Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. It features 32 explorable maps, reworked level design and level fixes, new original level, Trucks Cemetery, Full AI and A-Life overhaul, engine and script enhancements, Repeatable task system which bases itself on A-Life events, Customizable weather environments for every map as well as surges and psi-storms from AF3, Character creation which includes name, portrait and faction selection; Several optional modes such as Ironman mode, story mode and zombie survival mode, New achievements, rankings and reputation system, PDA leaderboard and enhanced PDA statistics, Companion system with keyboard issued commands, many optional side-features and community-made addons . Call of Chernobyl was player's choice Mod of the Year 9th place in 2015 and 1st place in 2016!


This mod adds the ability to go prone as featured in Misery. Now updated for 1.5 beta.

Low Crouch & Prone for CoC [1.5]
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tokarevs - - 389 comments

What weapon mod are you using?

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FΔUST Author
FΔUST - - 121 comments

I use AO 3.4.4:

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DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

Great job! Needed this.

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Vardayn - - 269 comments

Is there any way to togglelowcrouch like you can with highcrouch? It's a lot of buttons to press.

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FΔUST Author
FΔUST - - 121 comments

I'm unsure if there is built-in code to toggle each crouch level individually, but if you wanted to make prone toggle and low-crouch non-toggle, you could replace the 0.65 and 0.2 values mentioned above. Not the best solution, of course :\

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Morbo512 - - 134 comments

Could just swap the keys for them after doing that

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Fourch3TT3 Online
Fourch3TT3 - - 1,871 comments

Cool initiative. To me, it would be heaven to get the Arma crouching animations in Stalker.

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FΔUST Author
FΔUST - - 121 comments

I'd give my diet sausage for the Arma animations

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VelesTheStalker - - 165 comments

does it work with STCoP?

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FΔUST Author
FΔUST - - 121 comments

I haven't personally tested it with STCoP, but if it causes a crash, it'd be as simple as deleting the actor.ltx file. CoC will revert to using the actor.ltx packed in the .db file in the absence of a modified one.

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Fourch3TT3 Online
Fourch3TT3 - - 1,871 comments

No problem with STCoP, i'm using it. STCoP has no specific "actor.ltx", it's using the vanilla one.

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FΔUST Author
FΔUST - - 121 comments

Thanks for the confirmation! :)

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ryzajr - - 19 comments

I haven't played Misery.

What's the benefit of going prone?

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FΔUST Author
FΔUST - - 121 comments

You're able to fit into much smaller spaces than previously, so you can get under desks and other objects to shoot from.

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ZoneWizard - - 154 comments

Thanks also for mentioning the numbers you changed in the file. I have other mods using the same file so we can just copy/paste your numbers into the other modded file =D

Also VERY useful for taking cover.

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FΔUST Author
FΔUST - - 121 comments

No problem at all! Glad this stuff is being put to use :)

The game feels much more immersive because of something so simple.

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Kostov - - 1,829 comments

Here's for anyone who wants to bind the crouch + low crouch buttons to one key. Download AutoHotkey at and open Notepad. Paste this and change it if you like.

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#IfWinActive, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

*Z::SendInput, % "{C}{LAlt " ((X := !X) ? "Down" : "Up") "}"

The Z on the bottom line is the button you press to go prone. {C}{LAlt} means the buttons you need to press normally. For me, C is crouch, and left ALT is walk/low crouch.

Save the file with an .ahk extension and open it with AutoHotkey, see if it works ingame. The normal Z key won't work when ingame unless AutoHotkey is turned off.

By the way, good mod. It's fun to fit into small spaces.

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eastindies - - 64 comments

Hi! how did you get this to work? I've tried messing around with the script here but pressing Z doesn't do anything

btw sorry if I'm necroposting

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zaldronthesage - - 94 comments

Can you tell me what lines you edited to get this to work in the Actor.ltx file. I wanted to manually change them so I dont run into any compatibility issues with my mods. Thanks!

EDIT: Nevermind I just checked the discription

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nerf999999 - - 4 comments

works with call of misery?

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cppierce - - 61 comments

You say change the .65 and .02, but not what you change them to. A higher value or a lower value? I need to crouch lower in a mod. Thanks for the info.

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shimmervinzleblasta - - 27 comments

Does it actualy let you prone or is it just like in screen it looks like prone but actualy its just crouch?

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Kostov - - 1,829 comments

It's weird. Your character model still does a low crouch, but your actual head position is the same as being prone. You aren't actually proning - imagine the character's head on the ground while the rest of the body remains the same as if you crouch.

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hards27 - - 3 comments

:-D hahaha

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Jason_vos - - 3 comments

works with 1.4.22 CoC?

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skullkan6 - - 334 comments

I just wish Prone was its own toggle option on top of crouch and low crouch. It would make a ton of more sense and I could map it to Z. Some cover can only be used with crouch or low crouch.

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NerkoBoiii - - 10 comments

I love it

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Guest - - 699,881 comments

Does this actually reduce your hitbox while prone or only your head goes prone while your body is still crouching?

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irekprzybylski96 - - 93 comments

neck reckt

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