Reimagination of a singleplayer mod "Azure Sheep" for Half-Life 1. With great exclusion, everything that does not correspond to the canons of the original game will be cut out.

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We, HECU Collective, want to make an announcement.

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Greetings, dear friends. It's been 3 years since we started developing Azure Sheep remake - our first big project. We improved our skills, learned to implement new mechanics and just gave freedom to our imagination. This path was not easy, we were making mistakes and overcoming problems, now we are ready for even more bigger things that move us forward.

Today, on this ordinary winter day, HECU Collective is pleased to publicly announce a new project called Black Mesa: Blue Shift!

Black Mesa: Blue Shift Logo by Stavaas

Our choice may seem predictable to you - our team has been developing a mod about a security guard for 3 years. When we were informed that the Black Mesa: Insecurity was discontinued, we decided to start the development of a parallel project. At that moment, one part of our team was making a patch for Azure Sheep, and another part began to work on BM: Blue Shift.

Therefore, we want to announce that soon there will be the release of the demo, which will include a tram ride. You will see by yourself our take on the Blue Shift remake, with all features of Black Mesa. Evaluate our capabilities and tell us: do you want us to continue the work on this mod?

Right now, we've decided on a plan of further development. We want to release chapters one after another right after we finish them, so you could play them right away. It's important for us to test and implement new mechanics, location designs and let you know what you will experience in the future. This project is something we would like to create for the community. We understand that it's difficult to wait for the release of such projects for years, therefore, we want to share some progress with you. We hope you'll like it!

Living Quarters Outbound

Living Quarters Outbound

Living Quarters Outbound

Living Quarters Outbound

Living Quarters Outbound

We know that the voice acting in our previous mod was awful, so we've got help from the community - UnstoppableGiant will be the voice of Otis! You can listen to him in his SoundCloud!

And, for the last, here is the soundtrack for BM: Blue Shift, made by our composer - Daver (Aslan Akhmetov).


You can join and chat with us on Discord, VK and support us on Patreon where we post some exclusive content!

HECU Collective Discord ServerHECU Collective VK PageHECU Collective Patreon

Your support really matters to us.


HECU Collective

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X-Ray. - - 993 comments

Finally! someone had to do this mod, and you guys are best team who can do it. Wishing luck!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+18 votes
sebi5 - - 88 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Olonel - - 17 comments

So we have conflict between Guard Duty and BM: Blue Shift?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
KrispyOS - - 1,288 comments

No conflict! Remember, we're in a community so anyone can make what they feel like making!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+14 votes
RIMAS_HECU - - 80 comments

No conflict! Everyone is friendly :)

Reply Good karma+11 votes
THRRRPT - - 216 comments

Guard Duty is using Operation: Black Mesa's models and gameplay instead of Black Mesa's.

I can see room for both.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
CYrid - - 83 comments

Guard Duty is made by the same team whos making O:BM.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Argoon - - 1,085 comments

Nice knowing that blue shift is getting a black mesa make over and the screens do look fantastic but this page color hurts my eyes, literally.

update: The page color was changed, is much better now. :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
wmf776759 - - 479 comments

Good luck!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
23-down - - 3,600 comments

Glad to see that you guys managed to grab the maps of Insecurity. It would've been a shame to let the maps go to waste by that other mod team. The improvements being made to it either by them or by you are amazing. Good job and I can hardly wait for it to play it.

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StavaasEVG Author
StavaasEVG - - 74 comments

Actually, all content from Insecurity was gone, so every map you have seen was made from scratch.

Reply Good karma+8 votes
23-down - - 3,600 comments

Stavaas-BM Now that sounds wonderful, good job. Still did you reconstruct your maps upon their map designs?
'Cause they appear almost identical brush and model wise except that your version is far more advanced and polished. The Stairs, Tables and general brushwork look very much alike. Even the 5 monitors and many identical light spot positions are the same and present there. This can't be a coincidence. :)

Either way as said before. This is amazing news.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
StavaasEVG Author
StavaasEVG - - 74 comments

Yep, we were inspired by some Insecurity maps, but they were lacking details, so we've gone further.
If there are some good ideas in this mod, why leave them?

Reply Good karma+7 votes
23-down - - 3,600 comments

Stavaas-BM Absolutely and I agree. :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,559 comments

Damn, you guys are modding machines!
Was hoping you could go back to spruce up your older projects as the Definitive Edition broke their functionality but this is just as good!

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Guest - - 699,817 comments

Will you guys eventually be doing an Opposing Force remake or is there a team already at work on that?

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LeoJFC - - 753 comments

Who knows, only time will tell.

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Dune_Jumper - - 1,586 comments


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Guest - - 699,817 comments

Yes please!

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ElephantsDoingCrack - - 135 comments

Frankly, AMAZING!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Guest - - 699,817 comments

this looks amazing so far!!!! can't wait to play it, if/when it gets there!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Greenth-Mac - - 449 comments

Never thought that one coming, then again, non of us did. I can see why you went with remaking Blue Shift, this will be cool and I'll be in the wait to see this and "Guard Duty". Two Different projects, one game, let the fun begin!

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MafiaGreed - - 74 comments

I'll love to see this come out. I actually like Blue Shift.

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neophus - - 592 comments

So nice ! but why are you working on Blue shift and not Opposing Forces ?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Greenth-Mac - - 449 comments

I think it is obvious, they've already had assets and entities that were made for Azure Sheep Remake, so starting Blue Shift will be easier, especially that making Opposing Force is not an easy task since it requires lots and lots of new codes to write. We do have another talented team remaking opposing force alongside blue shift.

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neophus - - 592 comments

It's true thanks

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WanderingVA - - 24 comments

Will more voice acting be needed?

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Faber- Creator
Faber- - - 188 comments

Sure - add me to discord Faber#7058

Reply Good karma+3 votes
JjForcebreaker - - 933 comments

Good luck, team!

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vanovich - - 20 comments

Рад тому, что вы взялись за ремейк Blue Shift. Уверен, у вас процесс разработки и выпуска пойдет быстрее - вы же опытные, как-никак. Единственное, чего хотелось бы избежать - это всяческой отсебятины, не вписывающейся в каноны, типа быстрых хэдкрабов в Черной Мезе и летающих Гаргантюа. А так, желаю вам успехов!

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StavaasEVG Author
StavaasEVG - - 74 comments

Подобного тут не будет. Разве что маленькие скриптовые сценки, возможно, если будут вписываться.

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PILLBOX-TEAM - - 47 comments


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Pauolo - - 511 comments

I'm glad to see someone is taking over after Insecurity got discontinued. Your maps of the first chapter look good. I can't wait to see your take on the train yard. :)

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iphellix2 - - 6 comments

Is there a approximate release date for the demo ?

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BlackPriest_HECU - - 272 comments

The best expression would be: Soon)

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baroquesphinx - - 2 comments

Is anyone having a problem with the game crashing every time they talk to the security guard in sector G hydro electric?

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hockland - - 14 comments

Is this project dead?

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