Initially developed and released by Gearbox Software in 2001, second Half-Life add-on, Half-Life: Blue Shift is a return to the Black Mesa Research Facility and another look at the Incident's consequences from the eyes of Gordon Freeman's best friend - Barney Calhoun. In 2012, Crowbar Collective has delighted Half-Life fans with release of the magnificent Half-Life remake, but there are still no released remakes for add-ons. This is when we are coming in - HECU Collective are developing the Black Mesa: Blue Shift - a free remake with use of Black Mesa resources and style. We will try to stay as close to the original Blue Shift and Black Mesa as possible. Our mod will be releasing partially, chapter by chapter, so those who are not patient for the full release will finally have something to play!

Report RSS Chapter 3: Duty Calls - September Article

Hello everyone! In this article we want to show you the current development progress of the third chapter, "Duty Calls", and few other interesting updates as well.

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Chapter 2 September Article Header

After the release of the "Insecurity" chapter, Skyms2663 (creator of the Black Mesa: Insecurity) contacted our team and gave us his restored map sources, which made development of the third chapter much easier. Our level designers used these sources as a base for our maps. Some places are even being slightly improved without major changes.

While part of the team was still working on the second chapter, a separate part of it was busy by making "Duty Calls". Geometry and base design for the locations are mostly done, and next things to do will be more detailed visuals pass, adding gameplay and optimizing the maps.

It's no secret that in the original Blue Shift, the entire chapter took a maximum of 15-20 minutes to complete. Location designs changed too quickly and that time was not enough to get in the atmosphere of different zones. So, in order to fix that, we will expand this chapter too. There will be some small additions, and maybe some new places where player could walk on, adding more time to spend there.

You must've become tired of all this text, so let's get to the fun part!

We'll start with a screenshot of the location based on Skyms2663's work. This and many other places were greatly remade and improved by Faber:

Duty Calls - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Next location took BlackPriest's inspiration and skill to improve the overall picture that players will see:

Duty Calls - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

We want to mention that Kevin Sisk helps us not only with voice acting! He makes a lot of models and textures for our mod, and this is really an invaluable help for us! Here's one of his works, which was in a few shots from earlier in this article:

Duty Calls - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Here's a custom model made by Rimas:

Duty Calls - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Daver, оur great composer, prepared a piece of new soundtrack for the upcoming chapter:

Our main level designers create awesome soundscapes, we hope that they will completely immerse you in the atmosphere of the Black Mesa incident. Listen to what post-resonance cascade complex sounds like in our mod:

Since the release of the second chapter, we posted some early screenshots of the "Duty Calls" on our Patreon. Here's the updated screenshot of a location shown there few months ago:

Duty Calls - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

And, here's some progress on other things:

With Validator's help, we are improving the old janky animations with the motion captured ones! You can see one of them in the next video:

The last thing we will show in this article will be the new UI for our mod! Stavaas, who made the custom ModDB mod page design is in charge of it. It's still in development, but you can see what it will look like. We would like to know what you think about it.

BSQTUI - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

The new academic year has started and therefore free time has decreased for some of our team. the development may be longer than we wanted. We think we can finish everything by the end of october, but that's just some dark magic predictions that shouldn't be taken as the real release timing.

If you haven't seen our two chapters - you can check it out by yourself:


Steam Workshop

You can join our discord and talk to us and other people!
HECU Collective Discord

Here is the link to our VK page:

HECU Collective VK

There you can support us financially:


Thank you for reading this article and supporting us!

HECU Collective

Post comment Comments
X-Ray. - - 993 comments

Amazing progress guys, keep it going!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
23-down - - 3,600 comments

Indeed some damn lovely work and good thing that you managed to obtain the source files of Insecurity chapter 3. It makes me happy to see that skyms2663 great work will still be used and that his great efforts weren't in vain. Even better to hear that you folks improved up upon it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
maxime-n2 - - 18 comments

I love the menu.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
TOVOT - - 181 comments

menu and interface is important in all games/mods (not sarcastic).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Pauolo - - 511 comments

Keep up the good work, guys!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
Guest - - 699,742 comments

nice. guards still need better models tho

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Fiffle__Sniffle - - 18 comments

Wow, it's crazy how far you've come since January, and even crazier to see so many well-known and talented people helping you guys out! That menu is pretty cool and all, but I'm thinking you could maybe have an option for the normal, new, BMS UI, either in another batch file, or in the game's settings, so that we can use the old-new UI instead, good job!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
wmf776759 - - 479 comments

Those are huge improvements! Can't wait for chapter 3 release.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
warbrand2 - - 391 comments

Love the new animation that has been shown, can't wait to see everything this mod has to offer. Also really like the shotgun video shown on black mesa's discord.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Guest - - 699,742 comments

Nice work, you are making my dream!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Guest - - 699,742 comments

Sweet baby jones! This is the best news I've seen yet for now. I'm looking forward to Xen.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Lucifer97 - - 234 comments

DAMN ! All these developpments look really amazing. Kudos to your sounddesigner too !!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
RedSlug - - 580 comments

Love the doormat!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
basedbongo - - 83 comments

I really like that menu UI!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
meload - - 57 comments

I really got excited for what will coming! Amazing work! Keep it up!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 699,742 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 699,742 comments

Just finished Black Mesa and found out about this project. I enjoyed the first two chapters so much! Thanks for making this!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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