Initially developed and released by Gearbox Software in 2001, second Half-Life add-on, Half-Life: Blue Shift is a return to the Black Mesa Research Facility and another look at the Incident's consequences from the eyes of Gordon Freeman's best friend - Barney Calhoun. In 2012, Crowbar Collective has delighted Half-Life fans with release of the magnificent Half-Life remake, but there are still no released remakes for add-ons. This is when we are coming in - HECU Collective are developing the Black Mesa: Blue Shift - a free remake with use of Black Mesa resources and style. We will try to stay as close to the original Blue Shift and Black Mesa as possible. Our mod will be releasing partially, chapter by chapter, so those who are not patient for the full release will finally have something to play!

Report RSS Chapter 2: Insecurity - June Article

It's Half-Life: Blue Shift's 20th anniversary! Because of that, we are giving you some info, screenshots and more!

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We are glad to post something for all the fans again! Today is the 20th birthday of Half-Life: Blue Shift, and we couldn’t skip that date, so there’s news about the development of the second chapter of the remake.

Insecurity - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

There is the surveillance room, where you can see what's going on in the different places of the Facility.

Insecurity - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Yes, we've got shooting range. and a donut. Behind the wall.

Insecurity - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Right now we are rechecking the maps in their current state and improving their design and details where possible. We started to fill them with scripts and interesting scenes that will immerse you more into our mod.

We’ve got our HUD in progress now. It’s hard to make it unique while there are so many restrictions. HUD in Black Mesa was made solely for the Black Mesa, so we can’t do much customization or restore some of the HL2 features, because they are not working now. It’s impossible to permanently disable the scanlines, because this option (that was implemented by Crowbar Collective) is broken in BM. It would be great to have it fixed.

Also, there will be new Glock animations and hands model.

HUD and new animation - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Some screenshots of the work done with our new member - ICEBIRD112:

Insecurity - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

Insecurity - Black Mesa: Blue Shift

We are trying to make our mod look and feel as best as possible, so it takes some time. We think that the Insecurity chapter will be released next month, if everything will go smooth. Will you like the new additions or not – this release will make it clear for us.

If you haven't seen our first chapter, Living Quarters Outbound, you can check it out by yourself:

HECU Collective Discord ServerBlack Mesa: Blue Shift | Chapters 1-4 | Steam Workshop


You can join and chat with us on Discord, VK and support us on Patreon where we post some exclusive content!

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Your support really matters to us.


HECU Collective

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XRGMUser - - 94 comments

Awesome. Even the dialogue is way better than Azure Sheep. Keep it up, and now that you mentioned Blue Shift's 20th anniversary, I'm going to go play Blue Shift again.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
supergamergrryan - - 20 comments

Awesome!! I can't wait for this to come out. By the way, is the HUD going to change? In my humble opinion, it doesn't really look that good, and doesn't fit the style Black Mesa has.

Besides that, it looks great!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
wmf776759 - - 479 comments


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MariusMaximus - - 1,290 comments

Wow this is amazing! So are these the same voice actors from Black Mesa? It sounds almost the same to me, if not exactly the same.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
UnstoppableGiant - - 26 comments

Yes! We have Kevin Sisk and Michael Hillard on the team, however the female scientist is Bones.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
23-down - - 3,600 comments

That's a lovely sentiment to the 20th anniversary. Fantastic news and these voice samples indeed do sound brilliantly executed. I'm open for enhanced areas as long as no official stuff is cut out. Black Mesa went the same way. If the extended areas are fitting and are not interfering with any official facility structure by their placement then most certainly go for it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
X-Ray. - - 993 comments

Been looking forward to hear from a new article. Looks gorgeous.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Aynekko - - 683 comments

Looking amazing from top to bottom. Fantastic work.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
LB47-Ghost - - 8 comments

the hand model suks it needs more work but good job boyz

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
UnstoppableGiant - - 26 comments

While I admit they're a little veiny, so are the npc's hands in Black Mesa. If you look at the multiplayer guard hands, they're a lot worse, but that's just because they were for a very small part of the game. Black Mesa: Blue Shift's hands are based off of the NPC, but enhanced and redone.

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DrEricstardman - - 5 comments

When will the second chapter be released?

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kingdruiduk.AKA.DJ - - 777 comments

Cant wait.

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