends have just been getting back into c&c so this looks very nice to freshen the experience

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments


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GeistDesKapitalismus - - 4 comments

i want to play this mod badly but i cant get this mod to run idk...i installed many mods already in my lifetime but this one i just cant run..i have the ea app version of generals and launcher just launches the vanilla game

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Maybe try: or

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NekoChan123 - - 395 comments


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NekoChan123 - - 395 comments

Feel like Battlefield 2

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javsingh - - 5 comments

What a great work!

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GDI_Amiya - - 224 comments

Yes Yes! It's finally here, I'm really happy with the visuals now through the video, I really can't wait to play it.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Glad you like it!

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sgtmyers88 - - 2,832 comments

Welcome back! :)

Lol maybe one day I will finally retire my bloom/ENB stuff too since I was one of the guys that pioneered the method for ZH back in '08. You put it to good use over the years. I know it doesn't play well with GenLauncher and on modern OS's so more often than not it gets disabled anyways.

And yeah very much agreed on fixing the AI as most of the past 2-3 years since I came back into modding was rebuilding the AI for the skirmish and campaign missions for the two Redux mods to get rid of that awful lag this engine is known for due to the poor pathfinding and inefficient scripting behaviors. I "think" I finally squashed most of those bugs now with the complete AI rewrite. Its tedious but very much worth it for the sake of gameplay.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Really think you should change to Reshade. It offers better and more options including working anti-aliasing and even ability to create your own shader (if you know how to.)

Yeah, AI is one of the major sources for performance hit, I would say. Others like Particle FX, SFXs and bloom map also hurt performance considerably too if not handled right.

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

Congratulations on reaching this milestone!

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Banglaboi09 - - 23 comments


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WolfgodApocalypse - - 2 comments

This is insanely impressive

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Shadslayr - - 147 comments

love what you're doing here man. i have a question for you though or for anyone who can answer as this is something i have been racking my brain for years over. is there a way, ANY WAY, to rebind the ******* CAMERA CONTROLS to WASD. sorry for the caps but this problem has stumped me for the better part of 4 years now...

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Shadslayr - - 147 comments

also heard you mention COH and i wonder if you can make fireteams a thing instead of individual soldiers...i think they would make more sense with the infantry that way.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Squad is possible to do but they can't garrison buildings so modders tend to avoid it entirely.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Not really possible iirc
Maybe Gentool allows that but I'm not sure. Never used it myself.

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eil - - 873 comments

Since CommandMap.ini doesn't have commands connected with moving camera view/using arrows for that, i doubt you can do that in game.
But IF you really want to change those, you can make a simple AHK script rebinding arrows to wasd, and run it while playing. Though this would mean you'll either lose original functions of those wasd keys, or will have to rebind them to smth else.

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eil - - 873 comments

The trailer was so good that i totally missed the article. The part about performance improvement is most ast saw that much details mentioned, though some mods really try to dig in performance.

I wonder, if some individual player can use those mentioned DxWrapper with any mod? Like say copy some dlls and get other mods behave better graphic-wise.. Mentioned here Vulcan API is usually proposed with GenLauncher, which already is "a big headache" by itself(most my friends didn't manage this "magnificent launcher" to stop crushing silently), so i'd wish to find some manual addon that may solve at least graphic lags.

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VectorIV Author
VectorIV - - 3,196 comments

Yeah, DxWrapper works mostly like any other DirectX wrapper out there. Some versions do work well than others on the game though and it could be a bit tricky to adjust the values if you're not too tech-savvy.

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FooFlinger - - 77 comments

Get rid of the dumb icons above the infantry and I'll download

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Zenn_. - - 11 comments

It's kinda neeeded, you have different infantry types now and will be useful in combat.

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