I've spent so many hours to make my version of Battlefield 2 which look like an upgraded original battlefield 2 for playing in Co-Op and Singleplayer A lot of modders and their works made this possible. Special thanks to Development groups of Heat of Battle, Project Reality, BFHD, Destructive Environment and Destroyable Vegetation mods and many more who created, edited and added custom guns, vehicles and skins addons to the battlefield 2 modding community. I owe you all for your hard works and my job was mostly editing or completing your creations. This mod will be uploaded soon only for people to download for free, install and enjoy it. There is no plan for future versions or adding and developing further.

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Preview of final contents and what've been added/changed during tests and bugfixes.

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Hi everyone, hope you are fine and having good time.

During tests of singleplayer and coop multiplayer, I've encountered some small and big problems :D, good news is 0 crashes in singleplayer but had a lot of bugs and crashes in multiplayer which managed to fix all of them so you will be fine if you follow my instructions after release which will have a video dedicated to it. I know you are happy now but it's not completely good news because some contents HAD to be removed for stable multiplayer experience, that's why I decided to release the mod with a switch for singleplayer and multiplayer coop with a single click. let's see how final version looks like and what changes happened.

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Multiplayer Co-Op:

Everything in singleplayer version is present in multiplayer BUT with limited destruction (No vegetations, No Houses or similar, No Barracks, Factories, etc)

Destruction in Co-Op includes only these: all kinds of Fances, all kinds of Walls and some military objects like vehicle shelters and towers (communication, floodlight and military mast) plus some barrels and some of the boxes

Full support of dedicated server to play alone or with friends with WORKING ARTILLERY and drops (no visual bugs for clients), I knew you would ask so I mentioned :)

Unfortunately for now aircrafts (jets and helicopters) fire extinguisher not working in dedicated server. It works as listen server btw. (working on it, hoping to find a workaround)

Artillery has some small visual differences from singleplayer version in order to work in coop without bugs. (No Blue/Red signal smoke and strips which are visible in below image of Singleplayer version)

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No dedicated server support when playing singleplayer version (can't be fixed, you can still use dedicated server in coop version with limited destruction)


Destruction of nearly everything (based on works of Penguinhh2345 and CHPower mod devs), edited one by one and made them to take damage and destroy only by explosions and heavy shells, not some small firearms like rifles or pistols and similar. (watch the new uploaded video)

Trees are rammable by heavy vehicles and with enough speed. (watch the new uploaded video)

Updated materials damage table.

Added Switching guns for some kits of every nation. (watch the new uploaded video)

Added unique A10 Thunderbolt behavior which will BRRRRRRRTTT... some ground targets in addition to bombing runs :) (watch the new uploaded video)

Bot Air jets will engage in dogfights using cannons a lot more instead of insta using air to air missiles (missiles still present) - this results in more air action (helicopters and jets) for maps.

Changed all vehicles physical stats to their real stats with some modifications to make them not break the game xD. (weight, engine, handling)

Bots will use Claymore Mines and AT Mines better (they don't kill themselves now most of the times and will not chase their target across the map with mine in hand and not using guns)

Mines will not detonate on friendly units. (It's better this way)

Artillery and drops always worked in singleplayer without any problems and still works.

Bots behaviors and gunplay improved further.


Small fixes, everything is fine now.


Two different in game graphic settings preset will be available to use, one with highest setting and another with lowest settings possible that works and won't crash or create problems. (Sorry but you can't set everything on low, it just won't work that way)

My made from scratch Reshade preset is included in mod and is optional to use. (Watch the new uploaded video for comparison with vanilla)

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Rest is as I already summarized in mod page.

Oh, you can watch my new uploaded video on my YOUTUBE channel (link on my profile - Contact/Homepage) for now. will transfer it here later on.

Special Thanks to testers: ftr33uc, Kill.Zainos and AVA

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