Tomorrow evening. You have to leave the country in the next 24 hours... some important business. Suddenly you realize you have forgotten crucial files and your passport at work. Since you really need all this, you will have to drive there, hoping that there is still someone to let you enter... if not this will be an illegal entrance. This will take two minutes and then you'll be back home for dinner.

Report RSS Optimization update is out!

An update containing better optimization & improvements for various levels was released!

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Hi stalkers! Patch time! 😎



I have received feedback about performance problems in some of the new maps.
I optimized a lot of (if not all) their particles, lightings systems, entities, etc. to gain a maximum of FPS.
Dozens of items, hand-by-hand, hours of work.

It's better now!
Have some tips,
especially if you don't have a recent computer:

  • Play in 720p or 900p. Avoid 1080p. Do NOT play in 4K, the engine is not designed for this.
  • Keep the default old-school render.
  • Select performance mode when you begin a new game.
  • Remember that Forbidden Trip needs a much better computer than original Amnesia!

It's sometimes a little difficult to improve things due to engine limitations and design choices but I'll keep an eye on your comments like usual. I'll do my best to improve performance; I've been 100% committed to this since the beginning.

Music room


Some puzzles in the new chapters were made a little easier thanks to minor edits, new visual & audio hints, more detailed quests and notes. Thanks for the feedback!

I also spotted one or two little mapping errors plus a typo; the rest should be good!

North tower


Steam release was delayed… obviously… still should be for Q4 2022 at least. 🤷‍♀️
It was scheduled for Halloween but the validation process is way, way slower than expected (and promised). We use a support ticket system to communicate and it's chaotic… long answer delays (often 4-5 days), different interlocutor nearly each time, difficulties to understand each other, a lot of precious days lost, demands not read and robot-like answers… 😐

When I paid my Greenlight pass in 2018, I was told there would be one person assigned per developer to make communication easy, with answers sent the next day. It's not the case at all.
If it was today I would not do it again. It is a bad joke…

I should say how I am sad of what this platform has become, for players AND developers…
… but I don't have any expectations left. I'm really tired and disappointed. I don't care anymore.
So, whatever, let's move on. 😑

In a result, I decided to keep it to the strict minimum there: game will be out as promised and will receive patches, that's normal.

In the other hand:

  • I dropped the achievements: anyway it demands way too much work for what it is.
  • I quickly dropped their Workshop system: it's too "Steam centered", I don't want that, especially when I see how everything is handled there for a few years.

If I add a workshop later I think that will be via though. 🤔
I heard about it again recently after seeing news from Insurgency: Sandstorm.
It looks MUCH better for everyone…
I made a dev account and will see how this work when I'll have some time (not at the moment).
We'll see in the future. ✅

If you want to be notified when Forbidden Trip is released on that platform, just follow this group.

New clean launcher
⬆ New & clean launcher.


I noticed that some antivirus software detected the Forbidden Trip Windows launcher as malware; don't worry, this is a false positive of course.
I sent the file for analysis and whitelisting to concerned companies; I already received a few positive answers.

Feedback still welcome! To be sure don't forget to set your game folder in the ignore list inside your antivirus settings. 😉

Time to change


  • Redone numerous particles, lighting systems, entities…
  • … to optimize four of the new maps (temple, theatre, sento, city streets).
    It was a lot of work but FPS should be better now.
  • Optimized one "older" map (destroyed school F1 - Northern section).
  • Improved tips, quests and added a new note in most recent levels.
  • Added two missing sound effects during concert.
    I forgot to include them earlier.
  • More details in new maps!
  • Minor edits and tweaks as well.
  • Minor update in credits.
  • Minor UI updates.
  • Launcher was redone:
    • Removed all things related to Steam. 🧹👌
    • No more Steam Workshop link: is A LOT better.
      We'll see in the future if and how it will be implemented.
    • Now you will find [Support] button, which redirects to Mod DB, plus also [Projects] which shows all creations by Yanka Prod.
    • Launcher can be detected as malware by some antivirus softwares: it's a false positive, no worries. I contacted every concerned AV companies to get verifications then whitelisting for the launcher. Some AV already updated their definitions while other requests are still pending.

East tower


Thanks for all those who already tried Forbidden Trip and especially those who sent me messages with feedback! 🙏

Sorry for the problems of optimization… with today's patch I tried my best to improve things but don't forget to try the little tips I gave as well if you don't have a very recent computer! 🙂

Don't forget to check the Mod DB forums for official support or sending feedback, bug reports… ✅

Other patches will follow if needed.
More content to come eventually.


Would you be so kind to leave a review? Even short, as long as it's constructive!
This game was created by one crazy person during a long time (way too long) so I'm a little curious in the end.

That's all for today.
Thanks again and take care stalkers.


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