You wake up in Aperture Science where you have been chosen to test the new Aperture Science Multiversal Traveling Device (ASMTD) in Unit37, and for research you have been given a research core named E.L.I.Z.A, but because the portal became unstable you have been traped in another dimension and need to escape the facility but to escape it you will need to find a exit elevator with the help of E.L.I.Z.A, but remember it is possible that you may not be alone...

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Here at aperture science we are used to forgetting about project and coming back to them later.

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New chambers await the subjects

  • We are gonna use every single mechanic we can and make the experience feel fresh and exciting

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New Storyline

  • We improved the old storyline and wrote the script again but this time we can asure you all that we wont change it again soon

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New UI

  • The mod will come with its own logo and menu that will fit the aesthetic

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